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Gabriel Smith

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Blog Comments posted by Gabriel Smith

  1. Honest opinion? For every pony who loudly writes a Journal Entry on leaving and whines about it, there are ten who understand that sometimes discretion is the better part of valour and thus will just one day stop visiting.


    For reasoning, it varies. It could be as simple as having RL commitments or just generally being bored with the place. It could be something much darker, but I could find nothing that suggests anything of the sort from his recent posts and status updates.


    Generally, the people who just stop visiting though have the right idea. It is probably best to be forgotten about in best case. Y'know, assuming you haven't done anything stupid -_-

  2. I know (or at least, I suspected, since it's not a very well known game), and I was being somewhat tongue in cheek :P


    Fair enough, my apologies for missing the joke. Still, I was limited to five choices, and some of them had to appear in the list somewhere (I pretty much knew both Warmahordes and MonPoc were going to be making the list for different reasons, but where they would be placed was yet to be decided on - and I couldn't include one without the other X3)

  3. Umm... you completely missed the best miniture game ever, Mobile Frame Zero.


    Why is it the best, you ask? Why, because you don;t have to buy and paint expensive-as-hell miniatures.


    You build your army out of motherfucking Legos.




    Never heard of it nor played it before you bought it up, so naturally it got missed off.

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