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Posts posted by SparkBrony

  1. Well, let's see...


    • SaberSpark
    • Ponyphonic
    • jhaller2
    • DigibronyYT / DigibronyMLP
    • JanAnimations
    • 2Snacks
    • SimGretina
    • SillyFillyStudios
    • PinkiePieSwear
    • SoGreatandPowerful
    • OfficialGWH
    • @Stellafera
    • Feedsy
    • RedDragonLRD :P

    ... The list goes on and on. There are so many great youtubing bronies out there who are incredibly talented. I especially recommend these guys and girls above :3

    • Brohoof 4
  2. Could you do my OC FrostDreamer?


    Name: My name? SparkBrony
    Gender: Male
    Color: I have no idea what the color codes are :( Hopefully you'll be able to wing it from the references below?
    Mane color(s): ...
    Cutie mark:





    Eye color: ...
    Eye style: Same as in the reference
    Extra: references:









    Thanks for doing this, and good luck! :D

  3. Well, since I posted SoarinDash here in early May, there are a few other ships I've grown to like (SoarinDash is still the best though tongue.png)


    Lunbra - Luna X King Sombra







    Uhhh... Dislestia? Celestia X Discord








    Derpy X Doctor Hooves - they're so cute together wub.png







    • Brohoof 3
  4. Well, I wasn't sure where to put these... but I guess here would be the best place. :)


    Note: I did NOT make these.





    I'll post any more I find here. :)

    • Brohoof 7
  5. I seemed to have misplaced the best Pony Art I've seen, All I'll say is it Featured Glaze, Wooden Toaster, Mic The Microphone and The Living Tombstone, and Wow it was Gorgeous Art, I feel in love with it, Sadly I can't find it, So here's something Instead.












    Do you mean...










    Anyway, I also have some amazing art for you guys from Ziom05:









    Here's a link to his Deviantart, this guy is EPIC: http://ziom05.deviantart.com/

  6.  What my point is, is my OC a bad character?

    No way! The thing is, there have been too many OP OC Alicorns, and people have grown to not like them. But, in fact, one of my OCs is an Alicorn too. I think you should be able to make your OC whatever you want without getting bad looks from people. :)

    • Brohoof 2
  7. What's your opinion on the FlashLight shipping? (Yes Twilight and Flash Sentry make FlashLight). I personally think it's a nice shipping however there's barely anything we know about Flash Sentry, even with the movie. The end of the movie 'SPOILERS' also teases Twilight having a crush on him however.


    Flash seems pretty nice and cool, but the idea of Twilight being shipped with a royal guard kinda goes against my views of Twilight. Cadance is already married with a royal guard and I'd imagine Twilight ending up with somepony nerdy or smart but no, Hasbro wants to go with the stereotypical route. 


    Don't get me wrong, I support FlashLight, mainly cause it's canon (suck it Twilight x mare shippers.) but I'd rather have her shipped with somepony like Comet Tail.


    What do you think?


    Lol, FlashLight, that's what they're actually calling it? tongue.png


    Anyway, I'm all for Twilight getting a stallion, but I was hoping it'd be somepony nerdy and... more her type. Maybe in season 4 they'll give Flash Sentry some more character development, 'cause right now we got a serious GARY STU ALERT!

    • Brohoof 2
  8. Hello everypony,


    So, there are five, coungt them five leaked songs from the new Equestria Girls Movie, I'm gonna share with you guys today. If you don't like spoilers, don't click on them, simple as that.


    Here's song one:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpvIUd-5bVw

    Notice how Fluttershy gets hit with a broom? XD


    Here is song two:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBREg8akv1Y

    i hate the dressing up, just don't like this one.


    Here is song three:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOeujaxZ-N4

    I like this, feels like the original show really stand with this, plus RD and Fluttershy get wings.


    Here is song four:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev2jNQC0SIs

    Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash sisterly love! AWWW


    Here is song five:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXM_Ua1A_lc

    I'm addicted, so catchy. Plus, Vinyl Scratch is dancing! Love AJ's voice!


    So, those are the five. So, what do you think of them? Tell me below! smile.png

    I'll try not to be biased here, but here's basically what I thought.


    1. Generic as hell. They're cleaning up something and randomly getting people to help them. the song is not really catchy at all, but Fluttershy getting hit with a broom is pretty funny :P (sawwy fwuttaz :()


    2. Pretty much what Alli Cat said on the video:


    I don't really get all the raging that's going on here.

    Notice that Rainbow is pretty visibly displeased with being dressed up all girly. Likewise, Applejack isn't too happy about Rarity altering? her more modest dress. Everyone is in character. Besides, this song seems to be primarily about RARITY dressing up herself and the other girls. (as she receives the most screentime.) This kind of thing happens in FIM all the time. You guys are just grasping at straws,looking for things to hate.

    Reply · 5 pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gifpixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif
    3. Would be SOOO freaking much better as a PMV with ponies. PLus, it's not really a song, just them talking over score music.
    4. Well. Rainbow is a human but she can fly. okeyyyyy.....
    Just a reprise of It's Our Big Night. Not all that exciting.
    5.  Best one by far. Song is catchy, animation's great, although AJ HOW DARE YOU REMOVE VINYL'S GLASSES!
    well, that's what I thought. :)
    • Brohoof 1
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