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Everything posted by Paianis

  1. I am an aspie, and I don't really care. I mean, back when I was between 5 and 11 years old it was pretty obvious and anyone could be with me and be conscious of it. But since then it's all died down and people can accept me in the same way as anyone been slightly different to anybody. When it comes to undesirable work I still have a tendency to put my hooves in a dodgy position, but in many ways that makes me proud of who I am, someone who isn't prepared to accept lackluster 'services' or just to simply act like sheep. But it does make me different to bond with without looking behind the cover. I also prefer evolution of my life choices rather than revolution, unless it's something I've been waiting for a very long time. Wait? This isn't about the article is it. Oh forget it, I hope it was a decent read.
  2. 1) Make my room as dark as is possible. I mean seriously: my door has to be completely shut, my parents have to be asleep and I have to have as few blinking LEDs as possible (THANKYOU MacBook charger!). 2) Using my phone in bed, without any other lights on may not be terribly great for the eyes but at least it makes them tired. So assuming my parents don't take it away from me, that is the second thing I do. Even if it's taken I can always haul out the iPod for a bit of Vortex.
  3. Please, guys, we're meant to be smart, please keep the count consistent! 1023
  4. You know I'm tired and fed up of waiting, so: Someone else can take the thousand. Me? I'm off to bed.
  5. 985 I'm sure keeping this page open so I can get the thousand!
  6. I don't feel this forum is over-moderated, it's just that some of the rules put in place aren't really the best thought out. The 100 character-limit is the classic example here. It would be more acceptable if it only applied to members who had only made say, 20 or less posts, but having it blanket over most of the forum seems excessive to me, especially for posts that rely heavily on images. The arrogant side of me wants to say that I wish moderators (and anyone with any kind of authority really) would expect me to have something to complain about in response, and I shouldn't get a penalty for that because I am the one being discriminated, alongside with hundreds of others. But then that's just me.
  7. I like to think that Equestria, and the ponies on it, are kinda like spirits, and that they have actually visited our world without us knowing it. That's how they seem to know so much about us. The planet itself is probably entirely made of properties that we can't grasp, not even our eyes would tell us (but it's right next door to Earth in any case).
  8. My first 'pony' work was a fairly rushed Babs Seed Remix, around 3 months after I had watched the first episode. That's all I can really say...
  9. My old username: (Don't ask why, not related to me whatsoever) And finally, my very first username!
  10. Not that there was necessarily an error, but some of the animation where the mane six defeated Nightmare Moon at the end of FiM Pt. 2 was utterly atrocious for the series.
  11. Just because the mane six end up reaching their full potential doesn't mean the show has to stop there. I suspect we will be seeing more isolated characters with their own issues {e.g anxiety, some aspects of autism) and how they overcome them. Not being tied to any sort of group/friendship, there will be alot more freedom to put them into all kinds of situations. Let's not forget that there is a fair chunk of Equestria that hasn't been explored, there's plenty of room for upcoming episodes to take advantage of them and wrap a story around. That's assuming the writers choose to though, I really hope they're not going to take another jump off a cliff in terms of quality control.
  12. Screw both (though I'm on a GSII right now). I'm just waiting for this to hit the stores: This runs Sailfish OS, which essentially picks up from where Nokia left off with Meego (before Elop practically destroyed the business ).
  13. Holy crap how am I going to list everything?!!! I guess I'll generalise as much as possible Two laptops: ThinkPad T510 & 2011/12 MacBook Pro 15-inch Cheapo ALBA Telly 2TB Seagate HDD 22-inch iiyama monitor TASCAM audio interface Valve DAC/Headphone amp Usual desk lamps and such HDV Camcorder 2 Samsung Galaxy S2's PSP Console A hifi rack consisting of cassette, MiniDisc deck and turntable Sega Saturn and Dreamcast consoles Portable CD and cassette players Various bedside clocks Three Palmtop PCs (e.g Jornada 720) Three old XDA phones (Pocket PC/Windows Mobile) Old but rarely used Fujifilm camera GBA SP & Micro Creative MP3 player MD80 camcorder This is all to my best of knowledge and the stuff I'm likely to use on say, a monthly basis. But I have so much rubbish I ought to get rid of you wouldn't believe (thankfully I have an ample cupboard for it all). I have my parents to thank for most of it.
  14. It's very difficult to say what my favourites are, but I guess I'll start with the ones I use the most. This isn't in any order. 1) Nightingale: a music app, similar to Songbird. I just like the way it lays out my library in a simple manner. 2) UMPlayer: probably the most polished frontend to MPlayer, which I very much like. I find it more flexible than VLC with regards to video formats. 3) Mozilla Firefox: doesn't need an explanation really. A rock solid, heavily customizable browser. 4) YAST: you may ask why I have a control panel in my list: it is invaluable to me because it allowed me to set my DAC as the default for the whole system. I would never have picked openSUSE otherwise. 5) Mozilla Thunderbird: I can now keep track of all my email addresses without having to switch between tabs in a browser. I can also do a combined search of stuff in all my addresses. Sweet.
  15. Surprised I hadn't mentioned this earlier, but this is how I found out about the brony fandom. The day this video appeared in my subscriptions feed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgPadpzlF1I
  16. I wish that, when it comes to music, we could talk about it as it is and not let the popularity of a certain song, album, band or genre influence our opinion. With regards to stuff that plays on Capital FM for instance (this is a London-based station that plays Urban, Hip-Hop and Pop), sure it may not be to alot of people's tastes, but at least they have some production value in terms of sound design. As background music say, for the kitchen, its absolutely fine, but its not something you'd want to enjoy on its own.
  17. Yep, the old design was better and less sparse. There are a few features of the new one that I would like to keep (the song statistics being visible on the content page, for instance), but the rest of it looks too Windows 8-esque and doesn't make it obvious what the site is for.
  18. I think it would be very hard because they have been used to a monarchy type system for an incredibly long time. Most places in our world lost their kings and queens to revolution, gradual restructuring etc. But in Equestria, a sudden switchover would cause panic in society. Given that Celestia (and Luna? Can't remember) are eternal it seems pretty much unthinkable.
  19. Not bad! Yes I meant 'qualities'. Basically anything about you that is worth anything more than being a novelty. I'm no slouch at drawing but unfortunately my style isn't one that would come in handy with other areas of work, so I had to discount it.
  20. Or, for those who don't understand what I'm going on about, 'What part of you are you most proud about?' I'm not talking about possessions here, just about the value of one's capablities as a person. I was thinking about this earlier while playing the piano, and I've come to the realisation that my free improvisation (not following a chord pattern as in jazz) absolutely blows away anything else I can do in terms of music. I mean, there's so many techniques and theory that I probably use without even knowing much about it. Don't feel bad about bragging, we all know we all have a dark side. I'm just intrigued as to what you have to have to say about yourselves (on a more serious note, of course).
  21. Surprised no one commented about this. Even with the bodged 50Hz broadcast copy, and a stereo-only English track, I will still buy this, because those are aspects I can live with. I don't have a surround sound system but I do know blu-ray players and say, XBMC that can convert 50Hz content to 60Hz. I just need to ermm...well...save some cash, that's all.
  22. England Wales Scotland France Spain The Netherlands Germany Austria Italy Sweden Finland Greece Cyprus Egypt So that's a decent dozen
  23. While it is technically a WIP, I've released a short version of it for YouTube and other sites because I want a surprise for those who download the full version. Anyway, my aim was to make the track a little more listen-able to a wider audience than the original is. So it doesn't vary too much in terms of feel, just a different arrangement. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7okvMDEpekM
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