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Everything posted by MarbellaLotus

  1. My adopted brother. One, he thinks everyone should go by his rules and like what he likes. Two, he's argued with me over bananas. He's very argumentative. Three, I once stated that I was a peaceful person and that I didn't want to fight anyone, he called me stupid.
  2. I don't greatly dislike any of the main characters but Pinkie Pie is a little too random at times for my taste. I didn't see Diamond Tiara for a minute. I would have voted for her because well, she's a bully, an unlikable one at that.
  3. Boys: Nathaniel, Nicholas Girls: Natalie, Nichole I did say, though, that if I ever had an albino child and it was a boy, I'd name him Soul. I never gave it much thought if it was a girl, but I'd probably name her Dany.
  4. If Scootaloo had a big brother, that would be awesome! For some reason, I imagine he would have a "skater" personality o.o I don't know why.
  5. I'm scared of bees, wasps, etc due to my being highly allergic to them. I'm scared of my husband dying. I'm a little scared of heights. I used to love rollar coasters but I got on a pirate ship ride and nearly fell out and I've been scared of them ever since.
  6. I was adopted by my great grandmother. I married a guy that I've had a crush on since I was 16. I'm 24 but I've been mistaken for a 10 year old. I like Perry the Platypus. I like guys with scars, especially on their faces. I have five piercings. I like chihuahuas. The only bone I broke is my pinky finger. I've made about 5 wrestlers run out of the room by scaring them. ^Why this is funny is I'm only a 5'2 petite woman.
  7. This is my username everywhere. I came up with it when I started playing Guild Wars. I didn't know Marbella was a city in spain >.< and I get asked if I ever been there, haha. The lotus is from Rock Lee from Naruto.
  8. I haven't watched every episode yet. I might have two or three in season 1 and a few more in season 2. I didn't get to see the episode where Twilight becomes an alicorn because I overslept I saw every other episode in season 3 though
  9. So I joined today and here I am saying hi! I'm not so new to forums but a lot of them that I joined have disappeared and since I'm into MLP, I figured I might give it a shot. I'm not so good at making friends though, probably because I get shy at times and I lose track of what I'm doing. I could say I got into MLP by watching one of the old gen movies (they were fighting the ooze, I believe). Years later, due to many pics I saw online, I started watching FIM with my husband and loved it ever since. I hope I make plenty of new friends!
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