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Status Updates posted by Thrashy

  1. Apparently, calling out hypocrisy is a no-no around here. Okay, I'll play your one-sided little game.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Geek0zoid


      I don't care. If someone is willing to change their opinion just to make themselves look good, I'm going to chew them out for it.

    3. Thrashy


      I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it was "the way" I made the criticism in question, but that's still no excuse. Talking out of both sides of your mouth is talking out of both sides of your mouth, no matter how hard you try to make your critics look like the bad guys.

    4. Shanks


      It was said double talk that turned me against them, I am not exactly a fan of bullshit.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Thrashy


      I think it had something to do with the QWERTY layout being good back in the days of typewriters for keeping certain keys from sticking.

    3. long gone

      long gone

      I don't feel that it really makes the $40 premium worth it, but damn is it awesome.

    4. Thrashy


      I think I'll just wait and see how I'm feeling once I receive my fed and state tax returns. More likely than not I'm just gonna go with the multicolor one, but saving $40 is always nice.

  2. Looks like the Steven Universe fandom has been infiltrated by anti-brony SJWs. I hope the sane among SU fans have the good sense to quash them before the infection spreads.

    1. Shanks


      That is just lovely, I guess some people like circle jerks.

  3. Welp, guess I have a year's subscription to Amazon Prime now. I swear, free trials you have to manually cancel are designed to entrap forgetful people such as myself.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thrashy


      As much as I like Prime's features (such as free 2-day shipping), but I'm going to miss that hundred bucks dearly because I have virtually no other use for it aside from watching shows and movies that aren't on Netflix.


      Good thing tax returns are coming up soon, otherwise I'd be more royally pissed off than I am. X)

    3. yeet
  4. When the only answer you've got is the wrong answer, it may just be within your best interest to search for a better one. The wrong answer doesn't magically *become* right just because you stick to it.

  5. Any reason why a deleted comment on a status update would reappear upon refreshing the page?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. yeet
    3. Thrashy


      502s...yeah, that's probably why. X)

    4. Nohbdy


      It's a bug. Tech team's working on it.

  6. I wish the transition from amateur artist to professional artist didn't require turning into a complete priss with an overinflated ego.

    1. Shanks


      Anything that requires selling your soul isn't worth it if you ask me, "amateur" or "pro" if I like an artist I like an artist.

  7. Never understood why keeping a character canonically single is a cardinal sin in most fandoms. For crying out loud, it's not the end of the world if a character hasn't been paired with someone by series' end.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thrashy


      I'm fine with shipping and whatnot, but it seems supremely silly to me when people grow to hate a show just because their OTP didn't happen in-show, y'know?

    3. Megas


      I love ships as much as other fans, but sometimes people are TOO invested in them

    4. Shanks


      I have never really care about shipping either in fannon or cannon and I still don't care much about it in cannon but something about ponies brings that out of me though not to level that certain others take it. You also have these people that think that even the slightest possibility of any cannon pairing is going to ruin the show forever and I am really more in the middle.

  8. http://vocaroo.com/i/s18tqwuE869D Beautiful rendition. Brings a tear to my eye. :'3
    1. Woohoo
    2. Thrashy


      Not being able to brohoof status comments is sucky.

    3. Cosmik Vek
  9. And suddenly, rain.

    1. Thrashy


      And even more suddenly, thunder.

    2. Shanks


      It was raining pretty hard earlier this morning but now the sun is coming out for me and I hope it stays out. I am off tomorrow so it can rain it all it wants then.

    3. yeet


      It was oretty sunny today. Of course the ipads auto correct is so amazing it doesn't correct oretty to pretty.

  10. I wish being direct with people didn't make me an A-hole. Alas, mincing words is not my forte.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. yeet


      Yeah but egg.

    3. Thrashy


      Of course egg. Why would anyone think otherwise?

    4. yeet
  11. Doumo arigatou, Robotto-san! <3

  12. Huh. Never knew Octavia had Rarity's eye shape.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thrashy


      Now you grow. And growing is half the battle!

    3. yeet
    4. ghostfacekiller39


      Rurdee has best eye shape though <3

  13. Mfw "critics" can't take criticism:

    1. yeet
    2. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      And that's the hypocrisy of some critics.

    3. yeet


      *cough* everyone but me *cough* XD

  14. It escapes me as to why some people feel the need to comment such gems as "I really like your videos, but I don't approve of your foul language..." on YT. It's seriously more worthless than "FIRST!"

    1. Rainblow H. Ash

      Rainblow H. Ash

      Their virgin ears can't handle such vile words.

    2. Thrashy


      Dagnab F-bombs, corrupting the minds of the whippersnappers!

    3. Rosemary Comet

      Rosemary Comet

      Clean or not, hey, I'm good with it!

  15. Just lost track of a rather beastly looking spider. Time to burn down the office, I guess.

    1. Rainblow H. Ash

      Rainblow H. Ash

      Heaven help us when spiders become flame retardant.


      Then the real war against those eight legged freaks begins. Them or us, dogg, them or us.

    2. Thrashy


      Eons from now, legends will speak of heroes like us, having fought valiantly in the Great Spider War. We may fall, but these octopedal pricks will be dismayed to find we'll go down swinging.

    3. Rainblow H. Ash

      Rainblow H. Ash

      I salute thee, General Thrash of the Anti-Arachnid Militia. May our children's children finally live to see the day when we are plagued by arachnids no more.

  16. The narration for the new S5 trailer is...comically unfitting. I love it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shanks


      If the trailer is any indication there are going to be a lot of adventure themed stories in season 5 and if that is true I probably am going to like season 5.

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Adventure and stuff is cool, but I hope they do make plenty of slice of life episodes too. I love those.

    4. Shanks


      There have been good ones, some that are meh and a couple that kind of sucked but I am yet to see an adventure episode the disappoint me. With that said I didn't like season 4 that much but there were certain things I did like from that that I would like to see more of like Maud Pie. I heard that there might be a Pinkie Pie family reunion episode and if that is the case than I am really looking forward to it.

  17. Remember: Standing against bigots is wrong.

    1. Woohoo


      Remember: Freemasons and Illuminati are root of all evil.

  18. Any other Firefox users had problems with Flash plugins lately? I keep getting script error messages complete with total browser freezage every time I visit YT.

    1. Yellow Diamond

      Yellow Diamond

      Flash did update very recently. That might be the cause of your problems.

  19. Seems as though terms like racism, sexism, [insert your]phobia etc. have all but lost their original meanings. Yay, reactionaries!

    1. Nowwithevenmore~


      this post just gave me ptsd

    2. Thrashy


      Dude! The word "post" triggers me. Have some sensitivity, FFS.



  20. Must. Not. Use. Filthy. Public. Toilet.

    1. Away


      They can be pretty terrifying xD

    2. Shanks


      Public bathrooms, when the term "shitty situation" takes a more literal meaning.

  21. Someone honestly said Majora's Mask was "trying too hard to be edgy". Is Thrashy gonna have to choke a bitch?

    1. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      tfw I haven't played a Zelda game since the NES...

    2. Thrashy


      You've missed a lot of great games, my friend. :o

    3. CheeryFox


      "Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?"

  22. I should feel guilty about wasting company resources, printing out 100 sheets of staff paper for my music class. I really, really should.

  23. If only the freedom of speech came with an imperative to have a point.

    1. Woohoo


      What happened?

    2. Thrashy


      Just the usual - people on the Internet pissing n' moaning about things without even attempting to advance an actual argument.

    3. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      Just internet in a nutshell..

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