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About Thrashy

  • Birthday 1988-11-11


  • Title
    Element of Aggression

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My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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  1. Burly, tone deaf guy singing Rolling in the Deep out of key in my vocals class? Talk about another painfully average Tuesday. How's your guys' day?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Thrashy


      NorCal's definitely getting there - 84 at the moment. Of course, I wouldn't at all be disappointed if this heat pissed off for the next couple of weeks. Or forever. That'd be nice, too.

    3. Shanks


      Yes, I don't know what I hate more extreme heat or extreme cold. I am 315 pounds so with heat I feel like I am frying, with extreme cold my bad knee acts up.

    4. Thrashy


      Gimme the cold. I find it far easier to keep warm when it's cold. When the thermometer's pushing 100, however, ain't nothing in the world that can help...well, except for a decent AC unit, but not everybody has that luxury, sadly. :']

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