//------------------------------// // I: Prologue // Story: Quality Time// by ChaoticLightning//------------------------------// I: Prologue Rarity was sleeping peacefully in her bed, until she was interrupted by a sudden tapping to her back. ''Has anypony even heard of beauty sleep?! I'm not even going to guess who it is, keep it down!'' Sweetie Belle looked down at her sister, as she was jumping up and down on her bed. ''Rarity, Rarity, I know we haven't spent any quality time together so I was thinking we could spend some time together. We could get our eyelashes done, get some pedicures, have some mud baths, and get some rejuvenating seaweed wraps.'' The purple - maned unicorn pulled off her sleep mask, lifted her head off of the pillow, and started to stretch her legs out to feel more comfortable. ''As wonderful as that sounds Sweetie Belle, I have to go down to the Ponyville Art Supplies Shop to pick up some art supplies and tapestries.'' She knew that Sweetie Belle wouldn't want to know why yet, spending time with her sister means the world to her. Rarity got out of the bed, walking downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast. ''Anyways, Sweetie Belle I'll be back later to spend some quality time with you.'' Rarity levitated a box of cereal down to the breakfast table, along with the milk and the spoons. She ripped open the box gracefully with her magic, pouring the cereal into two bowls, pouring the white liquid into the bowls along with the cereal, and mixing both of them with the spoons. ''Breakfast is ready, Sweetie Belle!'' Rarity shouted to Sweetie Belle, as she sat down in her seat near the kitchen table. ''So, let me get this straight. You're going to be busy with getting some art supplies, to do something that we can do together?'' Sweetie Belle looked at Rarity, suspiciously. Sweetie Belle trotted down the stairs fast, sitting down in her seat. ''Actually, I'm getting art supplies for an artistic masterpiece that we can make together.'' Rarity replied, showcasing a huge grin on her face. Rarity was feeling grief inside, but it wasn't worth it. ''Okay, then.'' Sweetie said, munching on the cereal loudly with her teeth. ''Trust me, Sweetie. It's going to be worth it, when we start to do something together for Hearth's Warming Eve, and to show that I love you.'' Rarity chuckled, eating a huge pile of cereal in her mouth. Rarity looked up at the clock on the right side of the kitchen wall, the sweat pouring down her whole body. ''I have to go, Sweetie. I'll be back as soon as possible, I promise.'' Rarity said, a blue aura glowing from her horn surrounding the breakfast items on the kitchen table. Rarity gracefully placed the items on the table into the kitchen cabinets. ''Love you, Sweetie Belle.'' Rarity walked over to Sweetie and hugged her. ''Love you too, Rarity.'' Sweetie hugged her sister back. A blue aura formed on the front door of the Carousel Boutique, opening the door gently. Rarity walked out of the Carousel Boutique into the snow covered roads of Ponyville, closing the door behind her. Rarity's pace was at a consistent yet steady speed to the local Ponyville Art Supplies Shop. Rarity smelled the sweet aroma of cupcakes, gingerbread houses, chocolate chip cookies, and fruitcakes coming from Sugarcube Corner. The window display of desserts attracted the crowds of hungry ponies, that were all lined up to even get one sneak peek of the desserts before they open for the rest of Hearth's Warming Eve today. ''I'd better get to the Ponyville Art Supplies Shop, before it closes due to the horrendous weather.'' Rarity said, trying to conceal her heat to keep herself warm through all of the snow. [/hr] Rarity opened the door of the shop gently, with the magic surrounding her glowing horn. The cashier was waiting impatiently behind the register, pounding his hoof on the hard marble surface. ''Next!'' The stallion cashier yelled into the microphone, to alert the next one on line to move up. Rarity moved up to the front of the line, after the latest customer payed for her art supplies and departed from the shop to go back home for the holidays. ''How may I help you, ma'am?'' The cashier asked, sucking his teeth impatiently. ''Not with that attitude, darling. Anyways, I would like some paint brushes, an art canvas, and paint cans please.'' ''Most certainly, that will be 48 bits.'' The clicking noise from the register opening, interrupted the cashier for a short moment. The cashier groaned with a whimper of disinterest, collecting the paint brushes, the art canvas, and the paint cans. He threw the supplies into a white bag without a care in the world, placing the bag on the marble canvas of the cashier's desk. Rarity took out the 48 bits from her saddlebag, placing the coins on the marble canvas, taking the bag of the supplies with her hoof. ''Thank you, have a very wonderful Hearth's Warming Eve!'' Rarity exited the shop, closing the door behind her. ''You're welcome, ma'am.'' The cashier said, cheerfully. Rarity wrapped her scarf around her neck, trying to keep herself from freezing to death with the frigid temperature almost turning her coat and skin pale. Rarity started to shiver from the snowflakes and the wind, blowing the small white flakes on her coat and in her face. Her body started to feel some fatigue from the long walk from the shop to the Carousel Boutique, finally reaching the front door of her business and her home. ''Sweetie Belle, I'm home!'' Rarity announced, opening the door with her magic. Rarity started skipping her way into the main workroom of the Carousel Boutique, placing the bag of art supplies on the floor. ''Rarity! I knew that you would return, so what are we going to do first?'' Sweetie asked, with a blissful look in her green eyes jumping up and down excitingly. ''We're going to paint a picture together but first, how about we go to the spa tomorrow?'' Rarity asked Sweetie, sliding the bag of supplies to the side near her mannequins. ''Sure, but are you hiding something from me?'' Sweetie asked. She didn't believe the words that her sister said, not one word. They might be sisters but, earning your sister's trust isn't as easy as everypony makes it out to be. You have to earn it, and learn to trust each other. Raising an eyebrow at Rarity, standing on her four hooves slightly, looking up at Rarity's guilty facial expression. ''No, I would never hide anything from you! Sisters always share everything with each other, even if it's a secret, something troubling you, or just to talk.'' Rarity smiled a huge grin on her face, wiping the sweat with ease off of her forehead. ''Okay, I'm watching you like a hawk Rarity.'' Sweetie walked up the long row of stairs, turning back to Rarity watching her with one eye, locked on her like a hawk. ''Phew -'' Rarity said, with a sudden feeling of relief. ''Like... a... hawk...!'' Sweetie shouted upstairs to Rarity.