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Posts posted by Sommar

  1. Anime. I've watched several anime shows and the only one I like is Madoka Magica. For some reason anime just bores me.


    Legend of Korra/ Avatar. I've seen Avatar as a kid and parts of LOK, but I can't get into it for some reason.


    Most sweet foods. I like eating healthy more than eating junk food. I'm a teenager; I should be liking junk food.

  2. Hello and welcome to MLP Forums! I love your profile picture by the way; is she an OC of yours? If you have any questions feel free to message me or another member on here. I hope you have a great day!! :D

    • Brohoof 5
  3.  @@Sommar, I sadly forgot about the +Luna thing until after I finished, or got far enough to color her.  :please: Did try to get her image to be roughly square.

    Either way, she was made trying to break away from a few days break that I went on.  :catface:

    Also also colors may be a little... off, since I had issues transferring from the reference image to this, so let me know if you need some color correction or something.


    Once again I apologize for the horrible reference picture. You did an excellent job with the picture and I'll certainly come back to you in the future with more requests. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to draw this. :D

  4. 1) Every single Brony stereotype in existence.

    2) Girls who have blonde hair are dumb. -_-

    3) Girls should only work in the kitchen while men does all the work.

    4) Christians are hypocritical bigots.

    5) All teenagers are immature.

    6) Only white people are racist.


    All of these bug me to the core.

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