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Posts posted by TheMarkz0ne

  1. I have heard this theory a lot, and honestly I am not overly fond of it because it takes away quite a bit of the eerieness of the film if it was just 'people'. The thought that it was 'something' rather than 'someone' that was stalking them, that to me is a lot more creepy. 


    What goes against the 'person' theory are some of the happenings in the film. For example, the sounds of stones and sticks and other things that they hear at night. I remember them saying that the sounds were 'on all sides of us'. That would be pretty impressive if one person could pull that off. Secondly, there are the 'children' that attacked them in the tent. That is another thing that screams some kind of non-human entity, as there is no sign of any real children and there is a very particular sound that they make that sends chills down my back and that was definitely not human either. 


    So in terms of what did attack them, I really don't know. I do think it was very likely the 'Witch', but we just don't know what the witch actually is and that to me terrifies me so much more, especially with the imagery throughout the film. This is definitely one of my all-time favorite horror films. 

    What keeps it a supernatural film in my opinion is the fact they couldn't escape the woods. They even followed  the stream of water all the way through and still got lost. They were most likely negatively enchanted and driven crazy. Witches devour small children in order to maintain their immortality/youth. So I wonder why this witch would kill three young adults. 

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I have had the chance to re-watch the Blair Witch Project after over 10 years. I think the movie still holds up decently. I hate found footage movies, this and Chronicle did it right. I am just down about the movie in terms of 'no witch'. I know it's all about, what you don't see, the fear of being alone in the woods being picked off one by one. 


    I kinda think it's implied the teens were killed by a human stalker. Being a fan of witches, I was bummed there wasn't a witch. There is a theory that Mary Brown(the woman in the movie who claimed to have  met the witch) was the witch. But three young adults killed by one woman? 


    Witches ARE human. I know in some lore, they can have super human feats. But I was disappointed that three adults wouldn't handle one witch(if there was one). When Heather dies in the house in the last shot, it is know she isn't holding the camera going down the stairs. Her screaming is in the background as she goes down. 


    So what do you guys think?

  3. Oh, it's one of these threads again.


    Without reading the thread, i'm sure that all the fans of Luna, Nightmare Moon and Chrysalis already jumped on it to drag SUNBUTT through the mud.


    Yeah, yeah. She is soooo much older than Luna. She is soooo weak and senile. Why didn't she die already? Maybe in the movie. Fingers crossed. Yada Yada Yada.


    I totally agree with Number107 here and i really start to detest the writers for what they have done with their obvious bias and fan pandering.


    This sounds pathetic? Sorry, i am. Deal with it. lulz.

    I actually want Celestia do do something though, I know she cant be invincible but it is the current leader of Equestria for crying out loud. I am not even a big fan of her and I actually want an episode that glorifies her.

  4. The Tree of Harmony truly is an indomitable force of nature, and I'm fairly certain its the thing that orchestrated the mane six getting their simultaneous cutie marks in the first place. 

    I have a realllly bad idea. Imagine if the show ended with Fausti-corn showing herself to her creations and the main characters get depressed that their only reason for existing is too entertain small children. Lol I'm horrible!

  5. It should be noted that Celestia didn't do that by her own power, but by the power of the elements of Harmony. Without the Elements, she would of lost all those battles. She lost the elements when she sealed her sister in the moon, probably because of the disharmony between them at the time, or because the Tree of Harmony simply took it away from them. 


    The real power house of this series isn't Luna or Celestia or any of the alicorns for that matter, its The Tree Of Harmony that is basically the One Punch Man of that world. Think about it, its FRUIT is capable of defeating Tirek in one hit when he was wielding all the magic the entire pony race possesses.


    In other words, the Tree of Harmony could literally one shot all of Equestria if it wanted too. 


    Celestia could of gotten weaker over time, but the real power that defeated those threats was the Tree of Harmony through its arbiters of the elements. 

    You got that scene in my mind now, where Tirek shoots a magic beam at the Rainbow Powered Mane 6 and his blast just laughably bounces off like a pesky bug. I still find that scene funny  :D

  6. ...What? Uh, I don't recall Chrysalis doing anything like that... are you sure you have your facts straight? :rarity:



    I think you misunderstood my post -- let me reiterate:


    Out of these six opponents, three of them were defeated by the Elements of Harmony (Nightmare Moon, Discord, and Tirek). Two of them were defeated by powers of the Crystal Empire (Sombra and Chrysalis), and Adagio doesn't really count since she was banished long before Celestia rose to power.


    Before Twilight Sparkle showed up on the scene, Celestia had a lot of jobs -- she ruled Equestria, raised and lowered the sun and moon every day for 1000 years, and (implied) defended Equestria from evil with the Elements of Harmony. Obviously she's working far more than she probably should be, so she wouldn't be strong enough to counter Nightmare Moon on her own, which is why she tasked her prize student Twilight to do so.


    As for Discord, Celestia and Luna had defeated him previously, but only with the Elements of Harmony. Since Celestia saw how well Twilight and her friends used the Elements against Nightmare Moon, she saw fit to let them use the Elements against him instead of herself and Luna. Same thing happened with Tirek 2 seasons later.


    My point is this -- Celestia has a LOT of work to do, and she's not infinitely powerful, so obviously she'd lose a few fights. She's not meant to be a fighter, she's meant to be a ruler. Likewise, Twilight and company were chosen to defend Equestria, not to rule it.


    (Also I don't get where the idea of "tiers" comes from. This is MLP, not DBZ)

    I said tiers because Discord can bend reality and Tirek is the devil.. Of course those two are more of a threat than the other villains. And my comment about Chrysalis... I made a guess about what she did in the alternate time line because those scenes were short.

  7. Well, you have to understand that in Season 1, Celestia was raising and lowering both the sun and the moon every day, a task that proved difficult for even super-alicorn Twilight to do. That kind of strain probably explains her dampened power (or I guess lack of power entirely) for the entirety of Season 1.


    She's also been shown to raise the sun every single day, as shown in Season 4 Episode 2, which probably takes a massive amount of power and leaves her drained for the rest of the day. If she didn't need to do this task, I bet she'd have stood a chance against Chrysalis.


    However, when it came to Discord and Tirek, she wasn't able to handle them because she wasn't meant to handle them. It's implied that only the Elements of Harmony could defeat them, and although Celestia used the Elements in the past, the responsibility for using the Elements was passed on to Twilight and her friends, which I think is what Faust meant when she said "Twilight is supposed to take Celestia's place". I don't think she meant "take her place as the ruler of Equestria", or "take her place as the sun bearer", but rather "take her place as the guardian/user of the Elements of Harmony".


    But then Faust left, Hasbro wanted merchandising and brought us Rainbow Power, et cetera. Still, I hope I've got my point across. :)

    Are you talking about Chrysalis in season 2? Or 'Empress Chrysalis' from season 5? Either Chrysalis was whipping Celestia and Luna telling them to raise the sun and moon like slaves, or Chrysalis stole their powers some how. 


    I know that Tirek and Discord are on another tier. Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon, Sombra and Adagio Dazzle are a tier below those two.

  8. I know there are many theories as to why Celestia has done nothing in this show in terms of handling a foe. I understand the show isn't centered on her and that in the original vision from Faust, Twilight was supposed to take Celestia's place. Celestia in every single season, has relied on Twilight's resolve and could it be something as serious as, she is so old that her  powers are fading? 


    Celestia couldn't handle Nightmare Moon in season 1, the season 5 finale is canon proof from the show Nightmare Moon was stronger than her sister.


    Discord was too much for Celestia and Luna back then, and I can assure you Discord would have been 10x worse in Celestia's current age. 


    Chrysalis defeated Celestia with a boost of love from TWO ponies. I know power draining is cheating, but base Chrysalis was doing a decent job at holding that beam struggle. We can assume based on logic that the season 5 finale Chrysalis became light years above Celestia's power with all the love she absorbed over time while the resistance dwindled.


    I know I am cheating with Sombra, since it was a part of Twilight's test to become an alicorn princess, but Celestia has showed no sign of being able to handle Sombra 


    Celestia knew she couldn't handle Tirek and passed on her magic temporarily to Twilight.






    The Sirens


    These five in my opinion are incredibly old and they are relics from an era that has passed. Twilight even mentioned how important she and her friends are important to Equestria, this means that Celestia can no longer protect her species and that is why she raised future rulers, like Cadence, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle, because even Celestia knows her time is over.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Anything's possible in the world of FIM. Changing one scenario can have a huge effect on that world as a whole, and that's something Season 6 should try and explore. Alternate universes are fun, for example, imagine a version of that universe where Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra and Tirek rule Equestria and all of it's surrounding nations. Amazing.


    I certainly believe Sunset would have been trusted to raise Twilight and would have helped stopped Nightmare Moon. Sunset would likely not be the element of magic, and that role would belong to Twilight still, but she would be trained by Sunset up until Season 4, if we change that event.

    There would have been 5 alicorns, because Sunset Shimmer would have achieved that state before Twilight.

  10. In an alternate reality, where Sunset Shimmer apologized to Celestia and went back to finishing her apprenticeship with her, could Sunset Shimmer have been Twilight's teacher?


    In the comic canon, Twilight was a filly, while Shimmer was a young mare. Instead of Celestia taking Twilight under her wing, you think Celestia would have trusted Sunset Shimmer to raise the over-powered  filly? Makes an interesting what if universe. Who would have been the element of magic. Could Sunset Shimmer and Celestia have stopped Nightmare Moon first?

  11. I actually agree with you on that.


    If it's going to be good or bad has to be seen. But i think this movie comes out waaaaaaaay too late. The big boom of the fandom has already passed and i think this movie could probably be a bigger success between 2010 and 2013 (maybe even 2014)


    I think Hasbro would be quite insane to risk so much money with this movie and to be honest, i won't see this in german theatres, because i hate the german dub, as do most german bronies, so they and probably the other bronies from non english speaking countries won't go in.


    Also, i can see a few bronies going to pirate this movie by the second or third day. I saw that alot when the first 2 equestria girls movies came out. It will happen again, trust me.


    Again, not going to bash the movie itself. But i think people are a bit delusional, when they think this will get as much money, as Zootopia.

    Spongebob came out in 1999 and the original movie was 2005, so I don't see an issue here. 

  12. To be honest, I rather disliked the power puff girls movie, so I can't really say I feel bad that it didn't do too well. I normally love PPG episodes, but the movie just felt off. The fact that I generally dislike prequels didn't help :P (plus, Mojo is one of my lesser liked antagonists.)




    On that note, there's alot of similarities between FIM and the PPG movies: Specifically, both had a tertiary audience of adult (or at least older/teenage) males who were fans of the show and pledged that they would support the movie, but the PPG's male audience never really showed up to support the movie when it came out.


    So its going to be interesting to see if history repeats and if bronies abandon or support FIM's movie when it comes out. (the fact that the brony fandom seems to have been shrinking since S3 doesn't bode well for the movie though, nor does its plateued popularity with its target audience.)

    Ed Edd Eddy Big Picture Show>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PPG Movie.. FACTUAL!

  13. Im taking this with very little grain of salt .My friend told me there is rumor that Tara Strong is going to leave this show because Twilight Sparkle is going to stagnate. If and If I believe this rumor the reasoning is logical since Twilight is slowly becoming the new Celestia and Starlight becoming the new Twilight Sparkle. I wont believe anything until I see it.

    To answer question it seems so and Twilight becoming the new Celestia wouldnt surprise me. Meaning her slowly disappearing into the background and becoming more and more useless as time goes; if it does if season 6 isnt the last season. 

    So they're 'Optimus-Priming" Twilight essentially? Optimus died and was used less and less... But Twilight won't die, so they're going to obscure her? I don't want Starlight to be the new lead pony.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. We have no information on the movie other than a basic plot synopsis and a release date that could be moved back potentially. I am curious to know where this budget is going towards if Legendary Pictures is publishing it. I can only list these logical budget points 


    -Marketing (Most likely a good chunk of the budget)

    -Paying crew 

    -license fees 


    The show is made in flash and nothing bad about that at all. But wouldn't it be great to see hand drawn=flash used together for this movie? Give the movie a chance to stand somewhat out from the show and be unique? I just can't imagine where the budget can go. Hasbro is a relevant corporation, those Transformers movies made billions of dollars, I doubt Hasbro is going to spend nickels and pennies on one of their popular IPs

  15. I think that the reason you think traditional animation is dead is because we've developed ways to make animation better, faster, and easier. 


    I think we should embrace technological advancements to make things easier for everyone in our lives, and by using this method, you have to wait less time to see more episodes of your favorite shows.


    Win win in my book

    Technology doesn't always equal advancement though, it could make our society incredibly lazy if we depend on it too much. I'm not saying get rid of digital, not at all. But we need to remember dependence on technology makes us weaker.

  16. I have two videos below that got me into typing out this important topic. I am not by any means, a good technical artist. I tried and failed as a kid. But I always prefer animation as the superior medium of entertainment, I am more of an animation person than a film or game buff. I am not by any means against digital animation, I mean hell I am watching FiM. Digital animation doesn't equate to a person with a dull and sterile imagination, I just miss classic hand drawn animation. Here are two short videos I highly recommend you watch.. The second one is quite vulgar though. 



    Start the second video at 6:50.. Danny Antonucci, creator of Ed Edd Eddy. Old video, but relevant today.


    I just feel more respect for each individual frame being a piece of art. The 1941 Superman series is still something I can be amazed with, given the limited technology at the time. Ed Edd Eddy was also CN's last hand drawn cartoon, and maybe it could have been the last hand drawn cartoon series in years. I am talking about PURE hand drawn animation.. Even shows that don't use flash, still use partial computer assistance.

    • Brohoof 1
  17. I am hardcore fan of the PS2 era of Ratchet and Clank. I don't hate the Future trilogy on PS3, I have played them, I am more attached to the older games. I am actually gonna go back and play the Future trilogy to get a perspective on it. But in regards to the new game and the movie coming this month. It's not the reboot game I am worried about, this game will sell and make a profit and get high reviews. The movie though... Can the movie make at least $80m? I am not expecting it to even get over $70m. The move needs to be about $80m to be a success. For a video game movie, slightly under $100m is a financial success. This isn't a Marvel movie so Insomniac isn't expecting hundreds-millions of dollars.

    I hope the movie does succeed.

  18. Every villain and how I  feel  about them (in order from best to worst)


    Queen Chrysalis

    I don't need a villain with a tragic back story, not saying they're bad, but Chrysalis impresses me with her dark and grotesque presence. I really think the changelings have tons of potential for this show, they're essentially the ant-ponies. I still love Canterlot Wedding to this day, even though many people like to diss that episode for the dumbest reasons. In my opinion she is the most dangerous villain. Chrysalis affected Twilight's family over any other villain. Cadence , Shining Armor and Celestia were defeated by her and Twilight failed to stop her, that's an excellent villain if I have ever seen one. Also  the fact Kathleen Barr voices Kevin and Marie Kanker from  Ed, Edd and Eddy is a personal bias of mine. Currently she is an active villain not being used, and she might have the potential to come back in season 6 or the movie.


    Adagio Dazzle


    She really does the same thing as Chrysalis, But she carries around her goons. She was only in one movie and I think  that's all we will see from her. Maybe I am just in love with the sirens as creatures. Also Twilight couldn't stop them, she needed Sunset's help. 




    I don't need to explain much, amazing design and is essentially the devil looking figure. This guy is truly the demon lord of Equestria and the season 4 finale proved how dangerous this monster is when he's fully powered. I feel like he was Sombra done right, because he had a brief back story/origin story with his brother Scorpan. Makes him interesting and you wonder if he has some care for his family. 




    Not really that interesting for me. Aside from Discord he is the most overrated villain. I know he has his fans. But the season 3 opener just didn't really make me too enthralled with him. If he does return, they need to give him  a good story. I viewed him as 'Lord Sauron if he were an MLP character. Not being too harsh here. He does have positives, he was able to really put the pressure down on Twilight during her hallucination. I just think he needed to he explored more.


    Nightmare Moon


    I like Luna, but NMM doesn't do it for me. First villain, so I can be easy on her. I can only say that Luna is what makes her interesting. I am more interested with Luna(Post Nightmare Moon) than Nightmare Moon as a character on her own. 


    Starlight Glimmer

    I don't hate her as much as I used to. I just find her reason for what she was doing to be incredibly lazy. Also that she is a retcon of Sunset Shimmer doesn't help much either. The season 5 opener was controversial involving an equality cult. I am not bashing on that aspect of the opener. I was ok with Starlight in the season 5 opener, but the season finale really made me dislike her.




    I view him more as a trouble maker, I don't think he was ever evil and that's why he's low on the list. Not because he sucks, just because I am making a villain list. His reformation makes sense, because with someone as powerful as him.. He needs friends and a meaning to life outside of his abilities.

  19. Might seem weird for a topic idea, but based on some observation, Celestia and Luna's ages being  sort of established. Where can we place the villains? Or just place really ancient characters? I have a rough outline of the ages of the characters.


    Discord(????) unknown origin makes him the oldest 


    Adagio, Aria and Sonata 


    Queen Chrysalis 


    (I think that Adagio, Aria and Sonata are 700 years older than Chrysalis and Sombra)




    I would like to get a discussion rolling and play the age game.

  20. I'd say its a pretty solid start. Its a lot more low key than other seasons as there wasn't a villain anywhere in the premier, but still pretty solid. I loved gift of the Maud Pie, especially for the world building plushie scene that pretty much hints at the other kinds of non ponies in their world, including Giraffe which I've been hankering for for quite some time. 

    I would need to wait for the mid season finale  to make a judgment. So far we started out with a mediocre opener and a good 3rd episode though.

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