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Everything posted by rainbowdash4ever

  1. Oh, hello there. My name's Josh, I'm just moving in, and *glances at my bags* I'm gonna need a bit of help unpacking.
  2. *steps through portal and enters at the entrance to Ponyville* Wow, finally! I'm gonna love it here! First things first, to see Twilight and get everything ready so I can begin my new life here.
  3. *packs up my things* I am ready to move to Ponyville.
  4. Thank you Twi! I will be certain to introduce you to my parents as well when you arrive. Oh, and by the way, I happen to have a few books on Earth fauna, perhaps you would like to read them. You could learn a lot about the animals that live here. Also, if you visit soon, you may be able to watch a couple of good movies with me. They're about some of the amazing animals that lived long before my kind even evolved, from sea scorpions and early fish to the first reptiles and even dinosaurs(prehistoric reptiles that varied in size from as small as a chicken to as huge as your library)! I tell you, the history of the planet I live on is amazing. ~Josh P.S. The movies are called "Before the Dinosaurs: Walking With Monsters" and "Walking With Dinosaurs".
  5. I hope someday you can visit me IRL at my house. I would love to meet you.
  6. Thank you for visiting me. I am honored to be in your presence.
  7. Why in my dreams instead of actually allowing me to see you with my own eyes? Is it because you would not like to startle me? I am not easily startled.
  8. Thank you so much Derpy. I know that we will be great friends. ~Josh
  9. Ok, since we agreed on my moving to Equestria someday, when do you think you could visit IRL? Whenever you are not busy, I mean.
  10. Ok, thanks! Princess Luna, when do you think would be a good time for us to meet up IRL? You know, for the portal thing.
  11. I think she already answered that question, Derpy.
  12. Okay, whenever you can, I'll be waiting. ~Josh
  13. Princess Luna, would you ever visit me on Earth someday? I would love to meet you IRL. Maybe sometime tonight?
  14. Lady Rarity, how would you feel if Spike proposed to you? Lady Rarity, do you have any objections to a human living in Equestria? ~Josh
  15. Would you ever object to a human living in Ponyville? Namely, me? ~Josh
  16. Would you have any objections to me living in Ponyville? ~Josh
  17. Well, as long as you don't, that's good. ~Josh
  18. Do you have any objections to a human living in Ponyville?
  19. You might be a brony if anything you say or do is related to ponies in any way, shape or form. LOL, I win.
  20. Dear Princess Celestia, Is it okay if I move to Ponyville from my home on Earth? If so, please find some way to open a portal to Equestria. I will be eternally grateful. Your soon-to-be loyal subject, Josh
  21. Spitfire and I go on an epic journey to save the world? Anything with the captain of the Wonderbolts is AWESOME and EPIC!
  22. I think like most librarians, she has a certain time frame for when they should be returned.
  23. Do you think we could bake cupcakes together? ~Josh
  24. Sorry, but I reverse engineered the game, thus learning how to win, and thus winning. Art thou mad, Luna?
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