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Sugar Pea

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Everything posted by Sugar Pea

  1. Did the 100th episode air yesterday, or will it air next week? haha

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      she is my favorite cmc =)=)=)=) because she is raritys tiny copy lol

    3. VitalSpark


      Sweetie Belle > Rarity.

    4. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン



      Rarity > everything

  2. ooBrony loves Twilight Sparkle. >:D

  3. Touche! I changed it back, however. haha
  4. Thanks. Couldn't bring myself to change it. haha
  5. He remind me of a ten year old boy, because of his behavior and mannerisms.
  6. Shoot, SCS is that you?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      Hehe, sounds like a good day to me! The laziness is just starting finally, so I'm joining the fun. XD

    3. Sugar Pea
    4. Ashen Pathfinder
  7. Haha yeah, yeah you're right. I was just more focused on the fact that if he feels that way, I don't see what's going to change that exactly. Maybe he should have been less brash and not shooting at the entire fandom, but what could be done, ya know?
  8. My granddad said that lemon juice is supposed to help. haha Some sort of home remedy.
  9. I heard lemon juice helps. You should do that.
  10. I don't see what the big deal is if someone rage quits out of the fandom. I don't blame. I distanced away from the fandom, and getting less interested in the episodes as they progress. I guess that's just me burning out, so hopefully the candle won't blow out for a little while longer. Because FiM went through so many changes, it can't compare to earlier seasons in the show.
  11. My gosh yes! Someone finally says it. No matter ho you look at it, the target audience will always be children. In my opinion, I think bronies can be pretty selfish when it comes to the show and it's entirety. They can argue that it's for everyone, but is it really? Not like Hasbro was anticipating their target audience to be older guys anyways, and most of them really need to get over that illusion. That's how I'll always look at it.
  12. Twilight is the cutest pony in MLP. Hands down, suckas.

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea


    3. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      It's beautiful..

    4. Monsoon


      Okay never mind I'll be going now

  13. Hey, welcome Sinon! Enjoy your stay in the MLP Forums community! Hope to see you around!
  14. Welcome to the forums, pinkbubbles! Hope you enjoy your stay here as a new member of this community!
  15. My family is kin to Daniel Boone, long down the family line. Descendants basically. My mom's side of the family is part Italian, my Dad's side I believe is part Cherokee, and Viking. Yup. lol
  16. I'm in a mood for a burrito. Can I have a burrito? :D

    1. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      *smoozes a smooze burrito smoozily*

  17. That clock looks cool!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Couldn't keep itself down!



      Haha why?

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      because your names are so similar

    4. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Oh, did she change her name? :o

      I asked because I noticed I haven't seen her around lately.

  19. Gotta leave early tomorrow to go to my dad's. Night guys! :D

  20. Because Queens are evil and power hungry, Princesses are delicate and innocent. At least, that's how it's always been for the most part. It could also do with the fact she hasn't married her way into a higher rank of Monarchy. The same could apply to Luna as well.
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