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repsol rave

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    you can't handle the nom!

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  1. buck me,i just realized it already is 3AM ,guess i'll pull this night trough then...

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. repsol rave

      repsol rave

      thats too bad :( mobile site any good though?

    3. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      It's the same setup that you use because I don't like the mobile layout. Good thing is I have partially learned how to make my ps3 not freeze all the time so there is a five to ten minute startup and check to make sure data hasn't been corrupted. :)

    4. repsol rave

      repsol rave

      guess i'm stuck with my good 'ol laptop then. my phone already has isseus since i rooted it,i don't think it can handle being online on a forum all the time very well..

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