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About WildCard

  • Birthday 1992-01-24

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  1. So I had a pony dream and my friend tried to wake me up. I gripped my pillow tighter and mumbled "Do we really have to get up so early, Twilight?". I sure hope he has no idea what I meant/said. Nevertheless it was awkward :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WildCard


      @Frenzy: Me too but I doubt he's a Brony xD

      I wish Twilight would have really waked me up instead of my friend^^

    3. ~Lawful Jordo~

      ~Lawful Jordo~

      If twilight actually woke me up I would probably pass out from shock lol

    4. WildCard


      Depends on the dream you've had. I was more shocked about it being my friend after dreaming of Twilight and ponies^^

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