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Status Replies posted by AmarisNsane

  1. School's finished.

  2. School's finished.

  3. And, I'm back :3

  4. School's finished.

  5. Wooo!~ I have snatched your friendship! >:D What do you plan on doing about this? lol, but really... just thought I'd say hello! ^^ How's everything going? Well, I'd hope?

  6. And, I'm back :3

  7. School's finished.

  8. School's finished.

  9. And, I'm back :3

  10. Akinator is annoying me. http://en.akinator.com/

  11. Good morning everyone! :D half day today so I'll be home early!

  12. Wooo!~ I have snatched your friendship! >:D What do you plan on doing about this? lol, but really... just thought I'd say hello! ^^ How's everything going? Well, I'd hope?

  13. Lol I just noticed every pony has a orange tongue xD

  14. skype me xxsnowdreamxx

  15. Night everypony :3

  16. A random and more than likely incomplete sig idea, featuring Kyoshi Lonehearted himself. http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/6954/kyoshisig2.png

  17. It's so hot... ;_; it's like 35 degrees >.<


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