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Everything posted by GaleFenrir

  1. I don't really buy into the concept of soul mates, or 'the one'. I do, however, believe strongly in true love and romance. It just needs to have a healthy base to spring forth from. Some people certainly can't get along well as a couple, and some who are couples really shouldn't be. But not because of destiny; either because of poor chemistry, or because one and/or the other isn't in a position in their lives were they are capable of handling a committed relationship. Focus on knowing and improving yourself, then you can focus on finding someone who's compatible. Just don't ever give up on yourself, and you shouldn't have any problem holding onto hope. That's just my $0.02, 'dough.
  2. Wow, your art is really good! Hmm, I would like to request some art of my OC Gardenia, here is a reference picture: But feel free to take liberties with her mane and/or outfit. Also, if you feel so inclined to do a background for her, I would like it to be a park or garden. I'm not too particular about the pose though. Also, I'll attach a reference for her cutie-mark, in the case that you might find need of it. EDIT: I has a new pic of her now, since I updated her design. So, I'll leave this here:
  3. @@Guardian Braveheart, "Guardian Braveheart, huh? Sounds like the name of somepony very important!" Ambrosia let out a small, enthusiastic giggle. "My name's Ambrosia, by the way." She looked up at the sky, noticing there was still a lot of time left in the day, "and I've already made a new friend! And that's not even counting the pink pony at the bakery who said she wanted to through me a party! " she thought to herself. She had declined the pink baker's offer, but she still saw it as a sign of this town overall friendliness.
  4. Cecil had been seated in the shuttle, eyes closed and arms crossed. His sandshrew Warden had been resting atop his head, and his growlithe Scout rested on his lap. It took considerable balance and poise to keep Warden on his head, but it's something Cecil had grown accustomed to shortly after he had first received him from his mentor back home. They had traveled to Unova all the way from the region of Kalos, and the trip had been quite long and tiring for him and his pokemon, Scout, especially. After just the first few hours of taking in all the new sights and smells, the little pup had grown bored with the lack of running and playing. Warden had no problem with it, though. When the shuttle came halting to a stop, Scout was the first to wake up, as his ears twitched and his head perked up. In turn, Cecil calmly opened his eyes and paid attention to what the intercom had to say. "Seekers building, huh? Guessing it'll be hard to miss. Though, I am not entirely sure what this 'Seekers' thing is, perhaps I should inquire into it, given that chance." With that thought, Cecil stood up with perfect poise as his growlithe hopped off his lap. Cecil watched as the other trainers on the train haphazardly made their exit. "Tsk, could they even be more brutish?" Instead of making an immediate exit, Cecil waited for a clear path to appear before him. Scout was a bit perturbed by his trainer's patience, but it didn't take too terribly long for the three to get off the shuttle, in the end. Stepping into the city proper, Cecil surveyed his surroundings, and noticed his destination quickly. He made his way there so that he could pick up his pokedex, and perhaps inquire as to what this 'Seekers' thing was.
  5. Ambrosia left Sugar Cube Corner, holding a bag of baked goods in her arms. She took a doughnut(one with pink icing, and plenty of sprinkles) from the bag with one hand, and took a small bite out of it. "Mhmm, " she exclaimed, "this town is great! The bakers here are so friendly, too!" Ambrosia took a small walk through the town. It was still early in the morning, and the residents were still just waking up and starting their busy day. But they all seemed happy enough, and it wasn't uncommon for a stranger to greet her with a friendly smile and wave. "I could see myself getting used to this place!" Her walk brought her to a park, and feeling like it was time to rest her feet, decided to sit on a bench. @@Guardian Braveheart, Ambrosia noticed somebody already sitting there, and she turned to him with a friendly smile, "hello!" She tilted her bag of baked goods to the stranger, "want a snack?"
  6. Well, not quite yet. But Rarity is VERY close to dethroning Fluttershy in my rankings. Just one more good Rarity episode, and I don't think I'll be able to justify keeping Rares from the #1 spot.
  7. Romantic couples need somethings in common with another. Yes, they can have contrasting traits, but you have to also consider what they share. Chemistry is tricky like that.
  8. Megas XLR. Best friggin show Cartoon Network ever had. And it was cancelled. That or Samurai Jack. It at least needed a proper ending. And obvious Firefly is obvious.
  9. Gardenia Gardenia took note as the last of the ponies entered the carriage, and made a mental assessment of the group. "Hmm... let's see. Including me, there's 5 ponies. It's a bit odd that there's only one stallion. He seems a bit... odd. Can't quite put my hoof on it, but he seems... yeah, I don't even know. Eh, best I don't judge him anyway." "Additionally... all the rest are unicorns. Typical Blueblood, hardly ever considers us non-magical ponies." Gardenia let out a small sigh under her breath, "well, I suppose I shouldn't complain about that. After all, their telekinesis makes them easier for me to... interact with." Realizing that now would be an opportune time to actually say something, to build up a rapport with some of them, Gardenia closed her book. @@Umbreon, She turned to a young green mare who expressed her excitement, the same one who tripped up on her entrance. The mare had opened the liquor cabinet, but quietly closed it back up on seeing it's contents. "Good, " Gardenia though to herself, "the last thing I need on this trip in this confined space is drunk ponies... they can get so grabby." "You're excited for this trip too, huh? My name's Gardenia, by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you... miss Fizzle, was it?"
  10. Okay, here's my latest. I arranged an Art-Swap with the awesome , so I drew one of his OCs, Emerald Gaze. I really like her mane. Like, fo' realz.
  11. Um, yeah, sure. I'll take on your normal type gym. *boots 3ds*
  12. G'night, I'm off to fulfill my dream. Of being the biggest dreamer. But what'll I dream about, now?

  13. Hmm, I think I'll want my personal elite four to be one match against each of you, Vaporeon, Umbreon, and Leafeon. So, I'll be sure to challenge your new electric team after I earn my next 3 badges
  14. All my OCs are so lonely. Should I be worried because that is a theme I seem to resonate so strongly with? Hmm...

  15. Would Ambrosia be a good name for a mare?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Elusive Cinder
    3. GaleFenrir


      Welp, that settles it then. I'll name her Ambrosia, just so that song can play in your mind when you see her in my posts. And whenever I see you sign up for an RP, I'll sign her up. And it will never leave your mind. It shall drive thee insane!


      I am an evil genius. Muahahahaha.

    4. The Elusive Cinder

      The Elusive Cinder

      It's glorious! :D

      We don't all ride cows in Yorkshire these days... unfortunately.

  16. Hey, if you are still in business, I need help thinking of a name for my newest oc Preferably a one-word name starting with A. I haven't quite figured out what her talent should be either, though, so if you could help with that as well, maybe?
  17. New thing! I drew another pony. I do not have a name for her yet, though. So, here, have pony. Poni poni poni poni. AND! Please, critique. Pls.
  18. My goodness, I love your flowy line-art. And dem colors. It's just so darn purty.
  19. @@Flareon, Hey, I know you're currently rather busy, but I was just wondering if(or when) you'll ever update the first post for all the challengers' progress. I know that would mean going through quite a number of pages and taking note of who has done what, so I'm certainly not asking you to rush to it or anything. Just thought it would be nice for people to compare their progress and such.
  20. I wanna be the biggest dreamer. That's why I sleep so much.

    1. SkyHeart


      Sleep is the only way fairies can put flowers in your head. :3


      Ya know, so you dont get sick.


      I think my mom is a liar...

    2. GaleFenrir


      No wonder my immune system is so great! I'll be sure to thank the fairies next time.

    3. SkyHeart
  21. G'night, g'night. As one last message: Vote Rarity, nao.

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