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Sky Warden

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Status Updates posted by Sky Warden

  1. Homura used the Power of Love so hard, the universe freaked out.

  2. wek up peepel:

    1. DND


      Tree is not a number either.



  3. Everyone I knew is now banned. What a great job you've done, mods.

  4. Fucking Game of Thrones spoiler. *le white bubbles on raging mouth*

  5. I find it funny as of how people who call themselves intelligent can't understand the less intelligent people.

  6. So someone complains about people complaining about life, and shares their sad life story and acts strong about it. My sides. XD

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      no wei i won 4git u eva' D':


      Though I guess I'm indeed an elitist.

    3. Satsuki Kiryuin

      Satsuki Kiryuin

      Meh. That honestly wasn't sarcasm, though.

    4. Sky Warden
  7. I just got reminded about why I hated this place.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Yeah, but the project where he confessed was another thing. I will tell her about it, I guess.

    3. Vinyl Scratch.

      Vinyl Scratch.

      Yeah that's probably a good idea, I should get back into writing myself xD

    4. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Okay, good luck.

  8. Any of you people play International Ragnarok Online?

    1. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      I play Ragnarok Online. I run a server for it.

    2. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      I was asking about people who play in the international server.

  9. Sweet song of Skyrim. Sky shattering Thu'um.

    1. toby rogers

      toby rogers

      "Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war! so sayeth the gods whom we serve." ~partly me at the end but - Julius Caesar

  10. *takes Pottermore quiz* Slytherin. Oh God - "We got Merlin" - YEEEAAAH!

  11. "I will ask someone for an opinion, and before they can explain why, I will block them so I can continue being depressed." Emo logic in a nutshell.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Well, then I may ask for some details then, since you are apparently some expert or whatever, like everyone thinks they are. Unless you basing it off of my simple sigs in the sigs for everypony thread. Those are meant to be simplistic. It is probably all of my pointless work though.

    3. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      I said you could, not you can. You don't seem to mind your tongue. I don't care much about your blocking. You seem that you REALLY WANT to be depressed, and you just deny it. Believe it or not, some people do enjoy self pity. Go on then. Stay depressed as you like. I have no time for this.

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Holy fuck, and you tell me I don't mind my tongue. How fucking arrogant. I answered you fairly clearly, you didn't. I gave you details that I do try to be happy, you say my work isn't very good and don't give me any details, not even small, why. Yeah, I don't mind my tongue I guess.

  12. I swear, those dirtbags who can't review a game without spoiling the story are... are... AARRGGHH!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rinkitty


      Not from a decent reviewer.

    3. Crispy


      Buyer beware, I guess.

    4. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      A game review isn't supposed to spoil the game story (and mystery). It's supposed to give a review on how the gameplay, technology, and story match. Here, in the case of story, not the 'tale'. It's about settings, theme. How the music fits some situations and stuff, not, "I felt very bad when I found this character died in such a tragic way."


      Also, there wasn't a spoiler alert on the damn thing.

  13. The whole Elder Scrolls series in my hand, plus Bioshock Infinite. See you in ten years, society!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      PC, dude. You can play anything with a computer. You can even play console games with emulators.


      I only have this one computer my mother bought me by borrowing money from my aunt. I use it mostly for work, of course, but hey, taking advantages doesn't hurt anyone.

    3. Obsolete


      Yeah, but with the PC I have to think about stuff. Specs, controls, erm... other PC stuff I probably don't know about..


      You may notice I'm brutally lazy. I probably don't deserve Bioshock. XD

    4. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Eh? PC is easy to use. You don't have to think that much.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aRegularPony


      No. The Keys to the box are in the box.

    3. Mr Underhill

      Mr Underhill

      LOL! that is sick...LOVE IT!

    4. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      I imagine if they find their alicorn-ness in a box like that. Gonna be hilarious.

  14. I work in a company which is also an ISP that my friends and I used to break through for free Internet connection back in high school. This is awkward.

  15. RPG made back in 90's are so damn scary.

  16. Banana chip covered in chocolate powder. Praise Lord Inglip!

  17. "Dude, what time is it?" "Uh, 'bout twelve o' cock." The funniest typo I've ever seen. XD

  18. Not sure if your siggy is sarcastic or not. XD

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Well, I just have different opinions about Rockymoo and Gary Oak, as well as Tricksey Lewlamoon. Now that I know you're just one member, I get confused about these feelings. *soap opera music playing*

    3. Rockymoo


      Really? Wow. Sometimes I wonder if I have MPD or something.

    4. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      M-music Player Daemon? What?


    1. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Oh, wait. Wrong person. I thought it was my friend Aquais. Sorry. XD

  20. If we listen to each others' hearts~

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      theng meh lata'



    3. Sapphire Quill

      Sapphire Quill

      Oh yiss, I know dat song, it be gud.

    4. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      dat b gut


      Songs back then were great.

  21. Great. I lost all data I had on my computer. Literally everything.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SkyStorm


      Crap! That sucks!

    3. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Well, at least now I have both Windows for gaming and Ubuntu for everything else. ;_;


      Now I need to redownload all of my musics, movies, games, books, BOOKS! D:

    4. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)


      Oh... oh. I'm sorry.

  22. Any particular reason you added me? XD

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