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Status Updates posted by Fluttershy4life

  1. At times I wonder if I'm the only teen girl left that doesn't like One Direction

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      @Marshmallow You're incredibly lucky that you have never heard of them!!!!!!!

    3. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      Well I remember in my youth when I was young and naive, I enjoyed listening to two bands... NSYNC and The Backstreet Boys! It had something to do with my mother being sorta obsessed and so I had to listen to it... A LOT! Luckily, I grew out of that! :P

    4. Fluttershy4life


      LOOL!!!!!! XD And yes very luckily XDDD

  2. Yay tomorrow's Monday -.-

    1. Aureity


      Sucks...but Spring break is in one week, so I must endure! >.<

    2. Mephala


      Forgive me for witholding my enthusiasm.

    3. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      Well I get to finally see how well my half assed video editing will do in the Computer Fair tomorrow!

  3. Just showed my parents The Count Censored

  4. Just sent one of my fanfictions to Equestria Daily...freaking out!

  5. Just sang freakin' FCC for my parents

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      ^ LOL okay :PI once sang the ding ding dong song for my entire class once in grade 7 XD

    3. Ninja Derpy

      Ninja Derpy

      LOL I love that song!! Gunter is so funny!!

    4. Fluttershy4life


      LOL i know right??? XD That guy is pure genius man!

  6. That awkward moment when you laugh so hard you fall off your bed...again

  7. Awesome new episode!

    1. Ninja Derpy
    2. Fluttershy4life


      Lol i saw it streamed online XD sadly the Hub isn't available where i live :(

  8. Feels like we already had a winter wrap up around here and it isn't even spring yet!

  9. Home sweet home, bought so much pony stuff in the USA i'm broke! XD

  10. So long everypony! See you all in a week!

    1. Fizz.


      Farewell! We'll miss you till then ;~;

    2. Jibus


      I never even got to meet you D: well hope to see you in a week :)

  11. School for two days and then Florida woo-hoo!:D

  12. Tomorrow Night, Gotta keep thinking about that

  13. Best friends, its a promise not a label: cheesy quote but is relevant

  14. Gonna go eat a shiz load of ice cream

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Comet Tail

      Comet Tail

      Are you gonna get chocolate wasted!? (Get the ref? :P )

    3. Mephala


      Beatcha to it -.- Bye bye, Rolo. You were delicious.

    4. AngryGamer432


      Can I have some?

  15. March is just not a good month, it never is

  16. So sad no new episode to re-watch this lovely sunday

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      LOL i knew you were going to say that XDDDDDDDD

    3. Mephala


      Of course you did! Rarity is one of the 5 best ponies!

    4. Fluttershy4life


      LOL Rarity is amazingg XD

  17. One more week until I'm 15

  18. Derpy is canon!!! :D Life complete.

  19. Exams Next Week FUN!!!

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