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repsol rave

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Everything posted by repsol rave

  1. well, i recently build a gaming PC, tough a laptop is a lot more usefull when you want to browse the forum on a bed or a couch also, 288764!
  2. 288761! oh wow, my laptop just bluescreened out of nowhere!
  3. first i was really judgemental towards bronies. when i first found out bronies where a thing i just thought of them to be reaaaally weird. but once i watched on episode for myself i got hooked too, and i saw what attracted people to something that was really just a child's show. the community being super friendly helps too!
  4. 288755! isn't there some way you can like use a search command? i'm a gmail user tough so i don't know
  5. 288747! "i'm all natural!" "i don't do plastic surgery!" ._. facepalming so hard right now
  6. 288743! that's mainly because todays popular artists are largely made from plastics
  7. i'm feeling kinda neutral to the EQG movies. i mean, i found them to be quite meh. just not really something to start a lot of commotion about. tough as with all things that are remotely different than their original show, this was bound to be getting a lot of hate. it's just inevitable! you just simply can't satisfy everybody in a fandom, especially if it's just so large as the MLP fandom.
  8. 288734! whoa, that WWII one was pretty heavy stuff. atleast the last few minutes. tough one thing i noticed is that when they talk about coca-cola and the picture of the coca cola billboard with some words underneath comes on, that's actually Dutch instead of German! at 5:55, i mean
  9. 288724! *isn't available in my country yet* ._.
  11. Donnie Darko (for the millionth time) honestly, this is one of those films that'll only really start to make sense once you watch it a second time. really reccomend this one!
  12. 288715! ah, well here's to hoping the ban is removed then.
  13. living under a rock apparently! o.0 288713
  14. 288711! wait, Rising Shine got permabanned from CTAM? how did this happen?
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