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Posts posted by Paianis

  1. I am curious as to where other bronies stand in the world apart from being fanatics about the MLP: FIM franchise. I understand that the reality is not quite so clear-cut, for example the White Australians (which, if you are one, I would consider you native as your nation has been there for hundreds of years). There are also multi-racial societies such as Canada, whose people I would consider native as they make up the vast majority of the non-First Nations population.


    Everything else I can leave for you to decide. In my case I am mostly British but half of my mothers side is predominantly Finnish, so I would consider myself mixed race.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. 141,012


    I got my AS Levels back, and to be honest, I've flopped. Well, not flopped in terms of my achievements in the past year, but I'm uncertain whether I'll be able to continue at my current school, especially as I need to retake those exams next June. In the meantime my parents will be considering other options.

  3. Swag doesn't necessarily mean awesome though. Dashie has a curious tomboyish/lesbionic influence, which I felt best suited the swag moniker.


    As a character I don't like her that much; her voice is too nasally for me and her writing is often repetitive and predictable.

    • Brohoof 1
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