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Sugar Pea

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Everything posted by Sugar Pea

  1. So NK is miniaturizing missles? :|

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sugar Pea
    3. TheLegoBrony


      great more warfare just what we need isn't the irac war more enough

    4. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      They sound thirsty. haha

  2. M'Darling. I tip my feathered hat dazzled in dazzles.

    1. TheLegoBrony


      Morning to you too

  3. I feel like a fatty. Ate two course meals of drive thru food. One of those days. lol On the brightside, I got mint shampoo, perfume that smells like rasberries, and a sketchbook. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unicorncob


      Today is a good day

    3. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Very much so. :)

    4. TheLegoBrony


      It's not what you look like it's what is inside that counts

  4. Chicken noodle soup for breakfast. For 60 calories, it fills you up.

    1. TheLegoBrony


      I never thought of that usually I have marmite and peanutbutter toast sani

    2. Inactive_Now


      Wish I had time to eat breakfast during the week.

  5. My sweet tooth goes a very long way, so long that I want to make a career out of it. Pastries are more than profit. It's art, handmade art from baker to oven, to oven to happy customer. Delicious.
  6. To be fair, I think half the characters on MLP are pretty much stereotypes. For example (nitpicking the Mane 6 here): Twilight Sparkle is the OCD smarty pants of the bunch. Rarity is the over-dramatic fashionista with a somewhat British accent. "M'Darling." <--- lol Fluttershy is a shy person who can't seem to stand up for herself (And when she does, she goes on a tirade.) Pinkie Pie is the crazy chick, the party goer. We all know this one person. Applejack is a country gal, a workaholic. Rainbow Dash has an ego over 9000, and made out to fit the stereotype of a Tom-boy. Therefore, I think Tree Hugger is a stereotype as well. I mean, she is "Tree Hugger", obviously from the beginning we all knew her stereotype was going to be a laid back hippie.
  7. Good morning, MLPForums, and all that's happenin- *falls down stairs*

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Jeric


      @ooBrony, you love them until you step on them bare foot. O.o

    3. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Take it away penny!

    4. Unicorncob


      *sniff* That Penny has the most beautiful voice...

  8. Lookin' forward to that egg omlet. Oh yus.

  9. Hey!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      Feeling pretty good YAY =)=)=)=)=)=)

    3. TheLegoBrony


      Well Mellifluous the full name is Red VS Blue it's a webisode series made by Roosterteeth and it's very funny and cool.

    4. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      That's cool guys :) haha

  10. So many Geminis....lol I'm a Pisces. I'm such a guppy. haha
  11. Waking up at 3 oclock probably isnt the best time to wake up. I dont believe in the witching hour, but it still creeo me out. Laid in utter silence until it was close to 4.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Plato's Pony

      Plato's Pony

      A phobia of the dark? Well, we will have to fix that somehow. But reading /r/nosleep at night is really fun. I recommend it.

    3. Plato's Pony

      Plato's Pony

      A phobia of the dark? Well, we will have to fix that somehow. But reading /r/nosleep at night is really fun. I recommend it.

    4. TheLegoBrony


      try staying up all night listening to crepypasta stories


      BTW don't do it if you cant stay awake during the day


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Pink One

      The Pink One

      Well done. sorry but I have to put this:

    3. Sugar Pea
    4. The Pink One

      The Pink One

      *hugs* for achieving the rank.

  13. I cleaned my room. Got tired of looking at it. Thanks to my waffle candle, my room looks magnificent and smells delicious.
  14. Dear Pink One, Why are you so pink?
  15. I'm a bit of a Plain Jane. I love to wear girly things that are simple, cute or colorful. I like comfort as well.
  16. As a few other people said, gaming is competitive. Therefore will be full of elitists who think their the shiz.
  17. She's so...awesome in her own weird way. haha Or should I say groovy?
  18. A gamer.. A Youtuber called DSP, or DSPGaming. He is one of the most idiotic, stupid gamers ever. He's hypocritical, and can't go one minute without insulting the game he is playing. Nobody like him, neither do I...that's why many people make videos like "This is how you DON'T play______" This savage even dared to lay his paws on my favorite game, Portal. Observe.
  19. Good night!

    1. catnet


      Goodnight, and sleep well! :3

  20. Hey, for some reason my signature settings won't let me post pictures on it. Or use the tiny picture icon to upload a pic. Is there a reason for this?

  21. I for some reason want to believe that this generation of cartoon wants to be...well, random. I mean look at shows like Adventure Time, or The Amazing World Of Gumball....what do all those shows have in common? They're all random as frick. I miss when shows actually had plots, on an intelligent level...you know, like shows like Totally Spies, Code Lyoko, Courage The Cowardly Dog, whatever...at least those shows are logical and present situations and give the audience room to think without something stupid happening.
  22. Nah, I think she's just a laid back person...far laid back. Like a hippie.
  23. Well...they ARE "bro"nies. lol Well, I want to guess that this is just one of those things where men want to break out of their spheres and say, "Hey, men can watch ponies too!", thus defeating the stereotype that men can not like girly things. I used to think this was pretty unusual before getting into MLP, anyways, but when I watched the show I started to understand why. I believe 4Chan started this, but opened up a can of worms instead (in a good way this time).
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