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Status Updates posted by Thrashy

  1. ...Is it bad that I've been listening to this for about half an hour and still ain't tired of it yet?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      "It's in mt other pants pocket" DEAD. XD

    3. Sugar Pea
    4. Thunderchild


      Well, it ain't Motorhead-so yeah, it's kind of bad.

  2. Remember, ladies: Ben & Jerry's is the answer to ALL of life's problems. https://scontent-a-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t1.0-9/10290655_643792352336517_8594217273399812390_n.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ghostfacekiller39


      Heh. Makes me want some ice cream.



    3. DryGuy84 (Inactive)

      DryGuy84 (Inactive)

      That's very sad looking, BUT SO ADORABLE!!!! /)^3^(\

    4. Thrashy


      ^I know, right? It's like, we SHOULD feel bad when one of our favorite ponies is greatly distressed, but we can't help but focus on how damn adorable they are *while* they're going through said distress.

  3. Terribly depressing track from a terribly depressing game.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thrashy


      Yeah, still kinda pissed Nintendo never released parts 1 or 3 on the U.S. Wii Virtual Console. It's like they refuse to acknowledge the absolutely HUGE following it has in the West.

    3. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony


    4. Shanks


      I know, it is an awesome series 1 and 3 deserved to be released just as much as 2.

  4. Instant notifs are...working again? Lavo, you magnificent bastard, I READ YER BOOK! >:D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thrashy


      Now, I freely admit that my method was wrong, but I hope you can understand my motive. And that you will accept this explanation... and this... apology.

    3. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      Apparently everyone here has written a book and is a bastard.

    4. DryGuy84 (Inactive)

      DryGuy84 (Inactive)


      I resent that! I mean, I never wrote a book.

  5. Stuffed my face full o' Wendy's right as vocal training class is about to begin. Can't see this going wrong in any way.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Thrashy


      I used to love those. But there eventually came a point where I got sick of them - literally. I can't eat one nowadays without getting a massive stomach ache. X\

    3. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      yeah, for some reason i havent been able to eat wendy's lately, i think i got sick of it :/

    4. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Honestly, I avoid fast food as much as possible. I always feel lethargic after eating it.

  6. At the risk of violating Godwin's Law...if enjoying the show as is/refusing to nitpick the everloving fuck out of it makes me a bad brony, then consider me brony Hitler. :P

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Revy ~ Two Hands

      Revy ~ Two Hands

      Every MLP analyzer's dream.

      I just tend to watch an episode and be like this sucks, then later I might change my mind because

      enough cute pink ponies did amsuing things or whatever. Although the CMC episodes and those with rarity as protagonist have my eyes rolling from the start.

    3. Thrashy


      Don't get me wrong, I have lots of fun analyzing flaws in a show, and even more fun overanalyzing fundamental aspects of a fictional world that don't make sense (such as how in the hell ponies can hold objects with hooves). But that's the key word: FUN. I don't treat it like serious business, y'know?

    4. Thunderchild


      I think that sums it up^. It's entertainment, same as most of the movies we enjoy. Leave your brain at the door on the way in-it's just a bit of fun to brighten your day, not the Bible.

  7. Huh. For once, my inability to keep my mouth shut gains me respect instead of a massive shitstorm. X)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      That's a first, Thrashman.

    3. Thunderchild


      I've always seen it as one of your finer qualities.

    4. Wingnut


      Being outspoken is sometimes a good thing. :)

  8. Hm. Would you peg me as a Social Anxiety Disorder or Bipolar Disorder kind of guy?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      "I have a lot of trouble initiating conversations with people, mostly because I operate under the assumption that if nobody's talking to me, they don't *want* to talk to me."


      Holy shit, that sounds exactly like me.

    3. Shanks


      I have struggled for many to socialize and make friends, I used to be worse than Twilight was in the beginning of season 3. This was in large part due to having Autism which I am not saying is the case with you but I never had Social Anxiety Disorder or Bi Polar Disorder. Certain things are still difficult for me like I am painfully shy around girls and sometimes miss certain cues and still sometimes inadvertantly making an ass out of myself but I have improved greatly over the years. Disorde...

    4. Shanks


      ...Disorder or not you are a very intelligent and thoughtful person and don't you forget it.

  9. Dude, your birthday's on 4/20? That's seriously far out. Hope you have a great one, bro!

  10. For those of you who celebrate it, I hope you're having a wonderful Easter Sunday with your families. (And if you don't celebrate, then I hope you're having an all around good day. :P)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thrashy


      Sorry to hear that. Hope things look a little brighter for you tomorrow. :(

    3. Shanks


      Everyone is sick so it is kind of a strange Easter but still not bad though.

    4. Thunderchild


      Thanks LT-it was nice. Hope yours was as well.

  11. Yeesh, much appreciated with these spoilers, guys. I still have two other episodes to catch up on, y'know. ¬_¬

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. An Old Head

      An Old Head

      Of course. They can still talk about it in statuses... the profile feed is there for that type of general commentary :P

    3. Thrashy


      Oh, I don't have any problems with folks making generic statements like "That was a great/terrible episode" or "Pinkie/AJ/etc. was really awesome/OOC in this one". I just wish they'd keep specific plot elements relegated to the proper thread. X\

    4. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Wow I forgot about today's episode..

  12. I swear to God I placed an order for Trixie and Twilight Funko vinyls on Amazon two weeks ago, and now I can't find a single piece of evidence on my account that I ever placed the order. WTF. Has Funko not officially released them or something?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      speaking of Amazon, I got charged $50 for membership cause i forgot to cancel my free trial....that really sucked lol

    3. Thrashy


      Ouch. That happened to me when I signed up for the trial version of ancestry.com, Buttwhistlers decided to charge me like $60 when the trial ended. And I went into overdraw because of it. :\

    4. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      yeahh, i only had like 40 bucks in my checking account...so that sucked lol

  13. Not gonna lie, the changeling badge looks pretty badass under my current avvy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sugar Cube

      Sugar Cube

      Congrats! A badass badge for a badass dude. :)

    3. Thrashy


      It could also mean I'm evil. In some respects, that's not too far off. X)

    4. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      You're not evil, you're awesome :P

  14. *le sigh* No BABScon this year. Sad pone, I am. #firstworldproblems

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thunderchild


      All us older members should pick a state in the middle somewhere-Texas for example, and get together for a con there.

      Those guys dress up in cowboy costumes all the time-so you know they'll be cool with cosplay.

    3. Nohbdy


      Same here.

    4. Thrashy


      ^Oh, you in Cali as well? Sucks that you can't go either. Maybe next year...if there IS a next year for this con. I'm sure there will be - any con that sells out its VVVVVIP tickets of $2,500 is sure to return, I'd say.

    1. long gone

      long gone

      Not really a Megaman fan, but sounds good.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. yeet


      so being out of his mind on alcohol is alright to do?

    3. Thrashy


      Not something I've drawn before, but I can give it a shot. :)

    4. yeet


      okay, i dont really know what the face would be like. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/brechard-r5283

      you dont have to draw him with the shoes and hat.

  15. Dat Applerack. o.o

  16. I love stepping on thumbtacks so much.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Oblivion


      I stepped on a full size nail once....TWICE, that sucked!

    3. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      Why did you step on a thumbtack?

    4. Thrashy


      I didn't have much choice in the matter. X)

  17. I'm beginning to think I just don't have it within my broken, volatile personality to 'play nice' with certain people. God help me, I'm trying, but effort never guarantees success.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Oblivion


      Yea, some people are just anoying and make you want to facedesk as hard as possible.

    3. Shanks


      Where there are some battles worth fighting but some others where the only path to victory is by backing off, take it from a guy who has been though a lot of flame wars. You can always flame someone back but what does it accomplish? It feels great for a while and maybe they deserved it but in my experience a lot of times the best way is to simply give them enough rope to hang themselves.

    4. yeet


      Yeah, and the put you on the verge of just punching their lights out.

  18. Happy birthday to you, good sir!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wingnut


      That actually makes Pinkie's parody of '90s rap look good.

    3. Thrashy


      Haven't seen that episode just yet, but I suppose if it's anypony's place to reach into the past and bring back some facets of pop culture's past that most of us would rather forget, I'm glad it's Pinkie. X)

    4. Fhaolan


      Oh god, I remember that. :/

  19. Curious, does skin secrete sticky crap when you're sick, or something? No matter how many times I wash my hands, they're just so clammy. Doesn't make sifting through hundreds of time cards any easier, I'll say that much. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thrashy


      o hai mark, anyway howz yor sex laif?

    3. Midnight Scribbler

      Midnight Scribbler

      I believe that would just be sweat, combined with the oils your skin naturally produces. Your body is probably trying to flush the sickness out, so you'd be right on some level, but it's nothing out of the ordinary.

    4. Thunderchild
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thrashy


      She definitely deserves her place to shine. :P

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Second best pony, but best of this matchup. :3


      Congrats, AJ! Glad you pulled it off!

    4. Shanks


      I think this calls for some cider.

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