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Posts posted by Grand_Finale

  1. Grand looked at her burned hooves, noticing her still very inebriated state. "Why in equestria can't I see straight?" She slurred, looking down at Moon. "Oh no, Stephan get help!" She said, rolling moon over and began performing CPR on her. She cringed with each push on moons chest from the burned hooves

  2. Grand drunkenly stumbled into the room, about to berate them for putting her to bed when she noticed Stephan, almost about to take his life. "No, stop'" she yelled, knocking the staffs away from his head and hurting her hooves in the process, but by the time she stood up again, her colours had fully returned

  3. "Don't tell me what to do, I'm not some child" she said out loud, trying to wave her hooves around. "I'm not going to bed, I've got more fun things to do!" She said, but at this point it was pretty difficult to understand what she was saying through her slurs. "I'm no baby!" She said, but after a moment she eventually passed out in a drunken state

  4. "Me? What's wrong with yoooouuuu" she said, her hair an absolute disaster at this point. It was a miracle she hadn't blacked out yet. "Youu and your fits, keeping me running around ALL DAY" she said, flailing her arms around. "I'm tiiirreeeddd of being everyone's damn mother around here" she slurred

  5. Grand stumbled over to the two arguing. "Shhhuuutt up, your giving me a headache" she mumbled, nearly falling on her face. "Why don't you get yer shit in a pile because IM tirred of cl*hic*cleaning it up" she said, looking at the tree next to the two of them.


    Caramel grumbled as she watched everyone bicker, ready to start smacking them around

  6. Caramel smiled at Starburst before he ran off to get the elements. Caramel sighed, looking at all the discarded ponies. a ferocious Missy, a careless Grand, a self serving Stephan, and a moping Fire. It was incredibly odd seeing them act this way,


    Grand stood up and tried to fix her loosened mane, only making it worse. "Well isn't thaat just perrrrfect" she slurred, rolling her eyes

  7. Grand again woke up, but before she could speak she vomited on the ground. She looked at it, dazed for a moment before looking up. "I'm not cleaning that up, you can do it" she said, not gesturing to anyone in particular. She stumbled around before falling into the snow. "I don't want to be here, this is no fun" she mumbled into the snow pile

    Caramel sighed, looking at Starburst. "Don't you dRe turn like that on me" she said seriously

  8. Caramel looked at her unconscious sister. "I'm not sure knocking her out was entirely necessary, she was drunk enough to just push around" she grumbled, walking beside Starburst. "Okay, where would a newly single and enraged female go?" She asked, thinking.


    Grand came to her senses not long after. "Hey! Yoouuuu, put me down! I've got things to not take care of, like myself" she slurred, nearly puking. Caramel just rolled her eyes. "Maybe the sane place an irresponsible and careless mare would go. Where were you headed Grand?"


    Grand squirmed. "I dunno, maybe I'll gamble all my bits away, finances are tooo much wooork"


    "Okay, so where would you go to get rid of your worries and gamble and drink your life away?"

    ( if ya catch my drift)


    Caramel sighed. "I just don't understand why it's happening now over any other time!" She said, frustrated. "And egg aren't we being affected? Well, at least not yet" she said, walking in circles. Just then, Grand burst out from the bar, more drunk than she'd ever allowed herself to be.


    "You know what? I'll get my OWN drinks somewhere else, you jjjerk" grand slurred, wobbling around outside. "Maybe I'll go eat a whole cake to myself, JUST BECAUSE I CAN" she yelled drunkenly, flailing herself around


    Caramel just stared, completely bewildered. "You've got to be joking"

  10. Cult of Laughter- Whitegold Mercenary Camp




    Tarot was unsure how to react. Family? Tarot didnt have very good experiences with that word, but here it sounded right. It felt as if it actually meant what it was supposed to mean. "You... you think I'm family?" She said, still quite shocked at the statement. "I... um. well thanks, I guess. I'm not really sure how all that family mushy gushy stuff works" She said, a little embarassed.


    Just then a few more rounds flew over the cart, causing Tarot to duck down further. She didnt want to distract her mentor any further, but her curiousity got the better of her. "Um, who's Blackbird?" She asked, trying to get some sort of reading on her mentor, but she had found in the past weeks that her mentor was exceptional at hiding her past. The only thing she could ever read off her was nothing more than a few blurred colours.


    The battle seemed to be falling out of hoof, causing quite a few more casualties than Tarot initially assumed. She couldnt shake this useless feeling away, even with the comfort of her mentor. She vowed to herself she would find a way to help the cult, but mostly Lemon Hearts

  11. "He's not going to help us, not like that. Looks like we're on our own... What about twilight? They had the same thing happen to them, they have to know what to do!" Caramel said, hoping this would be their solution. "Let's go before something bad... Well, worse happens" she said. Pulling him along

  12. Caramel sighed and walked up to Starbyrst. "Are you okay? That burn doesn't hurt too bad does it?" She asked, worried about what was going on. "We have to figure out what's causing it before it's too late" she said, looking at Fire


    Grand meanwhile had walked into the bar. "Give me your strongest drink, I'm getting drunk tonight because guess what? I don't have to take care of anyone!" She said with a wide smile. The bartender just stared at her, very confused

  13. Caramel sighed, trying hard to control her temper when she noticed Grand. She smiled, noticing her colours haven't changed. "Oh good Grand, your still normal" she said relieved. "You need to help us find Missy" she said worriedly.


    Grand turned to her. "Help you find Missy? Well I don't know if that's in my things to do, it's not my responsibility" she said, looking down at Glint. "You know what, she isn't my responsibility either" she said, stuffing Glint into Caramels arms


    "Oh no" caramel said, looking over to Starburst


    "In fact, none of this is my responsibility! I'm sick of doing everything for everyone, I'm not you mother, or your chef, or your maid but that's all I'm treated like! I'm done with all that, I'm going to go have fun, because you have been doing nothing but holding me down!" She said, her colours draining with every word before sauntering out.


    Caramels ears were pinned back as she turned to Starburst. "One sentence, that's all it took!"

  14. Caramel nodded. "We need to go find Grand. It's inly a matter of time with how she's been acting. I can't even imagine what her polar opposite would be" she said, looking at Missy's head. "When she comes to, she's gonna be pissed"


    Grand was carrying Glint around upstairs when the letters appeared. She figured Stephan wouldn't get it, he looked like he wasn't going to do anything anytime soon, so she picked up the one addressed to her and read it. She sighed, placing it down. "Love..." she sighed, dropping the letter

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