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Status Updates posted by Thrashy

  1. The very last question on my political science homework requires so much research and in-depth analysis, it could honestly be its own separate assignment. Bravo, teach.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Geek0zoid



      That REALLY should be a separate assignment.

    3. Shanks


      Holy crap, is your teaching trying to kill you?

    4. Thrashy


      ^It's very likely. I knew I should've listened to my friend when he said this guy gives "hella work". X\

  2. 0 WPs next to my name? Now THERE be something I've not seen in a while. ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thrashy



      "What in the pink fuck..."


      I'm gonna use that. XD

    3. Thunderchild


      Hey-mi casa es su casa mi Amigo.

    4. fimdash
  3. Dagnabit, Makusu.

    1. yeet


      why is everyone posting this

  4. Oh, ANOTHER end of the world? This time predicted by the vikings? Well, I'm sure it'll happen for realzies this time. Valhalla, here I come!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Midnight Scribbler
    3. Thrashy


      Jeez, Leviathan's a bigger wuss than legend would have us believe...

    4. Midnight Scribbler

      Midnight Scribbler

      Yeah, we probably poisoned it with chemicals and radiation. lol I'm actually surprised we aren't extinct yet to be honest.

  5. I'm sure some of you Philly bronies can tell me how laughable Subway's cheesesteak sandwich really is, but dammit if it's not my favorite item on their menu by far.

  6. So, turns out I *can* transfer units from my old college to this one. Guess I'm dropping econ. Yayyyy. X)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thrashy


      I don't have much of a problem with understanding economics, but this particular class has wayyyy too many assignments to worry about. Plus, I'm getting to drop it right as my free trial for MyEconLab expires, so I don't have to pay $55 for that. :P

    3. AppleGearRising


      Ha ha! You sly dog ;)

    4. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      The intro econ classes were some of my favorite college classes I took, probably because my old econ prof was fucking awesome

  7. For anyponeh who didn't catch my latest blog-exclusive arty fart last night, here y'go: http://mlpforums.com/blog/991/entry-10021-thrashy-gets-more-than-he-bargained-for/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thrashy


      O hai, Steven. How you doing today? :P

    3. Rainblow H. Ash

      Rainblow H. Ash



      I freaking knew that would be a cop-out! Ha ha... you joker you. See you at the spa, I'm sure you'll be getting some hooficures soon...

    4. Geek0zoid


      I'm doing good after my break.

  8. That moment when you desperately want to debunk some asinine SJW logic (or what *passes* for logic to these people), but have to reign yourself in because you know that getting into a protracted ideological argument will only lead to unnecessary blood pressure spikes and mood swings. /)_(\

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thrashy



      Yeah, I know. It's REALLY not worth it because I know I'd get a warning for it; there's no way in hell I'd be able to maintain my civility while calling out such backward, totally counterproductive leaps in logic that would actually *regress* society if the majority of people were actually dumb enough to lend it credence. Better just to ignore these trolls so that their viewpoints eventually fade into obscurity, I guess.

    3. Thrashy


      Also, meant to say "rein", not "reign". Argh.

    4. AppleGearRising


      Unfortunately that's the case through and through. Not exactly a whole lot we can do about it in terms of producing a rational argument and attempting to persuade them to see things logically, just the way the world is -_-

  9. I just remembered this godawful thing. Really creepy when he speaks in a hushed voice.

    1. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      Oh I remember that xD

    2. Rockymoo


      I thought this guy was funny as a kid, but watching it now, this motherfucker's kind of creepy.

    3. Sugar Cube

      Sugar Cube

      Wow, I can't believe I remember that thing... he sure was creepy, even back when I was little. x)

  10. Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Ravioli, ravioli, show me the formuoli.

    1. Rockymoo


      I prefer your version over the canonical one, honestly.

    2. Brishton


      Can I just say YES

  11. I don't know about you, but I just about had a heart attack when I heard Bic Mac actually start singing. X)

    1. Sugar Cube

      Sugar Cube

      It took me by surprise too. When he didn't get a verse of his own in Apples to the Core, I just assumed he was never going to sing. But dang, he did and he's pretty darn good! :D

  12. Season 5's new opening theme. Make it happen.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HeartFeltPuma23


      My brain just melted XD

    3. Sugar Cube

      Sugar Cube

      Even *I* couldn't finish listening to that. :P

    4. Wingnut


      People who don't know about MLP:FiM think this is what we watch and listen to. XD And yes, I listened to the whole thing.

  13. What compelled me to say THIS, I'll never know. http://mlpforums.com/topic/50529-show-us-your-voice/page-37#entry2314245

    1. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~

      Now you tempting me to do the same pal.

    2. Thrashy


      Might as well. :P

    3. Wingnut


      It needed to be said. :)

  14. Somehow, I highly doubt '80s Hasbro execs ever would've fathomed that one day, a member of a wildly unexpected fandom would be taking shots of whiskey out of a My Little Pony shot glass. Here's to the changing times, my friends.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Thrashy


      Heh, I'll be a solid 30. Time flies when you're adorin' pones. XD

    3. Obsolete


      I do wonder how many in the community will stick around for that long. 5 years. That's a lot of life.

    4. Shanks


      So long as the show maintains its quality I am fine with 5 more years.

  15. Christ, I feel like I'm slipping back into one of my antagonistic phases. If I seem to have been sharp with anybody today, please don't take it personally. Just being a shithead.

  16. Probably shouldn't be laughing so hard at this, given I've got my *own* frustrations on the subject. But given what day it is, why the hell not: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/043/b/3/cheerilee__s_clock_by_inspectornills-d4pk72q.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. AppleGearRising


      Well all I can really say is keep looking! If we're really as pre-disposed to depending on companionship as you say then you ought to find someone eventually if you just keep looking ^_^, but don't worry about it TOO much otherwise it'll start to become more of a burden than it needs to be.

    3. Thrashy


      Fair enough. It's just that when I realize I'm already a third of the way to the grave, I can't help but take the insecure way of thinking - how terribly flawed I must be for nobody to see anything of value in me.


      ...But I know that's a destructive way of thinking, so I'll try to keep up playing the optimist until something good comes of it. ^_^

    4. AppleGearRising


      Awesome! 'cause by that logic I'm already a quarter of the way through my own life and there's no way in hell that I'm gonna be thinking like that all the time ;)

      Don't overthink it, you're bound to find someone who likes you for who you are, in fact it's almost inevitable! :D

  17. In the five years I've worked here, I've seen plenty of our field workers quit or get laid off. But this would be the first time I've gotten back a time card with "Deceased" written on it. :|

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92


    3. Thrashy


      lol, not really. I'd rather be doing literally anything else with my life.


      ...Well, except for food service. Fuck food service.

    4. fimdash


      dude damn :( sorry to hear. i get those thoughts sometimes too

  18. MediEvil on PS1. Oh, the memories. ♥

  19. Ah, the preliminary reactions to EqG2. Total deja vu.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      Sure, you and I know DHX is trying to elevate this project that Hasbro forced upon them (though how effective they are is another question entirely), but the Average Joe doesn't know that. They see this happening and they just see Dresses-and-Shit 2: The Obligatory Battle of the Bands Movie That Doesn't Have Actual Rock in it.

    3. Thrashy


      I'm not really concerned about people's perception of the franchise. Even if the EqG movies were never made, I honestly don't think MLP would *ever* be viewed as anything other than another childish fringe interest by outsiders. As far as taking resources away from the main show, that could certainly be a problem, but one would hope that they learned from their mistake of misallocating their resources with EqG during se03 and handle things better in the future. It does seem like s...

    4. Thrashy


      *eem like se04 and EqG2 began production at the same time, and considering we know 4's getting a more reasonable episode load than 3 did, it would appear to me that they've learned better since last season. But really, it's all a waiting game. My nature dictates I reserve all judgment until se04 ends and the new movie is released.

    1. Sugar Cube

      Sugar Cube

      Lol... I already failed. :P

    2. Thrashy


      I failed on the first click. XD

    3. Rockymoo



  20. What's a paladin?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thrashy


      Your knowledge of the land shall be great.

    3. Yamato


      A forgotten Apple product.

    4. Midnight Scribbler

      Midnight Scribbler

      I'm going on memory here, but I believe it was an elite knight who was known for his acts of bravery and chivalry.

  21. Coworker brought in doughnuts. My eyes immediately honed in on the chocolate Long John, and...well, I'm sure you could predict my reaction.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Obsolete


      The mere mention of a chocolate Long John is making my mouth water.

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Someone at work occasionally brings in doughnuts. I like plain ones and standard glazed. A man of simple tastes, am I.

    4. Shanks


      I like plenty lots of chocolate frosting and plenty of cream filling, this one place in the town I grew up in has the best donuts but unfortunately everyone in town knows so getting donuts from that place can sometimes be like booking a reservation at a 5 star restaurant.

  22. So if I'm understanding this correctly, the transgender community on tumblr has their own derogatory term for people whose gender identity matches their sex. Because being the bigger person and not spewing "counter discrimination" is overrated as fuck. #cis_privilege

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Rockymoo



      I'm diggin' this guy's sense of humor.

    3. Thrashy



      That's basically what everyone on tumblr demands white, hetero, "cis" males to say for soooo heinously subjugating minorities for the mere act of existing. ^_^

    4. Shanks


      What else can I say other than that every group has at least a few jackasses?

  23. This is almost hypnotic. Especially when listening to moderately tempo'd music. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/218/c/3/sweetie_belle___head_tilt_by_creshosk-d45nl97.gif

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yeet


      That's staying on my ipad

    3. AppleGearRising


      This is amazing *_* btw Sweetie Belle is best CMC XD

    4. Thrashy


      Hm. I see a metronome cutie mark in her future. It IS music-related, after all, so it does still fit with the fanon to some degree. X3

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