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Posts posted by SparkBrony

  1. Hey everpony! I just wanted to share with you my latest PMV:



    The song is 'Don't You Dare Let Go' by Phony Brony featuring Rina-Chan. Read the description of the video for more info about the PMV :3


    Hope you guys like it!



    • Brohoof 5
  2. I like watching 24 with my dad (who's already seen every single season), which has a new season coming soon (January, I think?) It's a action show. Another good one is Touch, which has the same main actor as 24. It's about a psychic prodigy kid who can't speak at all. That show was really good, too bad they're discontinuing it. :(

  3. Another video recommendation from SparkBrony!



    This is a 1.5 hour piano improvisation by PonyVisation. I like to listen to his stuff while I'm proofreading, it actually helps me concentrate. Hmm, maybe I should try it while writing...

    • Brohoof 3
  4. @Spark Brony


    It is done! The video is done and uploaded. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMtTsrAyTgU

    Sadly I had to break it up into parts and I don't have much reading skills yet but hopefully I get better at it and you enjoy the video.


    Woah! I totally missed that post! Thanks so much for doing it, it turned out great! :D Can't wait for the rest!


    Yesssss I had a reading done of my story! Another thing to check off my list.

  5. These two really hit me:





    What would cause Vinyl to try to drown herself?



    And we already know what's happening to Scootaloo, but I love the symbolism of the RD blanket she's lying on.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. WELL. I really haven't read very many of the super-famous ones, like My Little Dashie, Anthropology, Affliction of the heart, Our Chaotic [insert thing here], etc. But I do have some I recommend that are lesser known:


    http://www.fimfiction.net/story/94285/whats-really-the-most-important'>What's Really The Most Important by KrishnaKarnak


    This is an awesome RD story about her realtionships with Scootaloo and Soarin. And hey, I'm the one who made the chapter headers for this! :D


    http://www.fimfiction.net/story/100347/my-son-is-a-changeling'>My Son is a Changeling by Draconian Soul


    Shining Armor finds out he accidentally had a son with Chrysalis, and now she's dumped taking care of their son on him. Funny, well-written, all-around awesome story :)


    http://www.fimfiction.net/story/47514/silver-spoon-vs-breakfast'>Silver Spoon vs Breakfast by Your Antagonist


    Yay for comedy stories! Breakfast is not always what it seems...


    http://www.fimfiction.net/story/100686/broken'>Broken by SparkBrony


    Jk but seriously. I've been told by multiple people this is a really good story, see what you think! :D

  7. Everypony, check out my hour loop of FluffyMixer's newest video, featuring a pink fluffy unicorn dancing on rainbows:



    I'm pretty sure this is the first looping of the video. Let's get it to 1,000 views, people! :D

    • Brohoof 5
  8. I found this one a page about Fluttershy. It's not really a GIF, well it's not at all, but I still find this to crack me up and I also find it useful when I need to kick someone out of my status.




    Lol, that NEEDS to be animated into a gif... :P


    Let's see what I got...




    I saw this in someone's sig, but I forget who it was:




    Am I mean for loving this?



    • Brohoof 3

    Hey guys,

    I’m not a Brony but lately I’ve decided to have an open mind and look into what the fandom is actually all about. I’m currently making a YouTube video series to document my journey. 
    I apologize ahead of time if my videos sound condescending, it’s how I'm presenting myself on screen. The idea is to bridge the knowledge gap between the mainstream and the Brony fandom so I may sound offensive to you guys. It’s a way of connecting to a mainstream audience.
    Here are some questions that would really help me on my journey.
    What key episodes should I watch? 
    What drew you into the fandom? The show or the culture?
    How has the culture affected your life? (The good and the bad)
    If you could educate the world on one misconception about the fandom, what would that be?



    First off, thanks for having an open mind! It's always good to. :)


    What key episodes should I watch? 
    Too Many Pinkie Pies, Crystal Empire Parts 1/2, Canterlot Wedding Parts 1/2, Lesson Zero, Feeling Pinkie Keen, It's About Time were some of my favorites. Oh, and Dragonshy!
    What drew you into the fandom? The show or the culture?
    Probably more the culture, actually. There are so many extremely talented bronies out there.
    How has the culture affected your life? (The good and the bad)
    I am perfecting my drawing, writing, and animation (PMV making) skills, as well as socializing with many other people who share the same interests I do. I am also constantly keeping up to date with the many amazing works of art that bronies create every day.
    Bad? What bad? :P
    If you could educate the world on one misconception about the fandom, what would that be?
    Not all bronies are gay. For some reason, people often use that as an offense against us. A study shows that only about 5% of bronies are gay, while 58% are heterosexual. And there's nothing wrong with being gay, either.
    • Brohoof 1
  10. .___.


    b-but. b-but your drawing is ready lol, it's on the first page. I guess you didn't knew, once I do I request I post it in the first page tongue.png

    check the first post of the thread and look at the last drawing tongue.png


    Well, I'm stupid, aren't I? :P

    IT LOOKS GORGEOUS! :D Thanks so much! You are a really awesome artist. Too bad this request shop's closed, I'd have you do my other OC. :)



  11. Hi, im not entirely "down" with the terminology on the oc designs... such as the stroke and such but anything you can do will be much appreciated! smile.png


    Gender: Male

    Color: (please put RGB for coat color, stroke color, and shadow color.)

    Mane color(s):  I love the style of the hair on this one ^^ but can the dark blue on the far side be changed to a light icy blue while the other side staying white but shiny =3img-1589786-1-blue_blaze___pony_oc_by_pe

    Cutie mark: a weak, cold, blue flame, similiar to the eye color

    Eye color: again light icy blue

    Eye style:the eyes from the image above, i have no specific preference so specific colors and styles are no matter to me smile.png

    Extra: um... *thinking while typing*... a strong, proud pose would be awesome, but not quite aggressive... hes a nice pon3 ^^


    I am restricted with internet times so there is no rush, thank you biggrin.png


    That picture is EPIC, may I ask who drew it? (did you?)


    Also, @@Twilicorn3777, just wondering if you've started on the requests yet - hope I'm not nagging :)

  12. I have a couple great ones:


    I bet 99% of you won't read this, but i'll thank the 1% that does every day. My whole life I wanted to be a banana. Everyday I practice peeling, and being yellow,? but only until recently have I felt like I really can be a banana. My family supports me, but I feel it's not enough. Sometimes I sit in the fruit bowl for hours on end slightly curved. All I ask is that you thumbs up my comment and tell your friends, because one day you'll see me on the news as that banana. Thank you.


    ~BlackEleectric (from youtube)


    Hey you, the one reading this.
     Put your hoof over your heart....do you feel it beating? It's called a purpose. You are here for a reason....stay beautiful. <3




    Darn, that's all I got for now :(

    • Brohoof 2
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