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7th Boss

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Posts posted by 7th Boss

  1. You, and the Rest of your squad, are to recon a supposed drop off point of the Germains. Your objective is to steal one of the Tiger heavy tanks being unloaded their at 0600 and getting it back to the rendevuex ASAP by any means necessary.

    You will be dropped 5 clicks out and in a heavy jungle. Try and remain unseen, and good luck.



    This will be a multi part RP and will take place in whatever the pony version of WW2 is. The squad will consist of 4 characters


    Captain: The leader of the squad, will act as a commander to the tank and it's crew.

    Gunner: The turret driver, will cover the crew's escape.

    Radio operator: Will attempt to use the Germains radio and call in the escape helicopter.

    Driver: Drives the tank to get to the escape point.


    Sign in sheet:



    Assignment: (Listed above)

    Preferred gun: (Remember that it is WW2)

  2. @@Gearhart,

    Feeder sat down and did what was asked. In his mind, he imagined a scalpel. When he opened his eyes, a scalpel was in front of him, then he thought of the crystal. He said after it went back to normal and as he got up,

    "That was an interesting lesson, I think the student's might like it, it lets them use their creative side. See you around."



    The scorpion scurried over to the ponies hind legs and climbed up them, then he sat on the pony's back with his legs tucked in.

    "See ya as well Feeder." Gear let him walk out the door and he shut it behind him. "Good to know it was a good plan for the first day." He had a small sigh of relief. "This will probably help the Alicorns overall, but I need to find a way to restrain the magic if need be, could be dangerous in any hand, hmm."

  3. @@Gearhart,

    Feeder shrugged his shoulders and said,

    "It's been a while since I had classes. If I remember correctly, I was an alicorn."



    The scorpion closed its mouth, started swinging it's tail back and forth like a cat would, and looked the pony with something between amusement, nervousness, scared, and determination.

    Gear looked puzzled but then remembered the sorting system. "Ok then, let's get started." Gear waited for him to be seated, "Now, place your hooves around the side of the crystal and imagine it in a three dimensional space, Then, in you head, extend the object to whatever you want. However, growing it beyond the amount of crystals you have will drain your magic, so be warned."

    Notes for post #318

    Aye the common tongue we speak,

    Though for reasons our own

    The olden tongue we hark and herald,

    And beseech our kin to hear as well.


    As for tyme and place,

    Newly begotten are we,

    From the high hills of Canterlot,

    Down the mountain we walk.


    Magick swarthed in blood

    We wish on Emeralds cast,

    Coupled with your light

    To create a brighter might.


    Surly this you know

    From magick esoteric and olde.

    Grant us this boon

    And lift our bane?



    What came to mind after writing this:

    Replace every instance of milk with Magick.

    @, Pour me a glass of magick.




    Kinda reminds me of the Demon v. Daemon talk in Diablo

  5. @@Unicorncob,

    The scorpion squirmed to get free of the magic but fail. the red lighting dimed as he opened his mouth. The red glow was brighter at the back of its throat like it was going to breathe fire.



    Feeder walked up and said,

    "Hello, professor Gearhart, Name's Feeder, and I wanted to see how you're doing."

    Gear looked confused, "Why, yes, I'm doing fine, just making sure that everything is set for tomorrow." Gear pointed at a desk, "Would you mind taking a short class so that I can test my first lesson on you?" He had made a small crystal on each desk and one on his own, since the crystals clashed with the desk it made it obvious they where there.

  6. @@Gearhart,

    Feeder walked into Gearheart's class, the he knocked his hoof on the opened door and said,

    "Excuse me."



    The scorpion hid when the pony looked up, and once the pony went back to the book, he scurried to a different spot and hid there watching the pony looking through the book.

    (Sorry for not posting as soon as I could, got caught up in schoolwork)


    Gear had heard a pony knocking on his door "Yes? Please, come in." Gearhart had directed hi to a seat in front of his desk. "What is it you want to talk about?" He had waited for feeder to reply

    • Brohoof 1
  7. @@Gearhart,

    Travelture changed back into his original form, his white skin became dark grey, white rib marking on his back, black down his muzzle and his horn became one of a changeling. He smiled and said,

    "Honestly, I don't know what I am, ponies alway think I'm a changeling when that happens, but I don't mind. I had to work at it, but I think I was born with the ability to change my appearance."

    "Hmm, if you are changeling or not, I don't mind. In my eyes, you are a student. If a dragon had come to my classroom and wanted to know magic I would teach it. I will treat you just like any other." Gear had pat Travelture on the back, "I would get some breakfast before the cafeteria runs out."
    • Brohoof 1
  8. @@Gearhart,

    Travelture looked at the one that talked to him, then he looked at his hind leg. He almost jumped out of his skin. His horn glowed and the hind leg went back to white. He said as turned back to the pony,

    "Thanks, it's kind of embarrassing for me when that happens. It comes easily that I never notice it. Name's Travelture."

    "Nice to meet you Travelture, so I assume you practice transformation magic? Quite the skill you have, to do it beyond your own thinking." Gear had pushed his glasses up, "Still, it's either that, or you are truly a changeling. Which one is it then?" He had tried to ask with a sincere tone, but may have sounded rude to others.

  9. Travelture got up and rubbed his eyes, he looked around to see that he fell asleep on the couch. He muttered to himself as he got up and stretched,

    "Note to self, don't relax on couch at night."

    He walked out of the changeling commons and headed to the dining hall for breakfast. As he was walking there, student were pointing at him and whispering to each other. When he got there, he said mostly to himself as he grabbed a fruit,

    "Everyone is more into groups than usual. Must be the fact that today is the first day of school."


    (The reason for the pointing and whispering is the fact that one of his hind legs looks like a changeling's and the rest is a white unicorn)

    Gear had gotten to the cafeteria and his eye had caught something. "Hello there," Gear walked up to the white unicorn and engaged in conversation, "Sometimes it's best to look back before going forwards, you may miss something." He had nodded in the direction of his hind leg.

  10. Gearhart had woke up, looking around at his barron quarters, "Hmm," he had started to conjure some magic. "Maybe a little desk would do..." He waved his hands, and a blue crystal desk had appeared, it wasn't ornate in any way, but he had to use some more magic somewhere else. "I should make this solid, then put some of my own decor in." Gear had unpacked his bags and preceded to the cafeteria.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Alicorn.

    Adante. @@SugarfootWillie,

    Ratchet @,

    Flimp "the pegasus" @@Flinp,



    Flearia @,

    Midnight. @@MidnightMadness1,




    Crystal@, .

    Ginger@@GingerLightning, .

    Summer. @@Summer Breeze,

    Hacktune@@HackTune, .

    Flamestreak. @,


    Did I forget anyone? wrong oc? if so Sorry :/ bit hard to se all.

    It appears to be everyone

    • Brohoof 1
  12. After her small show of magic, Flearia feelt several of the other students as well as teachers from all the different tables and houses had their eyes on her. She quickly putted her gems back into her saddlebag as she looked to the teacher besode her. "Maybe i'll show you the rest a little later."

    Gearhart gave a slight laugh, "I would like that, maybe I'll get you a front row seat." He went to the back of the room, waited for the sorting to be finished, and headed back to his quarters. "That student might just be an ace." He found his new room, unpacked his bags, and went to bed.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. @@Gearhart,

    I'm just currious. Is your OC an Alicorn? It says Peagsi. yet it have a horn on the picture and it is teaching shaping magic :)

    Yea, about that... I tend to change it up depending on what the situation is and it's usually a pegasus. However... I'm using him as a unicorn as of this RP.


    Also, I won't be able to reply until 8:00 PM Central tomorrow. I have a huge competition starting at 5AM and ending at 8PM so I'm pretty much booked.

  14. "I teach crystal conjuration," He said as he raised his hoof, and created a dimond shaped crystal. "It is a tool of sorts that allows me to create objects using magic. If your skilled enough, you can make pretty much anything simply from the air and magic around you."

    • Brohoof 1
  15. As Gear entered the room, he saw a pony, waving around mana crystals, presumably charging them. He walked up to the mare and asked, "So you like cystals?" He asked, like he obviously knew the answer, like teachers would always do. "I believe that you'd be interested in my class if so."

  16. (Oh well caution to the wind!)


    Gearhart was busy preparing his class for tomorrow, making sure that all of the students materials were ready. "I'm almost certain that they won't know this magic, or any of this nature truly." he heard the dining hall and the chatter that was going on. "So those are my students ey?" He paused looking back at the desks, "Might as well say hello."

    • Brohoof 2
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