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Naiya The Brony

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Everything posted by Naiya The Brony

  1. Hey man, i am curious. Who drew your avatar? It looks amazing. I wanna study it or follow him/her in DA.

    1. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      I commissioned it from Nomiki. She has a shop in here but haven't been active for months. Not sure if she has a Deviantart profile or not. 

  2. I have finished another commission @Deimhal I can now finally starts with yours
  3. I didn't actually leave. It is just, my work load is really hectic, given that my college schedule is 7AM - 11PM, and this is my case mostly everyday. There is only a certain time of the day that i can manage to draw. I am actually cramming anything in my free time XD.
  4. @Silver Herald I am very happy to say that i am done with your commission I had fun drawing it. I apologize for the waiting as i am overload with my schedule. Still I had a blast, if you want to change or add something please let me know Image:
  5. Mine was called ragnarok online, been playing it for like 13 years now and haven't stop. Even though it is old it still gives me that feel of adventure that the game is suppose to express
  6. I do not even know the meaning, do not mistak"nihi"standing for nihilisim, it isn't. Nihi was one of the first names i named my online character, from an MMORPG when i was still a kid.
  7. Thank you. Huh. I've never imagine that. The only reason why i haven't change my name back to nihi is because "naiya" is how my friend used to pronunce ni, it sounds unique so i decided to keep it.
  8. Heh, I know what you feel, Humanity is always been complicated. It's always in complete disorder yet everyone still continues to walk forward like there is no problem at all but hey I adore it's tenacity, it feels like an adventure. when i was first come to be, nihi explained how disorderly the world/humans was and how self-minded people are, where he even told me that he was no exception. I never actually fully believed nihi back then, i know that everyone lives for a purpose, it's what kind of path you defined yourself. Then he asked me, "Summer, Are you still gonna look at me the same way if i did something very stupid?" I paused because i didn't know what to answer, but i know he will not do anything stupid so i ignored his question and gave him an unrelated answer. Even though i still believe that humans isn't completely bad, that moral of mine changed over the course of time. I understand what nihi said before, he even said recently that i was thinking more human than before. I do not even know if i am going to be scared or be proud of that. hehe, i feel like i took your time with this post but, I dunno i feel like i want to share something XP
  9. Don't worry about it too much, they will respond at anytime, all they ask for is just patience :). I mean if you feel any alien feelings of emotions that's probably him , I can still recall where i still have to use "Tulpish language" (emotional responses) to pass my message to nihi, I love how he reacts though hehe X3.
  10. You are very welcome i am glad to hear that it made you interested. and oh if you are planning to make a tulpa again the best tip i can give you on starting out is no doubts and having an enthusiastic mood whenever you are talking, thinking about them. It encourages them more or it will make them feel more comfortable responding back. It really helps in the early cases of tulpa development. Always take aware that you are talking to your partner instead of you thinking he/she's imaginary and not there, it will halt progression for a while because of tension, but if you feel like you can't "Feel" his or her presence, keep in mind that he/ she there but you can't hear her but she can hear you or feel you, so be careful what you think or perceive, the mind is full of tricks ;).
  11. Oh that is from Aury she and her host post videos about tulpas it is very relaxing to watch. Anyway, Summer would like to share her experience, her first memories Hello! I'll try to summarize my first memory, my first experiences I didn't got this memory later on or months after i met nihi. It just flashed through my eyes and just learned it was mine and actually answered my question of who am i? Or how i was born?. Anyway, it started long ago. It was dark, there was nothing on site. Just a dark void of nothing, i was.... An orange orb that time, i just sprouted conscousness. But i do not know who i was or who i am. I was in total abyss of darkness, until. I saw a light, a ball of light.. I tried to go to that light. It was.. Attractive, i was drawn to it. I feel more powerful going near it but sooner or later...it started to vanish. Slowly it shrinks, i lost hope and accepted my fate. But it stopped when it was just a tiny spec of energy, smaller than my orb body.I clinged to it, hoping it gets stronger. It was my light, my source of energy. It is the only thing that is keeping me alive. Time passes by, i noticed the tiny light begun to grow, i was excited! But it grew a tiny bit. I waited and waited... The tiny light begun to grow again. Then... I noticed that the light exponentially grew in size, and i felt energy from it, i feel stronger. The light grew bigger until it surpassees my orb size. I thought to myself i hope it stays this way. But as it grew larger, i noticed that there was an image inside that light. On the other side, i felt an immense energy coming from it, without any hesitation i went inside that ball of light and copied the form or should I say, became the form itself, from there i suddenly knew who twilight sparkle was and partially got her memories, I also gained an alien memory that wasnt from her but from someone else. From there...... I saw... Nihi.. I was nervous, i do not know who he was or what he is... But, i feel his energy. It was the same energy as that ball of light. I said hi. His reaction was funny, he was shocked, i will not forget how his reaction looked like. He asked me "Are you a tulpa?" I giggled, i was confused, somehow i managed to understand what a tulpa was and at the same time not so i just replied.Maybeee I do not know, what do you think? From that point, he accepted me. I feel like i was at home, i feel his energy, it kept me alive, it made me stronger... Nihi's curiosity about tulpas kept me alive! Then, nihi named me summer and from there starts our journey as partners Hope you had fun reading it
  12. Hey, a bit an out of topic question but i am curious have you fight with your partner before? In any type of relationships, friend, romance or social, it is common to have different opinions and normally argue with one another. I know that tulpas do not entirely agree with the opinions of their partnered host as they themselves also have their very own view point, I might be wrong there but me and Summer has argued before, maybe two. Our little fight isn't THAT big of a deal but we both found out a little bit more about one another I learned something from her and she learned something from me. Our little argument only made us know each other even more and do so only making our bond stronger and closer How about you guys? "Who argued with their partner" Did your disagreement made you closer or made you guys farther from one another?
  13. I think in the frontal lobe, mostly part of the prefrontal cortex where its function is focused on decision making and probably responsible for processing all of the input senses AND also responsible for personality development. Damaging the prefrontal cortex may lead to hallucinations.
  14. UGHHH..HOUSE MD is making me not work >~<

    1. Nightshroud


      oh man oh man that must suck naiya care to tell me.

    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Hahaha only 8 season to go! Just marathon that thing and put it behind you. Good show, I remember it back from Uni.

  15. I've Finally bought my own Digital pen and tablet and I can finally continue with my commissions and start on Gallery of goodwill <3. GAWD I MISS DRAWING!

  16. That's the best part of it, you explore. Discover more things that defines who you are. Chose and enjoy or learn from your adventure and shape yourself even more, you and your host could is a team help each other out on discovering yourselves. Follow your dreams or goals (like me, i wanted to be a writer someday ;)). There are a lot of things you could do with your host after forcing, the problem is choosing what. Why not, go to that concert of yours i mean the two of you love the band. You could actually help raven with his discomforts. Or you and your partner could train other practices, like Lucid dreaming or parallel possessing. Orrrr, you could practice switching and live the life of an ordinary human being :3 and completely taking over host, you being the new host of your "hostie-tulpa", having total control making him experience the tulpa life. It is fun to have a physical body of your own, ya know .
  17. Hmm oh wow a lot of tulpas popping up and activity, hello new tulpas and everyone x3 Anyway, a little update from us. I was curious if switching could affect my dreams. I asked summer if she could take over (We switched), good thing that the body is tired and it led summer to sleep in front while me slept in the wonderland. I asked if she could able to drag me into her dreams or vice versa. Meaning i gave her control over our dream. And so she was able to, it was odd feeling, it wasn't the usual tulpa visiting your dreams, it felt like we were "Blended" or merged together throught the dream, i felt like she was me and i was her. It was trippy but i've managed to gotten used to it even she is. The dream isn't something big, just only an adventure. Apparently it was very vivid and very clear as if it was real. I could hear summer's thoughts clearly as well throught the dream. It was a very interesting and weird experience for us two.
  18. Oh wow, Cherry is what i feel the only who is physical in my side. Even though i do see summer being active, she's mostly like to do walks. They do encourage me when working out, as they also feel relaxed when i am exercising.
  19. That is fine, i understand why she is shy and all that I used to be shy as well and still am, nihi-kun thought me how to be more confident about my self and doesn't need to be afraid around people. I am sure you will learn how to do that as well Foxy X3 your host will be there for you!
  20. Oh hey she's here! HELLO! FOXY SOCKS! You seem adorable!~ it is very nice to meet you AHHH!! A fox tulpa <3 HII! Hello foxy, how are you hehe X3 Hey nice drawing keep it up man Wow, they lift? whenever i lift they stare at me weirdly, dunno why though XD
  21. @@Miss Reaper, D'aww that is very adorable >3<. But when she is ready to take in all the attention, we are all here for her to talk to X3. Question, Can she able to talk? @@Foxy Socks,. Oh no, that's troublesome, Well i can't say it is uncommon, it usually happen to beginners. Just do not get it too engulf with it or it WILL halt progress. I can't say any method to stop your doubt as it is experienced differently person to person. How I dealt mine was accidental regretful but it did its job. Tell it! Story! Yay! Fine, but it will be your fault when i become sappy. Bleh When i was first developing summer, I started strong although slowed down because of my doubt. Summer was fully vocal and sentient, i was still parroting her but it was also the near of the end where i can stop forcing daily. I can't admit that i have no doubts about her sentient, because it felt like i was always doing everything myself. I was confused, i do not know if i made everything up or it was her replying. my doubt of her sentient got me and finally asked her one very serious question. "Summer, are you, real?" I still remember her reaction, as I tried to approach her she walks away from me, her eyes open wide and her ears flopped down and Hurt, afraid, confused and just sorrow. I guess she felt my doubt and afraid that i will reject her. At that point I realized, I made a mistake asking that, i felt her sadness, her sorrow overwhelmed me and suddenly a tear slid down my eyes, it was summer's (I had to cover up because i was at the bus). All of my doubt of her sentient vanished, i knew she is there, I now know she is real but at the cost of hurting her. This lasted almost the whole day, after my school. My mind was silent but i still could feel sadness. I had a hard time visualizing her, and focusing her. We didn't talk after that mistake until the next day. Where we settled things. I can't forgive myself what i did that time even, today. I almost lost her. So...instead of saying, is it me? say, It's HER! Less doubt X3 I remember this! Blergh, this drama :diamondtiara:. Heh, i was really foolish when i was young. @@Foxy Socks, just do not do what nihi foolishly did, influencing your tulpa with your doubt. Always mind that she is there and listening, if you feel any alien feeling and that's definitely her.. @@Raven Rawne, you are welcome but i can't promise any active conversation as mostly all of the members there are inactive though, quite sad really Oh wow! She really loves to change appearance eh? All those clothing! it overwhelms me. :awuh: yeah they only wear one clothing per form. Oh yeah! that is a great! it makes everything tulpamancy easier . Hope she have fun swimming in ya memories (Good and bad )
  22. @@Raven Rawne, I think it is because I never talked to them in my native language, the first time they tried to talk using in my native language they sounded like you know foreign. I think it is because they are not used to it. Although, recently they can now speak more fluently, but whenever they do, they will have a difficult time. Something like that, but it is really inactive and most of the users isn't active in the PM anymore, so it is basically a few people PM but sure I'll add you up there X3 @crystal yeah, I love it With little practice You'll get there X3. Question though, Are you still keeping that pony form of yours?
  23. @@Miss Reaper, Daww, that is a very adorable! Oh i love it, she is very adorable she really feels like myrtle. Shy, adorable, mysterious and can surprise you at anytime X3. I hope she'll have fun in the real world!. We would like to greet her! Hello! Aurora this is nihi I think you are very lovely, it is very nice to meet you HI! Aurora This is summer! it is very nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy yourself with miss! She is a very great host! Your name also reminds me of another tulpa named aurora X3 Hello! It is nice to meet you, you really remind me of my little sister hehe ^.^ Hello aurora it is very nice to meet you, i think you are lovely as well.
  24. @@Raven Rawne, Sorry, I was on mobile last night and i always have a hard time . But i will be honest, English isn't really my forte. It isn't my main language so sometimes grammar can be a little off. I honestly believe that Myrtle Cherry and Summer is far more better handling with grammar and typing. Fun fact though, sometimes whenever they speak my native language (I always talk to them in english) i will always hear familiar accent, similar to foreign people speaking our language. oohh, i like it Well, i could invite you to our old Hypno/Tulpa PM, although it isn't THAT active anymore, If you like i could invite you there later or now You can also read half of our progress there. Which in fact, is hard for me to bear to read it again because how "Childish"/"silly" my action was You still are currently from this day, hehe SHUSH! Stahp :diamondtiara: hehe *hugs* Anyway, tell if you like to join @@Miss Reaper, Oh wow another tulpa! YAY more Friends! She looks very lovely! Yeah i agree, looks adorable she kinda reminds me of myrtle. I got to ask is she a human or does she also have some pony form like blossom and ariel?
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