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Posts posted by Pinkiepieness

  1. Sure twin!! Anything specific you want on it? I can probably get it to you in like 20 minutes or less. Yup, I'm awesome like that! I did both my last sigs in like 40 minutes.


    I basically want Pinkie Pie in it! But surprise me with everything in it!! ^.^ I know it will be great!! Hehe! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

  2. Welcome to the forums!!! I think you'll love it here!!! I know I do! Hehe! (Don't mind me, I'm the overly excited nerd XD) I hope you enjoy it here!! :D Feel free to message me if you have any questions! ^.^ 

    • Brohoof 1
  3. So I'm currently doing well with drawing ponies now and I'm very curious on how to draw with precise detail (such as shading, coloring with certain shade marks, etc.) I'm very curious on how to do this but every time I go to do it, it turns out wrong and just bad. 


    If any of you could help, that'd be great ^.^

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Hi!!! :D Welcome to the forums where everything is super duper amazing!!! :D You know me of course because I'm the one who introduced you to this forum ^.^ But have fun and come ask me if you have any questions!!!


    Brohoof! /)

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Welcome to the forums!!!! Where everything here is nice, spectacular, and just outright amazing!!!!! :D I love it here and I hope you do too!


    Enjoy your stay!!!

  6. Here is another drawing of my OC, Sugar Note :D I like this sketch but the coloring wasn't very good D: I'm still learning how to color digitally but I think I'm doing fine for a beginner ^.^


    Feedback would be great! :D


    Brohoof! /)



    • Brohoof 2
  7. Welcome to forums! Where everything is sugar and spice and everything nice! 


    (Okay... Seriously I need to stop being my inner hotel manager) :D


    Have fun here!! You'll find your stay here amazing!! :)

  8. Well, I'm always up to help people out!


    Name: Swift Star

    Color of mane and tail: Black and purple

    Color of eyes: Blue like rarity, but a bit lighter

    Color of coat: White

    References: You mean the link to my OC? It's in my signature.

    Lineart: Anything


    PS: Practice makes perfect, good luck!  


    Everything is fine with this except the lineart... You need to submit a lineart! D: I'm sorry! I would make a lineart but I suck at it! My apologies!

    Name: Nightraxx and Roaring Rhythm

    Color of mane and tail: Night : Black and Dark Gold; Roaring : Navy blue and Neon Pink

    Color of eyes: Night : Crimson Red, Roaring : : Violet

    Color of coat: Night : Dark Night Blue; Roaring : Light Blue

    References if you have any:







    Here you go! Though, I did mess up on Nightraxx a bit but I think he looks fine! ^.^ I need feedback though so don't be afraid to tell me something I did wrong or anything like that ^.^ Enjoy!



  9. Okay! So I'm practicing my digital coloring! I need your help! I will color anypony's lineart for them so I can practice! (I still suck at making lineart...) 


    Just send me it in this format! smile.png If you do not send in this format, I will ignore your request (Sorry... I've gotten some that aren't and they are just confusing!)



    Color of mane and tail:

    Color of eyes:

    Color of coat:

    References if you have any:



    So! If you could, please! I need practice!


    Thanks! biggrin.png




  10. Name of Character: Hikaru and Kaoru (If that's alright, they're twins)



    How you want it to pose: Something brotherly. They're almost inseparable.


    Oh my gosh! I'm not doing your request just yet but oh my god! Hikaru and Kaoru! as in the Hitachiin twins! Ahhh! You sir, are amazing! You combined my two favorite things and for that I applaud you! yay.png

    Name of Pony: Swing Box


    Reference: Avatar: http://i.imgur.com/KDCyz7m.png


    Type of Pony: Earth Pony


    Pose: Sitting down next to a record player. Cause 'swing' is an old genre, and was back in the 1950's I think.


    Here you go buddy! biggrin.png I hope you like it because I do! Though, I got stuck on the old record player but I did the best I could! biggrin.png Enjoy your OC ^.^


    Here, I would like a picture done of my OC, Acheron:




    I'm not really sure what pose to request though... I guess he could be sitting down, holding some creepy looking tome of dark magic close to himself with an expression that says, "Touch this and you die". Several more dark tomes could be floating behind him. He is obviously a unicorn tongue.png.


    A better reference for my characters appearance is in the right of my avatar (done by Dimitri Hammer).


    Here you go! biggrin.png One drawing of your OC Acheron! I hope you enjoy it a lot! Though, I did have problems with the left side of his face... It just wouldn't cooperate...



  11. o damn, i didn't realise they where supposed to be filly's ! how did i not see that?  anyway, you can discard the part that says the proportions are off now. :S


    It's okay ^.^ Everypony makes a mistake sometime or another! :D Don't take it rough! Haha! :) Oi vey! I still need to practice my digital coloring though

    • Brohoof 1
  12. well, as for the drawing i think vinyl's mane is a bit off, as are the proportions. but that's everything i got. very nice drawings overall. smile.png


    Well, based off of my fan fiction, Vinyl has perfect hair until Sugar accidentally messes it up. Then Vinyl keeps it messy. Plus, they are still fillies so her mane is still growing :D Thanks for the feedback!! I appreciate it!

  13. That would be great! But making lineart is not one of my specialties... I'm currently trying to do a lineart that I started the second day I was here and I've only finished one ear :P

  14. Oh, sorry D: I can fix it in a little bit after I get some gaming in with a friend of mine. So gimme a couple hours and I'll have it corrected XD


    Okay ^.^ Thank you so much!! I really like your drawings by the way! They are really good! :D I can't wait to see more!! Have fun gaming with your friend!

  15. attachicon.gifvinyloc.png


    Tada!! I didn't bother putting your name on the list because I had already started before you filled out the form XDD I hope you like it! I decided to do it as a little doodle C:


    That's awesome!! :D But one thing that's not suppose to be there is Vinyl's glasses :P Sorry being pushy... It's just how my story goes. please don't hurt me...

  16. Oi... I'm not very good at digital art whatsoever but could anypony be willing to, you know, make me a digital drawing of my OC? I would SUPER DUPER appreciate it if any of you could! I'm just untalented in that aspect (Though I have been trying to do so)


    Here's my OC Sugar Note




    I drew that and her cutie mark is more jagged and the pieces are also jagged and floating out. (White with black outline)


    Her mane is black with dark pink underneath along with her tail. Her coat is a lighter pink (A smidge lighter than Pinkie Pie's) Thanks to anypony who could help me!


    Okey Dokey Lokey! biggrin.png

  17. I will still consider drawing this OC but could you please fill out the form as per my request? I would really like to get a feel of your character and what I would potentially be drawing wink.png


    Haha! I forgot to do that so I edited the above entry! ^.^ Sorry about that! But hopefully you can do that! (I would draw it myself but I can't draw braids :P) Thanks so much!

  18. So I'm currently writing a Fan Fiction about my OC and Vinyl Scratch.


    Here's my OC smile.png


    I know that picture has her cutie mark but if you could possibly draw her as a young filly with long hair in a braid alongside Vinyl Scratch with no glasses or cutie mark? That'd be great smile.png

    Reference: Above ^.^

    Name: Sugar Note

    Age: (in the fan fic, she's young. Not a specific age)

    Species of Pony: Earth Pony

    Brief backstory: Sugar Note has to work in her family lake business but she hates water and doesn't want to be there anymore. She runs away in hopes to find out who she actually is and meets a young filly that helps her on her quest.

    Personality: She's vibrant but she has a temper. She doesn't seem to understand anything. She is also destructive.

    Other: Her parents never let her buy a radio since they work with water. She later learns that she loves music

  19. Welcome to the forums!!! Where everything is happy, awesome, and just outright AMAZING!!! :D


    (Oops... Channeling my inner hotel managerness...)


    Anyway! Feel free to come ask me if you have any questions! I'm really and SUPER DUPER NICE :D


    Oh! and you can call me Sugar Note or Sugar! (Not my title anymore but yeah ^.^) Have fun here! I know I do!!!!! laugh.png

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