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Everything posted by Woohoo

  1. I'm post happy today!

  2. Woohoo

    mega thread Metal Thread

    I still find the metal genre to be very confusing, but I really should just "Shut up and enjoy the music" Anyway here's my favorite Black Sabbath song
  3. If you want to know how I posted four videos? I'll tell you. I used [*media*] [/*media*] tabs on the last two videos (just remove the *'s) Don't know why it can't handle four videos...
  4. Since I already posted in the metal thread. Might as well post in this thread... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1Hb9ABpyts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfDDbBBUVug Why am I posting live performances? Because posting studio versions is too mainstream
  5. Woohoo

    mega thread Metal Thread

    I've been into metal for two years now. It really annoys when people label AC/DC, GNR or any hard rock bands as metal! Hell, even Angus Young hates being labeled metal. Come to think of it, is there any difference between hard rock and heavy metal? Anyway, some Megadeth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umeZtszNShk
  6. Woohoo

    mega thread Metal Thread

    Probably, since I love metal. I've been watching this thread for a while but I was afraid because I might post a song and I'll get something like... Anyway here's some Maiden
  7. Woohoo

    mega thread Metal Thread

    Oh noez! I got the wrath of Dawn! I'm sooooo scared! /sarcasm Anyway, back to the metal. Hmmm, guess I'll give in and post some Slayer
  8. Why did I decide to post in the Metal Thread!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Because you are a devil worshiper listening to that music?

    3. HunterTSN


      Just so you know, Satanism is a sin.


      All hail Cthulhu, the true dark lord!

    4. Le Kvlt Dawn
  9. Woohoo

    mega thread Metal Thread

    No, I am not referring to the Metalcore you posted. I'm referring to Dawn usually posting "[insert band here] is better than Mainstreamtallica!"
  10. Woohoo

    mega thread Metal Thread

    I'm already there Metallica is 100000000000000x times better than Mainstre-... Goddammit! Now I'm starting to talk like Dawn
  11. Banned for not worshiping my signature
  12. I should make myself a signature

  13. I'm addicted to Slayer...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blue Lightning
    3. SmittyWerbenjagermanjense
    4. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      The result isn't going to change, I still think he should listen to this song lol

  14. Feels like every page has at least one Slayer nomination... might as well keep the trend going. Anyway, my next nomination is "Divine Intervention" which is my second favorite Slayer album (after South of Heaven)
  15. Damn, you beat me! Yes, lets, I'm not very fond of Metallica's 90s albums though I tolerate the album you were about to mention (barely...) Anyway, my next nomination is "World Painted Blood" by Slayer
  16. *blows some dust away* It's been a while. Anyway, my next nomination is Led Zeppelin III since Led Zeppelin IV is already on the list.
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