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Sugar Pea

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Everything posted by Sugar Pea

  1. Morning <3

    1. catnet


      Good morning! ^.^

    2. Noei


      mornin !

    3. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Hey! How are ya'll?

  2. Wut. Haha Yeah, I found that odd as well. Such strong teeth ya have there, everypony.
  3. I used to be sorta bad at using that term, especially in public off the internet. One time, I believe I did it on accident. But yes, I do cringe. Especially in the show when sometimes the ponies will say "somebody" or "hand", then turn around and say "somepony" or "hoof" the next minute. Get your vocabulary right, MLP. aha
  4. I believe in God. Even if my faith runs low on battery, even if I give benefits of a doubt, I can't fight the feeling that there is a higher being that truly love me enough to keep me here. And clinging on to my faith. I may not have had a spiritual experience with God, but it's like, He's just there. In my heart. Like a foot print in the sand. It's weird. But comforting to believe in a life after this one. Only for eternity.
  5. Coincidentally, I bought me some acrylic paint for a project. $9 is pretty cheap for a lot of acrylic paint, I say, cute little jars! Anyways, when i'm done with the project, I plan on trying to paint with it as well. As a hobby. xD You should totally do oils. You got the skills!
  6. Niiiice dude! Looks really nice! What's the medium?
  7. Man, TMJ kinda sucks when you're trying to eat. Constant cracking in your jaw. Yeesh. lol

  8. As someone above has said, the dragons are made out to be punk teenagers. They think just because they're big scary dragons compared to fluffy ponies, they are superior to them and their princess(es).
  9. Lol, god no. People are totally making this series out to be more than it really is. I used to be interested in watching let's players play the game and was cool while it lasted...and now I think the series is kinda starting to tip my iceberg, just a tad. It's just a freaky point and click game, as all.
  10. "The energy of the mind is the essence of life." - Aristotle
  11. Take Cadence's hair for example, it's unnaturally multicolored. So if I had to say the same about Celestia, i'd say that her mane has always been like that. Even in that two parter showing Celestia and Luna's past, it rule out the possibility because the elements of harmony sure didn't make it that way. lol I mean, if you guys got any form of evidence to show she isn't, show me because this is the only thing I can conjure up about this. I'm all ears.
  12. Because it wasn't Applejack's destiny to stay there. If it weren't for Rainbow's Rainboom, she would've stayed there and never realize who she truly is, being something she isn't. Applebloom on the other hand, her destiny is yet to come. If she gets a cutie mark that's unrelated to apples, if it helps on the farm she'll stay, if not, she'll take her destiny elsewhere because that's who she is and what she is meant to do. Not saying she has to leave the farm for good. But a non-apple cutie mark can still be useful. But like I said, it depends. I'm just bringing up the possibilities that could happen.
  13. Has anybody here ever watched Totally Spie? You should. haha

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      It's too nostalgic. Almost at episode 20. haha

    3. Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Haha, now if only Netflix had The Proud Family, my life would be complete. :P

    4. GammaDove


      I watched every episode, gah I love this show

  14. It would depend on what kind of cutie mark she gets in the long run. If she doesn't get anything apple related or anything useful to farm work, she can always go down her own path away from the family farm. I always get this feeling that Applebloom's real cutie would be different from the family's, or rather unique. And since she has the most self conflict about her cutie mark out of the others, despite Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo having the same fears.
  15. About the above posts, what does Rainbow Dash being a lesbian have to do with the topic? Not only am I sorely confused, but not all cartoons need sexual representation. And two, Rainbow is a tomboy. Being a masculine girl doesn't make a character gay. Sheesh. Anyways, about Twilight being autistic. I never heard anybody say this about Twilight, like ever....and it's odd someone would come up with that theory considering that not only have I seen any signs of autism in Twilight, but i'm not even sure how it derived. I wouldn't have a problem with it if she was. About the OCD part, I believe people put her in that category because she's organized and has a spaz attack if something goes wrong or unorganized.
  16. Haha I love painting. And ice cream.

  17. Because she's part of the "Apple" family, and she was afraid that she will get kicked out or something if she got a cutie marker not related to anything apple.
  18. - Phone - Pencils - Sleep - Notes Just about it. haha
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