Felis Amafeles Catus
57 -
Last visited
Felis Amafeles
Earth Pony -
Unknow -
female -
Ponyville -
Realm of Clockwork and Gears -
Junior Calculator for Dr. Hooves, Artist -
Character Images
Cutie Mark Image
Physical Description
Felis is a cute lemon coloured earth pony. Her hooves are purple.
Her mane and tail are a very dark rose colour with light rose colour streak.
She has rose coloured eyes and purple pupils.
Her cutie mark is a purple letter ‘τ’ inside a pink circle drawn on a scroll. -
Her story relates to a trip of Dr. Hooves and Derpy.
Once upon a time, Dr Hooves' TARDIS sailed to a very cold planet.
It was so cold and dry that there weren't even any coniferous forests. Most of the surface was rock and tundra.
They still found signs of intelligent biological activity in a large crater.
Some of the creatures had drawn many, many solid circles of blue, green and red on the floor of that crater.
Dr. Hooves was researching what pigments the solid circles were painted in when Derpy was hugged by a creature.
It was a lemon-coloured pony and she hugged Derpy, crying, ‘Take me away, take me away...’
According to Dr. Hooves' observations, that lemon-coloured pony was an ordinary earth pony, nothing special.
After that, the lemon coloured pony took them to a nearby ‘shelter’ at the bottom of the canyon to recuperate and told them her story.Her name was Felis Amafeles Catus.
She came from the realm of Clockwork and Gears.
There, she was a Thinking Mechanical Manipulator in the Great Sanctuary of the Gears.
5 time cycles ago. She joined a cosmic pioneering project.
Their ship travelled 2 time cycles before civil unrest erupted within the ship and they were forced to land here.
She hid at the bottom of the canyon to escape, the rest of the ship, some of them died in the civil unrest, the rest of the ponies flew away with this fuel.
Among the remains of the astral ship, she found blue, green, and red motor oil.
According to her calculations, any image could be combined by arranging these three colours of motor oil at a calculated distance.
So for the next 3 time cycles, she fed on the mushrooms growing at the bottom of the canyon and tried to draw a giant distress symbol at the bottom of that large crater.
She stated that she would do anything for Dr. Hooves and Derpy as long as she wasn't left here to die, and was willing to become a slave herself if they needed one.Thus, she was brought to Ponyville by Dr. Hooves and Derpy, and not as a slave.
Felis works as the Thinking Mechanical Manipulator to do the basic calculations for Dr. Hooves' science experiments. -
She rarely spoke when interacting with other ponies, always listening. And then states the conclusions after her own analyses. Like a counsellor.
As she manipulates the Thinking Mechanical, you can hear her praying,
‘O Vivat Deus Mechanicus! Sit laus sanctae trinitati: Vectis, Elater, et sancta Lunctura.’
(Oh Long live the Machine God! Praise be to the holy trinity: The lever, the spring, and the holy gear.)
Because she has painted images made up of solid circles in the crater, that made her fall in love with pointillism art. Now she also creates public arts in pointillism for Ponyville. -
The Thinking Mechanical, Pointillism arts, Gears, Clockwork, Quiet place, Pixels -
Cold weather, Noiseful place, -
Magic Spells
None (she's an Earth Pony) -
Manipulates the Thinking Mechanical, Creates pointillism art -
Dr. Hooves, Derpy
Other Characters by this Player
- The Weaver
- Everfree Roleplay
- Player: Felis Amafeles