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A Glimpse of Everything

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Posts posted by A Glimpse of Everything

  1. Hello Discord! *blush* I was wondering... Would you like to hang out with me sometime? I think you are fun and awesome!



    I am afraid I can't. I'm quite busy these days.


    Dear Sir Discord, I was wondering, when you were still in your role of villain, have you ever considered allying with other villains? Like with King Sombra or Queen Chrysalis? Or maybe trying to turn Princess Luna into Nightmare Moon again?


    Having allies isn't really my way of doing things, as you've probably noticed. They'll simply turn on me for power, meaning they'd condemn themselves.


    After all, I am the god of chaos.

  2. D'oh mah gawsh Discord thinks that Muffin Thief is adorable!!!


    Wait, who you callin' mere?!? You're talking to the Muffin Thief!!! The one that stole the royal cake, three years in a row! UNNOTICED!!!


    I noticed.

  3. CHANGELING HUNT!!! *Gets out torches and pitchforks*


    As for Discord... Can Muffin Thief be an agent of chaos? PWEEEEEESE?


    I find it quite adorable that you think a mere muffin thief could be an agent of chaos.


    Believe it or not, the business of chaos is actually quite a serious one.

  4. Why Did you not dodge that Rainbow Lazer?


    That's a common mistake made by Bronies. I could do nothing about the "Rainbow Lazer" that the Elements of Harmony produced.


    The rainbows had my hypnotized.

  5. Are you still staying with Fluttershy, Discord?


    Hmm? Fluttershy? I suppose you could say we speak to each other often. She's quite a nice mare.

  6. Yes, but you're not a pony.


    Let's change the subject. Who's your favorite pokemon? Is it Absol? :3


    I haven't watched any Pokemon episodes or become a fan in particular of the series or card game. Though I am quite sure I'd win.


    Of all the Pokemon I know of, my favorites are Pikachu and Mewtwo.


    I may be a being of chaos and peril, but I've nothing against cuteness. 

  7. Lies about magic?


    Manipulates water reflections



    Creates light illusions in animated form (ignore text)




    Create lightning.



    And so on.


    That's weak, in your opinion?


    Well now, let's not jump to any conclusions.


    She may have slightly blackened the rear of an Ursa Major. But did I not manipulate the Elements of Harmony? As I remember - and I do remember a lot - the Elements of Harmony are the strongest magic in all the land.


    You see, dear one. I didn't mean to insult her magic. I am saying that my ways of temptation and persuasion are quite a bit more effective than those to her standard.

  8. What do you think of Trixie?


    The Great and Powerful Trixie? Well, she's definitely good at lying about her magic. And, not to mention stealing that Alicorn Amulet thing. She seems pretty... good... at what she does.

  9. I drink whatever, I don't really ever think about what I drink. I like to drink pop such as Pepsi, Coke, Mug Root Beer, Mtn. Dew, etc.


    I actually have excessive drinking (I drink any liquid in large quantities at a fast speed without thinking about it). There've been a couple times where my blood sugar was VERY high and my blood felt like it was at an abnormally hot temperature.

  10. Well, technology has become a part of life. Technology is appearing everywhere now. Even at our jobs. 


    The new technology may be overwhelming, but it's a part of life, now. I'm not saying we should completely shun the outside world. I still like to jump around in the snow and I love the forest. But, technology is a part of life. If you shun technology, you're gonna have a bad time.

  11. Well, chances are, if E.T. invades Earth, I'll kill one with my hunting rifle. And if I kill one with my hunting rifle, I'll steal his laser gun. And chances are, if I steal his laser gun, I'll modify it to shoot laser C4. And if I modify it to shoot laser C4, I'll probably go Juggernaught on all of the E.T.'s. And if I go Juggernaught on the E.T.'s, chances are they'll be fearing my insanity. And when they fear my insanity, they will leave our planet never to come back.


    And when they leave and never come back, chances are that I'll take a rocket to their home planet and commit genocide.


    Conclusion: You don't need to worry about E.T.'s anymore.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. I sleep with the window by my bed. But I like to sit next to it and look at the farmland when I listen to music.


    There've been a couple times where I fell asleep at the window because I lost consciousness from exhaustion. I have slight insomnia. 

    • Brohoof 1
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