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SCS's post in The Ability To Down Vote Posts was marked as the answer
This is possible, but it's not something that we're going to do. MLP Forums is based on community interaction and friendship, and being able to rate content like this just doesn't fit into that model. If you don't like something, there are more constructive ways to express that than a downvote. If you like something, you can brohoof a post and/or respond to it saying so.
Thank you for this suggestion, but it's not something we're going to add.
SCS's post in Character Database Addition was marked as the answer
Okay, I've just done some investigation and figured out a few things as a result.
That sort by list that you provided a screenshot of isn't intended to narrow down the list to find any specific characters. It's designed to sort the list of all characters in a way you specify. It is possible for me to add a custom field to character pages that would require people to enter in their username, subsequently placing an option to sort that list by who created the character.
However, that would do something very similar to what the current Member ID sort option does. It wouldn't let you find your own characters more easily, it would just sort the list in numeric order of user IDs or, if I did what I mentioned above, in alphabetic order of usernames.
That being said, there is an alternative way to find characters that you have created.
When you are in the character database, click the search button (the button on the far right):
Click the gear icon (to the right of the green button):
On the page that appears, select Pages, enter your username into the Find author field, select Characters in the Search In list, and then click Search Now at the bottom. The settings would look like this:
You'd then see a list of all of your characters.
Please note that if you wanted to see your Equestrian Empire characters you would need to select Equestrian World Characters in the Search In settings.
Due to the fact that we have this feature as well as the find content feature on profiles, I don't think there's anything I could add to make it easier to find characters you have made, so I'm going to go ahead and lock this topic. The find content feature is broken at the moment, but only for forum posts. If you click Pages under By Content Type on your content page and select Characters under More Filters, you will be able to see a list of your characters.
Thanks for the suggestion.
SCS's post in Upload Failed? was marked as the answer
Awesome. For future reference, you should try clearing your cache and temporarily disabling your extensions in Firefox to see if that fixes the issue at all. Otherwise, I recommend using Chrome when you need to upload attachments.
I'm glad you got this sorted out. I'll go ahead and lock your topic for now, but please send me a message if you ever experience this issue again.
SCS's post in How to change how I got here on profile was marked as the answer
Members can't edit that field manually. By the way, that field is only viewable by the user, moderators and administrators, not other users.
However, I'd be glad to edit it for you if you want. What do you want it to be changed to?
SCS's post in Search function not working was marked as the answer
This is a known issue that will be resolved, but more technical work regarding a server migration still needs to be done.
This will be fixed, so at this point it's just a matter of waiting.
SCS's post in The "Topics I've participated in" issue persists! was marked as the answer
This is a known issue. I'm sorry for the lengthy wait, but there is still work that needs to be done regarding a server migration before these issues will be fixed.
However, I assure you that they will indeed be fixed.
SCS's post in Google and Bing searching Forums? was marked as the answer
That's a web crawler. Search engines use web crawlers to index pages on a website in their search engine database.
SCS's post in Two Questions was marked as the answer
This FAQ article explains how to create a blog.
If you want to post a youtube video, you can just paste the link into the post and it should be embedded automatically. If that doesn't work for you, you can try putting it in media tags like so:
[media]insert youtube video link here[/media] -
SCS's post in Mod queue not apply for Life Advice was marked as the answer
If someone's on the moderation queue they're on it for a reason, and they've lost the privilege to be able to post freely without prior moderation. This should be global and apply to the entire site.
I know you aren't on the mod queue for abusive behavior, Baltoist, but many people who end up on the moderation queue exhibited that kind of deplorable behavior on a regular basis. Giving them free reign in Life Advice would be a recipe for disaster.
Additionally, I don't think it's technically possible with IP.Board's functionality to place a selective moderation queue on users. It's inherently global.
SCS's post in My Posts are deleted often... was marked as the answer
There is nothing random about removal of post content. If anything by you is removed, it is because it was against the rules in some way. If you are unsure how a specific post of yours broke the rules, I encourage you to PM a moderator or an administrator and ask them about it.
SCS's post in So... how exactly does this RP work? was marked as the answer
Yo, . I moved this topic from Roleplay Planning & OOC Discussion to Site Questions & Tech Support. The former is the forum section for planning out and organizing a roleplay as well as inviting participants, while the latter is the forum section for asking questions about MLP Forums.
Since you're already familiar with roleplaying in general, I'd recommend checking out the Roleplay World System topic. The Roleplay World category in the FAQ could be helpful as well.
SCS's post in A chatbox was marked as the answer
This has been tried before, but removed a long time ago for reasons explained in this topic.
I personally wouldn't want to return to any kind of public group chat at all, due to reasons stated in that topic.
A one-on-one chat system would be different from what was done in the past, but I personally wouldn't want that to be added either. This is a forum, and chatrooms are notorious for making people no longer want to use the forum itself anymore. There are plenty of other services that people can use to chat while using MLPF, such as Skype or Steam.
SCS's post in i am new to roleplay. was marked as the answer
Hi, @mlpfr3ak1337. As your topic is a question as opposed to an OOC topic for a roleplay, I have moved it from the Roleplay Planning & OOC Discussion forum section to the Site Questions & Tech Support forum section. The former is for OOC (out of character) planning and discussion for a roleplay, while the latter is a great place to ask questions about the site and the community.
I recommend checking out the General Guide to Roleplaying, the Roleplay World System, and the Roleplay World category in the FAQ. Those are all great resources to help you get started with roleplaying here.
SCS's post in Character Change was marked as the answer
You can't change the character limit, but you must be posting in the Advanced Roleplays section as opposed to the Roleplays section. The former has a character limit of 800, while the latter only has a character limit of 200.
I can move your topic over to the normal Roleplay section if you'd like.
SCS's post in Question regarding suitability of a fanfiction was marked as the answer
Hi , as your post did not involve the report system or reporting etiquette in some form I split it from the Guide to Proper Reporting Etiquette topic and turned it into its own topic in the Site Questions & Tech Support section. Please post general questions or technical issues you have about the site here in the future. Thanks
Also, that would be completely fine as long as it's not gory or excessively violent.
However, please keep in mind for the future that questions regarding what is not appropriate for the site would be best directed in a PM to a moderator or admin or in a support ticket. This is especially important for questions regarding the suitability for certain images and videos and such, as you would not get in trouble just sending them in a PM to a moderator or admin or in a support ticket asking us if it was appropriate.
SCS's post in Deleting a Status Update was marked as the answer
You aren't doing anything wrong. Deleting a status does not actually delete it, it only hides it from public view. Moderators and administrators are still able to view it.
Any status of yours that is highlighted in red is only viewable by you, moderators and administrators.
This makes it impossible for people to attempt to bypass moderation by deleting a bad status before any of us saw it, which used to happen in the past.
SCS's post in Site Running Slow was marked as the answer
Lavo has been working on something with the server. The process he is running is very lengthy and resource-intensive. Last time I talked to him about it the process was 89% completed. I'm not sure if it's done yet, but I'm sure this lag problem will drop tremendously once it is.
SCS's post in Issues With My Profile Feed/Status Updates was marked as the answer
This actually isn't a bug. It's impossible to fully delete a status update. If your status update is highlighted in red, that means it is unapproved and is only viewable by you, moderators and administrators. Therefore, in actuality clicking the "delete" button on a status only hides it from public view.
We do this to make it harder for people to get away with breaking the rules. There are people who would post something bad in a status update and then delete it before a moderator or an admin saw it. This feature makes it impossible to do that now.
SCS's post in Approved Post? was marked as the answer
Welcome to MLP Forums
As Thunder-Wing said, posts in this forum section require approval by a moderator or an administrator before they are publicly viewable. Posts in such a state are unapproved until one of us approves them. New topics over in the Commissions section also have to be approved by an administrator specifically before they are publicly viewable.
Additionally, some users are on the moderation queue, which requires all of their posts to be approved by us before they become publicly viewable. This is only used for severe situations.
As a footnote, if you ever get a notification saying your topic was approved but you're not on the mod queue or anything, that's a glitch. For some reason people who started a topic get a notification when a reply to their topic is approved saying that their topic was approved when that's actually not what happened.
SCS's post in Do we have a separate forum for artwork? was marked as the answer
Hi, @Shadowking58. Just letting you know that I moved your topic from Sugarcube Corner to Site Questions & Tech Support. The former is for brony/MLP-related discussion aside from that regarding the actual Friendship is Magic show itself, while the latter is for asking questions about MLP Forums.
I recommend checking out the Resource Map. It can help you in regard to what goes where on the forum.
As others have stated, we do indeed have an art category: Octavia's Hall. I recommend reading the Octavia's Hall guide before posting there, as it details the rules for each individual section. One of the rules is that you can't post artwork that you did not make yourself there. If you want to share someone else's artwork, you should do so in the Forum Lounge (such as in this topic if relevant), in a status update or a blog post.
However, please keep in mind that claiming anyone's work as your own if it's not your own is not allowed anywhere on the site as stated in the Global Rules.
That being said, I hope you have a great time on Octavia's Hall and anywhere on the site. Have fun posting
SCS's post in Attached vs. embedded image display dimensions question was marked as the answer
Hey there, @Justin_Case001. I apologize for the late response to your question.
I'm honestly not sure why this happens, but my best guess is that that's just a result of how the IP.Board attachment system was designed. It is worth noting, however, that clicking on either image results in a full-size version appearing with a link to the raw image.
Whether or not this is a setting that could be changed in the ACP to rectify this incongruity or an inherent aspect of the attachment system that may be difficult to alter, I do not know.
I'll get in contact with some other staff members regarding this thread, and I'll let you know if I'm able to find any further information about this, unless they wish to post themselves.
I talked to feld0 about it, and it turns out that this is intentional. Ideally, all images in posts would be attachments due to the fact that attachments here automatically generate a smaller thumbnail that is displayed in the post. This helps cut down on high loading times and such, because having a lot of large thumbnails on a page can slow it down significantly. This also helps avoid people having their screen cluttered by large images, which is particularly useful for people who do not have a lot of screen space to work with.
Due to IP.Board's limitations, images that are embedded without using the attachment system do not generate thumbnails.
As this answers your question, I will go ahead and lock this topic.
SCS's post in How do I transfer my MLP Forums account to another email? was marked as the answer
You can change your Poniverse account email (which is used for your MLP Forums account as well) on this page.
For future reference, you can access that page from MLP Forums by clicking your username in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, clicking My Settings, and then clicking the Email & Password tab on the left.
SCS's post in Does the Personal Message System have such a function? was marked as the answer
The personal message system does indeed have such a function. If all but one of the individuals in a PM conversation delete the message, the remaining individual in the conversation will see something similar to the following:
Additionally, the remaining individual will see a "DELETED" sign next to the title of the message conversation in question on their main PM inbox page:
If there are two or more remaining individuals in the conversation, you can still participate in it. You would just see a notice similar to the one in the first screenshot underneath the username(s) of the individuals who had deleted the conversation in the Participants list.
SCS's post in Can't reply to statuses was marked as the answer
This happens when the page has not fully loaded for any reason. A good way to fix this issue is to click the stop button (x) to stop the page from loading once the page appears to be mostly or entirely loaded. You should then be able to reply to statuses.
SCS's post in What happens when signatures can be in any size? was marked as the answer
The reason why we have dimension restrictions for avatars and signatures is to ensure a cleaner look for the site, as well as to avoid making pages take an excessively long time to load, particularly for individuals with slower internet connections. Additionally, we want to avoid people having to scroll through an unnecessary amount of image clutter to read content.
If people were able to have any size of avatar or signature they wanted, they could make it disruptively large, or even large enough to, in essence, break the page. Additionally, in general the greater the dimensions of an image the greater its file size, and if too many people had avatars and signatures with file sizes that were too large, the forum would slow down significantly. However, image dimension is not the only factor that determines the size of an image file, which is why we have a simultaneous restriction on how large the file size can be.
We feel that 150 x 150 / 100 kB for avatars and 600 x 100 for signatures is a reasonable restriction to ensure that the aforementioned goals are met. We have slightly larger limits for donors, staff, and subscribers: 150 x 200 / 150 kB for avatars and 600 x 200 for signatures. These restrictions give those individuals a bit more leeway while not compromising our overall goal to ensure a fun and efficient experience with the MLP Forum site for everyone.
This FAQ article goes into more detail regarding restrictions for avatars and signatures as well as why we have them, and this FAQ article enumerates what one gets for donating or subscribing, which includes mention of the restrictions for avatars and signatures for those who are staff, donors or subscribers.