Firewall, Unrelenting forces took you to the land that you--had, been longing to see, like a saught after triad. and everypony was cautious at first, but when they got to know ya it was like you gave BIRTH, to-a, new- kind- of- firewall, a shield of butane flames, slickin down yo mane.i gotta say, you was hit with a start when a certain pony had found her way to yo heart -but then Became possesed and in an act of duress of stress of violence she couldn't be silenced. so ya, brought out yo flame and discovered yo name and with an Explosion of pain you became a- new- kind- of- firewall, a shield of butane flames, slickin down yo mane, like a raging inferno it vanquished the shadow. Firewall, rise up ignite yo flame, and rise up. your time has come for you to shine son, to take the evil and make it undone. You had proven yourself with your will to fight, you faced the nightmare and put out her lights but this wasn't the reason you was brought, to this land of magic and strife and then it stabbed at ya just like the blade of a knife shocked as you were by this new revelation this devistation ya discovered that it was to stop!-- the man of creation. however! the god of equestria couldn't stomach defeat, couldn't beat the heat, a firewall of raw emotion! -He became blinder than Stormwing and stubborn as Luna, he tried to remove ya, for better for sooner. so he went and-- seperated you from the mare that you love and yo- couldn't remember that you had ever--, stood yo ground for the land that you loved-, a torrent of longing to be the sheild- you- was- made- to-be. A sheild that couldn't handle defeat. Now months have past and everypony knows your name, yo-claim-to-fame, well before ya won the game Six mares had come to beget-ya, fore other ponies forget-ya, as ya start to regress, and rise from the ashes. cause! yo gonna come back at him with a wall of flame, that will fry his brain, hotter-than-magmar. yo gonna brawl this shit! Firewall this shit! Reclaim everypony and maul this shit! Like a sonic-Rainboom exploding on the horizen, ya'll grow and wizen, like a god you is risin. and at David's demise you will minimise, make good on everypony who was victimised. and become the Stallian that everypony should know, stay true to your name, feed yo flame. restore balance and banish the pain Firewall- you'll rise as the god you was meant to be, yo victory will go down in history. and ya'll forever, be with everypony ya know and be sure to show that ya make room to grow. Firewall, rise up ignite yo flame, and wise up. your time has come for you to shine son, to take the evil and make it undone. Firewall, rise up ignite yo flame, and wise up. your time has come for you to shine son, to take the evil and make it undone. Firewall, rise up ignite yo flame, and wise up. your time has come for you to shine son, to take the evil and make it undone.