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Blue Lightning

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Status Replies posted by Blue Lightning

  1. I really wish Diamond Head got really popular. Such a great band.

  2. I bought this grapefruit drink and it tastes like shit...

  3. I bought this grapefruit drink and it tastes like shit...

  4. How I feel right now:

    1. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      @92 that's fine. I never said that it was written in stone. You date whoever you feel suits you.

    2. (See 58 other replies to this status update)

  5. How I feel right now:

    1. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      @Sir "that's all I listen to" I hold you to this!!!

    2. (See 58 other replies to this status update)

  6. How I feel right now:

  7. How I feel right now:

    1. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      It's fine dude, but could you please do me the favor of making an attempt to get happy/a girlfriend? I care about you dude. You're like, the only guy that shares in my love of rock music and ponies xD

    2. (See 58 other replies to this status update)

  8. How I feel right now:

    1. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      You have to make the steps to changing things in your life dude :/ That's why I tell you to go out and help yourself. Find someone who will make you happy.

    2. (See 58 other replies to this status update)

  9. How I feel right now:

    1. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      92 please don't do this to yourself. Get over your ridiculous doubt :/

    2. (See 58 other replies to this status update)

  10. How I feel right now:

    1. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      If that's what you keep telling yourself, then you never will man. You have a purpose. You're living aren't you? Don't you want to make your life better while you're living it? You might not have a long time to live it. Find a girl and live it up with her.

    2. (See 58 other replies to this status update)

  11. How I feel right now:

    1. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      I don't have to know anyone personally to know that you're human and you're not disabled. You can't just tell yourself no all the time. If it would make you happy to be with a girl, then wouldn't it be better to attempt getting one? Do you seriously want to come on the forums everyday wishing you had a girl to talk about?

    2. (See 58 other replies to this status update)

  12. How I feel right now:

    1. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      who says you can't go up to a girl? use dem legs and grow dem balls man. It's like drinking a glass of milk. You're not supposed to think about it too much, you just do it.

    2. (See 58 other replies to this status update)

  13. How I feel right now:

    1. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      You're avoiding the main point i'm making here. Just do it! Find it in yourself to get up and go! Rainbow Dash wouldn't chicken out if she wanted a coltfriend. Face facts you can't expect a girl to come to you. It's not too common of an occurrence. I care for you 92 I know what it's like to be lonely for a long time. Just keep in mind that I want to see you happy with a girl suited to you. But you have to do this if you ever expect to get anywhere.

    2. (See 58 other replies to this status update)

  14. How I feel right now:

    1. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      But, I'm sure you have 2 perfectly good legs. Now do yourself a favor and walk over to the girl you're pining for and make her your own. RUN if you must!!!


    2. (See 58 other replies to this status update)

  15. How I feel right now:

    1. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      you need physical motivation. When it comes to love, words are meaningless. Telling me your worthless.

      Doubting yourself. Words are merely what helps you show interest in a girl.


      If you reeeeeally want a girlfriend you would find the drive to go get one. No matter what anybody tells you, as long as you choose not to leave the house or go on a dating site or something, you're never going to do it. It may be painful, it may hurt, and it may seem impossible.

    2. (See 58 other replies to this status update)

  16. I must thank you again for reminding me of this song

  17. How I feel right now:

    1. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      If you cut off your own nuts, how are you going to make love to the girl you want to be with?... I guess you could go with out them but uhhh.....

    2. (See 58 other replies to this status update)

  18. I must thank you again for reminding me of this song

  19. How I feel right now:

    1. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      I dare you to walk out of your house and give being social with women a chance. It's not like the girl you're madly in love with is forbidden because of work reasons or anything xD

    2. (See 58 other replies to this status update)

  20. I compel you, please!!!! Use a cropped selection of spike in this image as your profile picture

  21. I compel you, please!!!! Use a cropped selection of spike in this image as your profile picture

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