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Sweet Dreams

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Everything posted by Sweet Dreams

  1. Funny you say that, because that was the first pony parody video I ever saw, right after I started becoming a brony. After I watched the show and enjoyed it, I was really fighting temptations, kinda like this lol- Please don't watch anymore. Pleeeassseee don't watch any more! And then I saw that video. And I was like, screw it, I'm watching more
  2. The Return of Harmony was it for me. I laughed so hard at Fluttershy counter-trolling Discord. "I am weak and helpless, and I appreciate their understanding"
  3. I'm a straight girl, so none. XD If I had to pick a colt from the show, though, I'd pick Braeburn. I want a simple wedding in AAAPPPLLLELLOOSSAA!
  4. I am the dawn Life is dead when light is gone So we must light the way For loving day And life's sake For solar reign Our empire shall never fall They say that we are weak But that is false To glory Surprisingly I prefer this one to the Luna counterpart
  5. The first time I read the title of this thread I thought it said TrollHouse. Anyway, welcome to the forums!
  6. OKAY GUYS! We are now on 986. There was a little confusion there, sorry. Twilight originally put 987 where it should have been 989. I think that's where the problem started. Anyway, we were on 986, now we're on 987. Continue. EDIT: Disregard what I just said. Everyone's continuing anyway. 994
  7. 991. Twilight deducted 3. EDIT: Then Twilight edited post :3 We are on 989
  8. Heh sucker 990 (did you read all my post, anyway?)
  9. Nice try. 990. EDIT: Okay, you were right (I need to read previous posts before I type more) 987
  10. What do you mean? Vaporeon posted just before I did, and her post counted as one more. So then we were on 990, and my post counted as 991. EDIT: Sorry, I thought Vaporeon was a girl, because he put 989+1 there. Sorry guys Okay, so now we're on 989. Am I right?
  11. What Chigens said 990 EDIT: Okay, now we're on 991, sorry. CONTINUE ZE GAME!
  12. Funniest : 1. Pinkie Pie 2. Rarity 3. Twilight 4. Rainbow Dash 5 Fluttershy 6 Applejack Yeah, I'm kinda tired right now, so tell me if you have different opinions later because they're probably right
  13. Geez, sorry! And didn't you just skip 2 then? What are we on, anyway? EDIT: Okay, 988
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