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About CadetGrey

  • Birthday 1997-10-01

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  • Location
    The Netherlands

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
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  1. THAT AVATAR!!! HAHA omg so nice and cute and funny xD love it! :P You can borrow my doctors coat I have for my study xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CadetGrey


      Eh? Dutch? ME? Who would've guessed? :P Haha, but yeah, you're right. High five to you, my countryman!

    3. Wayzer


      I dunno, it's very hard to notice actually, like the flag of Luxembourg on the background though! *high fives back* quite punny actually cuz well... we Dutch are generally tall, so they're like really high fives... xD


      I should really get some sleep

    4. CadetGrey


      I hate that the word punny itself is a pun. QQ You're doing a great job at making me want to punch a wall, haha.


      Maybe you should. Two puns in a one comment? That's a real workout. :'>

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