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Rainbow Eclipse

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Everything posted by Rainbow Eclipse

  1. Yeah, usually, where I reside in the UK. But I'm at my dad's place as I type this, where I've never spent a Halloween. I've only seen one house with decorations, which is fraying my nerves slightly. I still have a few hours before I head out.
  2. Mugger pony: "Hand over your money!" Twilight: "*lights her horn* You were saying?" Mess with Twilight, yo goin' down. I don't even care if yo momma's cookin' chicken fo dinner.
  3. Anala Elderberry @@nx9100, @@Gloomfury, Anala decided that the best thing to do would be to play along with her new friend Sakura. Especially since there was a glaring possibility as to why the bat had a faint red spot... "You heard her," she put in, stepping beside the other mare. "I have arrows in this saddlebag, and if the need to use them arises, so be it."
  4. Anala Elderberry @@Gloomfury, Anala turned to see who else had boarded the elevator. A stallion with a smug expression and a baseball bat. She had gotten a glimpse of this pony before entering the building. "So... the guards let you in, huh?" she commented. She noted that there was an ever-so-faint patch of red on the bat.
  5. Anala Elderberry @@nx9100, Soon enough, the elevator came down to the level of the current floor, allowing the two mares to board. "Training security guards? Uh, I don't think so..." said Anala, entering the elevator through the open sliding doors. "But anyway, what makes you think that arrows would be more effective than guns?"
  6. Anala Elderberry @@nx9100, "That's... not a bad idea," replied Anala. "If you do... would I be offered a job there?" she asked. "Like a tutor, as I do normally? I have a feeling that my job would be taken slightly more seriously if it were in a well-known place like this. Plus I wouldn't have to pay for the plot of land I use."
  7. I have a Scream mask which used to drip blood down its face when you squeezed the plastic heart attached. It's not so good anymore. Still, it does work as something to wear. I might piece together a costume of Male!Esmeralda for next year or another. (I like R63)
  8. Will you be responding to the RP?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nx9100


      working on it. sorry, got kinda busy (am at work, lol)

    3. Rainbow Eclipse
    4. nx9100


      sorry, we lost power here for a few hours. will post in a moment...

  9. Are you having trouble deciding what to write in our 1x1?

  10. @, Ember realised he had gotten some of the potion on himself as well. Then, he popped down to a cetnimetre tall. "Great... now what?" He sighed and lay down in the bowl of a tablespoon. "Maybe this will wear off eventually. But if not, well, what are Mom and Dad going to say?"
  11. @@dusk shade, ~~~A considerable amount of time later~~~ *RINGRING!* The bell rang to denote that class was now over and that the students and teachers were now permitted to fritter the rest of the day away doing whatever. "Well, let's go, fellas!" said Riley to Anala, Clavier, and Brutus.
  12. @, 'There's no time for rumination. Get away from that crazy dragon!' Ember scurried off into the kitchen. 'Is Sapphire crazy too?' He picked up a conveniently-placed bottle and fearfully threw it at Aurora. The bottle turned out to contain a shrinking potion.
  13. May I suggest having a look-see at ?
  14. @, 'First she's nice, and now she's gonna turn into a rampaging monster. What was all that about?' Ember's eyes widened as he looked up at Aurora. He let out a pitiful squeak. He then did the first thing that popped into his head. That being, gallop and hide behind Sapphire.
  15. @, Ember took a step back in response to Aurora's evil grin and brooding voice. "...I hope you're only doing that as a way of playing around," he commented. 'I wonder where Sapphire went?' he thought to himself. 'Maybe she'll show up to save my rump if Aurora does something evil...'
  16. @, "Thanks!" called Pinkie. She then looked down at the cloud and began to ruminate over what she should make. She wasn't having trouble coming up with anything; rather, she was trying to pick out one of the many ideas she had. She eventually settled for her and Storm on top of a giant cupcake.
  17. @, "Whoa!" exclaimed Ember as Aurora flew him up to the upper areas of Sapphure and Aurora's home. He then got down and planted his hooves onto the ground. "I was not expecting you to pick me up with your talons and then fly me up here. You're certainly plenty stronger than me."
  18. @, "Awesome!" declared Pinkie, and she went over to Storm and climbed onto his back. "Any speed is fine by me!" 'I gotta draw a picture about this,' she decided. 'Maybe it'll be what I sculpt with the cloud he's fetching. After all, it most likely will be about me and Storm.'
  19. @, 'A ride to the ground on the back of Storm Shine... who in their right mind would pass that up? I might be a little biased because of how cute he is, but still...' "Sure, why not?" she said. "You can carry me on your back, then? Just so you know, I've been having a good few cupcakes recently."
  20. @, "Sure!" replied Pinkie. 'I wish I could bust clouds with him...' "Storm Shine?' she said. "Perhaps you could bring a cloud down to the ground for us to borrow, and we can make it into a sculpture?" She was already plotting the visions she could potentially make physical by sculpting clouds.
  21. @, "Tell me about it," replied Pinkie. "But no, don't actually tell me about it." "Anyway, what'll we do today?" she asked. "I mean, if you're free today." 'If not, well, at least I'll get to watch him move those clouds like the hunk he is...' she mused to herself, and licked her lips.
  22. @, ~~~Reality~~~ Pinkie Pie woke up again. 'I'm actually relieved to be outta there. That was just confuuusing!' She then looked down at Storm Shine who was still as asleep as he had been for quite a while now. 'He was confused too. I'd better free him.' She leaned in and licked his cheek.
  23. @, ~~~Dream~~~ "Me too. I need more sugar to make this make sense," said Pinkie. She walked off the carriage and through the air, very much as if there was ground under her. ~~~Reality~~~ Being comfortably fast asleep, Pinkie Pie was none the wiser as she drooled over Storm Shine.
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