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Naiya The Brony

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Everything posted by Naiya The Brony

  1. Very busy with last month. Lots of big opportunities happened. Finally got a new career. Just got home from first day of work.

  2. Had to update my shop since it is pretty outdated in line with my recent general prices of my commission sheet. Also, Some of my recent works.
  3. Of course, I am still open. Slr just got online today.
  4. @Silly Druid Congratulations ! Looking forward to draw your prize.
  5. Sure I can do that no problem. I have sent you a message let us discuss it in DM's thank you
  6. Heya it has been a while, I have sent you a DM.
  7. Alrighty then I'll let you know if I am ready to work on your commission. I'll ask more of the speceific details on the drawing itself later on. For now, I'll be putting you onto my Queue List and yes everything would be $85 with the new updated price. I am looking forward working with you as well, I really appreciate for checking my shop and commissioning me .
  8. Prices has been updated in my shop, please refer to the link of my shop as reference as I am unable to update the thread's information as of now (at the time this message was created.) Thank you.
  9. Oh wow there's a lot to unpack here, before I move on to your commission i feel like need to say this first. Recently I have changed my price on all of my commission art socials. Therefore, the prices you see there are outdated. I am just waiting for the admins to change my price in my actual shop (link shop) and change the display shop right here (the one you currently see). Now that's out of the way onto the questions regarding with my shop. Firstly, the additional character is per panel that means if each panel there's more than one character additional character would be applied. In your example with the old price that would be $60 (though the actual price would have been $90). Anyways, the wording for my old comic category was easily misunderstood and outdated here is my new awaiting prices for my shop. *Note* that 1 page can have up to 5 strips of comic. It is not in the description here but I'll add once the prices have been changed. And also I have an existing commission working on from another site therefore if you accept the new changes and proceeded with the commission then you'll be put on a queue, (2nd in line waiting). I hope you understand these changes and I apologies with any misunderstandings and inconvenience. I am looking forward hearing from you again. Edit: The prices has been updated in my shop.
  10. It's been a while since I've visited here again. As we reached Cherry's birthday, might probably a good idea to visit memory lane. Such Humble beginnings and oh how far have I, we've grown or come. Nostalgia is a very powerful feeling almost enough to make me cry. Happy Halloween everyone!
  11. Heya Thanks for the Add. Friend. 

  12. I have an email but I think it is more convenient if we discuss the details here. I'll start the convo with you.
  13. Hi, Apologies for the late reply, I did not see the notification of your post. Anyways, As of now no, I do not have an upperlimit BUT my time on starting on new commission is varried depending how much I am currently working with other commissions.
  14. It seems all of my hard works and efforts did not paid off, this is a huge blow for me. :(

    1. EpicEnergy


      I'm sorry to hear that.  *hugs*

  15. This is it, Tomorrow and the day after that is the big exam day. Hopefully I will do well. GL to me.

  16. I want..... the Exposition train to come back in the series or at least a replica to its purpose. I know it's kind of unnecessary but I am gonna miss how it sticks out being forgettable and an important plot piece in an episode at the same time. It's kinda become the central hub for some theorycrafting or discussion from the main characters. At least Maretime Bay have its own trolley that's good enough I guess.
  17. Heya! Sorry for the late reply. I did not see the notification of your post until I've actually checked my shop to see your post. Ah, you purchased a commission. You can send my the details of your commission over a PM, though if you still new to the forums and do not know how to then right here is also fine. Also, if you do not mind me asking. When did you made a purchase? I would just like to double check in my email.
  18. Still having a difficult time distinguishing taste, mostly flavors but at least odors or scents are coming back, that's a relief

    1. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      Congratulations. I hope you'll get a lot more better.

  19. Our dog recently passed this morning, what a depressing way to start the day...

    1. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      I'm so sorry to hear that. May your dog rest in piece.

  20. Forgot to post an update that I made some changes for the prices of my shop. Thank you.
  21. Hello! And yes I am still open for commissions. If you are interested just leave me a PM
  22. Got this stupid Idea of the new Mane 5 alternate Ego, as to what I first Interpreted them when they were first leaked Pipp looked like a goddes of beauty, So I gave her like the infamous toxic Twitch/Tiktok girl streamer Sunny is a brony Izzy hab a bol Hitch is like Chad, (Originally I joke about him having a harem because he is the only male) and Zipp is like RD V2
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