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Community Answers

  1. SCS's post in How does the badge system work? was marked as the answer   
    Hey there, @#1FluttershyFan. I split your post from a different topic and turned it into its own topic, as it was not related to the topic you had originally posted in. If you have a question that you don't mind asking publicly, you should post a new topic about it here in the Site Questions section. If you'd prefer to ask about it privately (or if it'd fall under any of these categories) you should send in a support ticket about it.

    This FAQ article goes into detail about the badge system. Most badges require a certain number of posts in order to automatically ascertain, while others are reserved for staff or for special temporary forum events.
    Additionally, you can view a list of the badges by clicking the badge under anyone's username to the left of their post.
    The following shows what I mean: 
  2. SCS's post in Status Updates: How to Post? was marked as the answer   
    There are multiple ways to do this, but the most convenient way is to click your username in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Type in your status update in the field that says "What's on your mind?" and then click the update button.

    You can also do this on your profile feed. Click onto your profile by clicking your username in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, and by then clicking the My Profile button. When on your profile, click the Profile Feed tab on the left. In the field that says "What's on your mind?" type in a status update and then click the Post button.

    The third way to do this is on the Community Status Updates page. To get there, click that View All Updates button at the bottom of the Recent Status Updates box:

    Then, you would just type in your status update in the field that says "What's on your mind?" and click post.


    Hey there, . As you now have a status update I assume that you now know how to use that feature, so I will go ahead and lock this topic.
  3. SCS's post in Tag system not working right was marked as the answer   
    The tag system here has been broken for a long time, so it's not possible to find posts with specific prefixes or tags by clicking on them. I don't know if or when a solution to this will be devised, so I will go ahead and lock this topic.
    That being said, you can use the advanced search to find posts with certain tags. Just enter in tags into the "Find tags" field, and separate them with commas if you have more than one. I'm not sure how accurate this is, but I tested it and it seems to work at least somewhat.
    I apologize for the inconvenience.
  4. SCS's post in Blog: How to Make One? was marked as the answer   
    This FAQ entry explains how to make a blog: http://mlpforums.com/page/faq/_/site-problems/what-are-blogs-and-how-do-i-createuse-them-r68

  5. SCS's post in How Do I Find the Emoticons When Using a Tablet? was marked as the answer   
    Hey there, @DiscordedBrony. I'm not sure if this works on the mobile version of the site, but it works on the full version.
    To see the list of emoticons, you need to click the smile face button in the post editor window. That will make the following appear at the bottom of the post:
    You can click the "Show All" button to see a list of all of them:
  6. SCS's post in Is there anyway to promote a blog that... was marked as the answer   
    Please send me a message with a link to the blog. I will take a look at it and get back to you about whether or not you could link to it here.
    Regardless, due to our advertising rules you could only link to it in the website field on your profile or in your signature, unless you got permission from feld0 to advertise it elsewhere.
  7. SCS's post in Could Someone Please Edit my Topic's Name? was marked as the answer   
    Done. Feel free to PM an online moderator about something like this, or you could report your topic explaining this, too. You would be more likely to get a faster response about something like that where a moderator just needs to do something as opposed to more complicated site issues.
  8. SCS's post in ranks was marked as the answer   
    This is partly true. There is no such rank that you can obtain by posting.
    However, , the rank you are thinking of was used in the past for forum events. All non-staff were given a Pinkie Pie themed badge, and all staff were given a variation of it. 
    I don't know whether or not we'll be using that particular badge in the future for forum events.
  9. SCS's post in Donations again was marked as the answer   
    The Donations Tracker requires you to donate a minimum of $5.00 if you want to donate. 
  10. SCS's post in Character Deletion? was marked as the answer   
    Can you please PM the links to your Roleplay characters? I can then hide them from public view.
  11. SCS's post in My Post Disappeared? was marked as the answer   
    Actually, a moderator hid your post from public view. You haven't been contacted yet due to a delay in the internal deliberation process.
    In the meantime, please do not repost what was removed.
  12. SCS's post in Loading an animated signature was marked as the answer   
    This didn't work as an .swf file is not an image.
    I will check with an administrator to see if people are allowed to upload and embed .swf files on the forum. For the time being, I recommend converting the signature to an animated GIF file. Just google something along the lines of "free .swf to animated .gif converter" to find a program to do this.
    Just make sure that you are confident a program is trustworthy and non-malicious before you download it.
  13. SCS's post in Why can't I post my Paint.NET signature on the site? was marked as the answer   
    When in the paint.net program, click the file menu. Then, click save as. In the dialog box that appears, select .png in the Save as file type drop down menu, like so:
  14. SCS's post in The Mailmare just sent me fluffle's welcome message... was marked as the answer   
    I don't know if there's a way to know without asking her, but as very few others have reported having problems with anything like this the most reasonable explanation is that she added you to that conversation. If not, it's likely a minor and uncommon glitch.
    It is most likely that Mailmare did not send you that message. Rather, Mailmare automatically sent that message to Fluffle, and she added you to that conversation.
  15. SCS's post in Private Messaging Folders was marked as the answer   
    Hi @Sterling Crimson, sorry for the late reply. 
    Firstly, you should have folders. If I understand correctly you already do, but if you don't you can create more by clicking the Add button in the Folders block:

    You can sort messages into folders from your main inbox page. You cannot do this on a particular message's page.
    On your main inbox page, check all of the messages you want to move into a certain folder, like so:

    Then, scroll down to the bottom of your main inbox page. You should see a menu at the bottom of the screen with which you can select an action to apply to the checked conversations. Select the suitable option under the "Or Move To..." options:

    Then, click the Go button.
    Doing so will move the message conversations of your choice to a folder of your choice.
  16. SCS's post in Image button won't work? was marked as the answer   
    I'm not sure what you mean by the box stays up. If you mean that it doesn't appear to save, I think I might have encountered that before. Try clicking the save button several times. If that doesn't work, try refreshing the page. If all else fails, you should try doing this in a different browser.
    Also, I just looked at the BBCode you used in your signature, and, assuming you are trying to display an image, it is incorrect:
    To display an image, you should do the following:
    You would not include the [ code ] tags. I do so here to prevent the code from executing, so I can show it to you.
    I have gone ahead and fixed your signature for you, but I will leave this open in case there are any further questions you have about this, or if you are still having problems with this at all.
  17. SCS's post in I lost my Oc's D,: was marked as the answer   
    I just found all of them. You can find them by going to your profile, clicking view content, and then clicking Pages under By Content Type on the left.
    You can view a list of all of your OCs on the resulting page.
  18. SCS's post in Photos and Art was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to MLP Forums
    Unless you use the full version of the site on your phone, you would not be able to post pictures or photos as the mobile version of the site lacks those tools.
  19. SCS's post in Vulnerability exploitation was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for reporting this. 
    Could you please provide a link to an article explaining the threat you are referring to? If you are referring to Heartbleed, Poniverse (including MLP Forums) has been protected against that since Monday morning.
    Edit: Since you were referring to Heartbleed, I will lock this topic. Poniverse is protected against that as of the morning of Monday, April 7th, 2014.
  20. SCS's post in Am I seeing this right? was marked as the answer   
    Hi ,
    As others have said, it is indeed true that donors and subscribers are allowed three name changes every fifteen days. You can read more about this in the Subscriptions & Donations subsection of our FAQ, if you haven't done so already.
    Also, I moved your topic to the Site Questions & Tech Support forum section. You should post site questions here.
  21. SCS's post in Is it possible to change the name of your blog? was marked as the answer   
    It is possible to change the name of your blog. You can do so by clicking the arrow next to your username in the upper righthand corner of your screen, and by then clicking Manage Blogs. Then, click the Options button next to which blog of yours you wish to edit. Click Manage Settings in the list that appears. On that page, you can change your blog's name, among other settings. Make sure to save your changes.
  22. SCS's post in Username Change? was marked as the answer   
    Hey @Laserbolt, you should be able to change your display name, but not your login name. I think this would work out though, since you can change your display name to what you wanted it to display as.
    You can do so in your profile settings. You can access them by clicking the arrow next to your username in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, and by then clicking My Settings. On the page that comes up, click Display Name in the list of tabs that appear on the left. 
    You can change your display name on that page.
  23. SCS's post in Do Members offline for so long get deleted..? was marked as the answer   
    In general, we do not delete any user account, not even ones that are permanently suspended. This is because we take a conservative approach to the deletion of content, as we never know when we may need some piece of information in the future. 
    That being said, administrators are able to change usernames. You should get in contact with one of them to discuss this matter.
  24. SCS's post in How to link video~? was marked as the answer   
    From my experience, all you have to do to embed a Youtube video into a post is to paste in the link to it. However, if that does not work, you should enclose the link in media tags, like so:
    [media]insert youtube video link here[/media]
  25. SCS's post in How Did I Become A Muffin? was marked as the answer   
    Hello @Maud Pie Rocker, I have moved your topic from Requests Guild to Site Questions & Tech Support. The former is a forum section in which others can request or offer artwork, while the latter is the place to ask questions about MLP Forums.
    You became a muffin by posting. Most of those badges are obtained by posting. You can see a list of all of them by clicking on the icon (the muffin, in your case) next to someone's post. Additionally, this FAQ article lists them. Some badges are reserved for staff or for special occasions. 
    Additionally, some restrictions are placed on your account until you reach Cupcake, which requires 40 posts. You can read more about this in this announcement.
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