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Posts posted by KaryDactyl

  1. 1) The carwash. I was dead certain the windows would break and we'd be crushed. True story.


    2) Walking into a room with no lights on, especially when you are opposite a mirror (like in a bathroom). If something was in there, I wouldn't know until I was in the room with it. Yig. (To this day, if possible I reach into a room to turn the lights on before I enter.)


    3) Crane flies, also known by the misnomer mosquito eaters. I knew they were harmless, but as far as my instincts were concerned, it was a flying spider. (This is still kind of a problem... XD)

  2. Given that I typically encounter OCs in roleplays, I only care about one thing: are they fun to roleplay with? I really do not care if your OC is ultra powerful, I care if the powers make things interesting or boring. Is your OC eye assaultingly colorful? Play them wrong, burn with fire, play them right, appreciate the quirkiness. I used to diss OCs based on their played out backstories and poor visual design, but I've come to realize that isn't important if the player makes them interesting in action.


    That being said, I'm also a huge lover of cohesive color schemes and backstories I haven't heard a million times. But you can have these things and still not be interesting. XD

  3. I'm a Northern Californian, so my accent is to say "hella" ad infinitum. XD


    I can also pull off a decent 'valley girl' accent. For those of you who might be unfamiliar, that's the one that goes, "Like, um, oh my gosh! No way, that did, like, so totally just happen." To complete the picture, imagine hair twirling. XD It makes for a really ditzy appearance, so it's fun for me to do it sarcastically while telling someone they're wrong about something. XD


    Also, because half of my friends are Mexican (or are Spanish speakers who grew up in an area of predominantly Mexican Spanish and therefore have that accent), that comes out in my speech, too.



    HellahellahellahellahellahellaHELLA. XD

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I love Applejack. I love her color scheme, and I'm very fond of the "ponytail with the tie at the very end" look. Is it strange that my favorite moments of her involve her lying? Like when she was tricked by Discord (HER DISHONEST FACE OMG) or when she was trying to get Pinkie Pie to leave so they could prepare her surprise party. Soooo bad at lying. XD But other than those moments, I like her because I've always liked characters who can be both caring and snarky. XD (But I like all the ponies. XD)

    • Brohoof 2
  5. TBH Babs Seed bugged the heck outta me at first. Her accent seems really forced to me, and I don't particularly care for her color scheme... But the face she made in the group scene after she got inducted to the CMC, and her way of scaring off Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon? Totally won me over. XD


    Twilight's "reverse gravity, make slide" technique in The Crystal Empire was pretty dang clever, and I think it solidified her smartness to me. You can tell an audience a character is smart, but it's only when you show it that it really sticks.


    And it's not from season 3, but Pinkie Pie's dealing with the parasprites? Totally relatable to me to be so into your solution, you forget to explain it to the people around you. XD

  6. I think I like Rainbow Dash best when she's doing her "ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh" routine. So dorky, so cute. XD


    Speaking of Sleepless in Ponyville, the part at the end with the little race made me squee, and not just Dash! I looooved how Rarity was walking, then giggling and trotting, then broke out into a run. I guess I just love when cool/demure characters act silly. XD

    • Brohoof 4
  7. That's my highest too and I have yet to hear of anyone getting better then that.


    So is anyone else having trouble with the get free gems not working? I click on it and it says "No free cash available at the moment. Please try again later." I was counting on those gems. Now it will be forever before I get Dash or ever beat the game for that matter if that doesnt work anymore. Im on ios and have the winter update.


    GameLoft id: StarStepPony


    I've never been able to get free gems, it doesnt even show up for me as an option. But I have friends who are able to get them with some regularity.

  8. I eat a variety of foods, primarily edible ones. Jkjk.


    I love love love fruits and veggies, but Im too lazy to prepare vegetarian meals. As for meat, I could probably live without it if I had someone to make me vegetarian food. XD But of the meats, my favorites are beef, bacon, and raw fish. Mmmn, sushi. <3 I also eat a lot of Greek yogurt and drink lots of soda and tea.


    I'd be a lot healthier if I weren't so lazy about cooking. ;P

  9. I think it would come down to why they were fighting, and therefore how serious they'd be about it. Instant sudden desire to murder the other? Twilight, with laser beams possibly preceded by an immobilization spell. Long term competition where each has goals counter to the other? Pinkie Pie, for sheer unpredictability and stamina. Twilight would give her a run for her money, though. Also, Twilight seems likely to come up with a compromise anyway. Some kind of friendly sparring match (say, Twlight wants to test her magic's combat utility and enlists Pinkie for help)? Initially, Pinkie Pie, until Twilight gets used to thinking in combat mode. Some kind of game? Pinkie, because I imagine her taking games WAY seriously. XD

    • Brohoof 2
  10. Pretty good for a first try! Some other things I noticed have already been pointed out, so I'll just mention one thing. I'm not sure what's going on with where his front legs attach to his body. (But TBH, that's the second biggest issue I have with drawing ponies myself. XD) Assuming the leg that's angled towards his hindlegs is his right front leg (and should therefore be on the side of his body opposite the viewer), you might want to make the line that marks his belly continue to where his left front leg attaches. I hope that makes sense, it's kind of hard to describe. XD


    I like that he looks really serious and manly (mane-ly? lol), way cool. :)

  11. Ooh, this is really lovely! I think you caught her anguish very well. Often times you'll see a drawing where the character is supposed to be sad and it just doesn't look sad. But that is not the case here! Kudos to you! And the wings remind me of stylized wings you might see in a tattoo, which works well with the ear piercings she has there. The only thing that throws me slightly is her mane. I really love how it looks at the roots, very structured and nice, but further down, I think the detail lines are a little thick, and I feel like it makes her mane look... clumpy? I don't know exactly how to say how it looks now, but I think if you used thinner, longer, and fewer lines there it would make her mane look really light and flowy.


    Anyway, this is super pretty, and I think the time you put into it was well spent. How frustrating it must be for her to be crying; she's hurt because she was betrayed, and now her own body is betraying her by producing the tears she was hurt over in the first place! I didn't catch if your OC has a name, though? I'd be curious to know it. :)

  12. @, @Pripyat Pony


    Lucky Guess watched the exchange between Autumn Dream and Diego, nursing what she assumed to be the 'tourist cider'. So Autumn was supposed to be in a mental institution? Probably had something to do with her mentioning she didn't know why ponies called her Autumn Dream. LG hoped she wasn't subject to any quackery, the poor dear.


    "Well, it's not like I know anything for certain, but it seems like if you go out that door, you... end up where you intend to go? Like the white mare over there," Lucky Guess motioned to Pripyat Pony, "She went outside earlier to inspect another mare's wagon, but I don't think they'd met before? So I have to guess they didn't come in together, and if that's the case, then she probably couldn't know for sure where the wagon was other than it was in the place the other mare came through. So, by intent, she was able to get to the wagon, instead of ending up with a face full of not!velociraptor." After finishing the thought, Lucky Guess realized how long she had been talking and also that she revealed her habit of eavesdropping. Embarrassed, she took the last drink of her cider and sent the mug down with a clink, then said in a rush-


    "-but that's all speculation really oh would you look at that make it three drinks over here."

  13. I've gotten my friend into playing the game, and she could use some more friends. Do me a favor and add CrystaSharding? Thankies. :)


    Also, people tell me that you can get gems by watching ads on the buy gems page, but it never shows up for me. Is anyone else having this issue?

  14. Convert is such a strong word. I prefer assimilate. >8D


    But really, a lot of my friends already like MLP. I only have one friend who I really want to watch the show, and her resistance stems mostly from not having a good way to watch it. I got her to download the game app, and slowly she is becoming obsessed with ponies. It is only a matter of time... *maniacal laughter*

  15. Hehe, I love how poofy her tail is! And the determined expression is very Rainbow Dash, especially her eyes! The colors and the shading is lovely, too. But while I like the thicker legs, her left front leg seems a little thin where it connects to her body. If her visible hindleg was similarly tapered, I don't think it would throw me as much, but the front leg looks like it doesn't quite belong. But that's not a big deal. What is a big deal is how cute her nose and cheeks and ears are. So adorbs. <3

    • Brohoof 1
  16. I did a little experiment, assuming that apples are of normal size in Equestria, Applejack came out around 6 apples tall to her back and 9 or 10 to the top of her head. Even assuming that Sweet Apple Acres apples are really large, it still does not reach more than 2,5 to little bit less than 3 feet to the back, plus about a foot and a bit for neck and head and a little bit more for the mane. Probably less.


    We will never know, but in my dreams they are also two feet to the back and the size of Shettland pony seems too big for me. I pretty much imagine them of the size of children's rocking toy http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/madisuudam/madisuudam1008/madisuudam100800001/7533530-little-smiling-baby-boy-on-rocking-horse.jpg


    I assumed that the apples, like the ponies, are somewhat cartoonishly proportioned... But I have to admit, ponies that size sound awfully cute. C': And oh my gosh, the fillies! Can you imagine! They'd be like little puppies! But speaking of puppies, that would make all the other animals in Equestria rather small... Still cute. XD

    • Brohoof 1
  17. This is something I've wondered myself. Around 4 feet sounds about right to me? I have to imagine if I was standing amongst these ponies I'd be taller than them to the point I'd have to look down if they were standing close by, but if I was standing next to Celestial I might have to look up a bit? I want to do my own comparisons with the objects of known heights in the show and come up with a range of values.

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