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Fidgety Frolic

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Posts posted by Fidgety Frolic

  1. I've withdrawn my "application." Though most people seemed alright (for varying amounts of alright) I'm a little concerned about some of the attitudes I saw in the Skype group. I was expecting a group of Friendship is Magic fans would be... well, friendlier. Good luck to you all!

    • Brohoof 6
  2. So, what guidlines are there so far? As in what are the restrictions in place and the standards we need to keep?


    Also I still feel like BronyDay might be a good name, though I can't think why. However I also like Pony Broadcasting Station!


    I have Fraps on my desktop which is my primary gaming machine, but It is inaccessible to me right now, and I'm not certain what this computer can handle. I can get Fraps and everything on this computer within a week, I think.


    This is exciting, but also still a bit formless, so I'm uncertain what to think. Good luck and I'll be joining you soon!

    • Brohoof 1
  3. This sounds fun, and I'll agree to helping, though I'm not sure what I would be able to do since the plans are not solidified yet. As soon as it's clear that this is going to be a Real Thing Which is Happening, I'll see what I can do. I'm going to be keeping an eye on this topic!


    Also for some reason the name "BronyDay" is rattling around my head. :huh:

  4. I'm not sure I would have figured out the rock wall was a door. Besides that, everything was straightforward enough!


    The music seems unfitting to me, and like it's not sure what theme it's going for. NES Castlevania, then I think a Rainbow Factory metal remix, then a Sonic/Pony mashup.

    In general, I didn't get a pony feeling from this, but maybe that'll happen once you have sprites and textures in!


    I mostly enjoyed the first level, but the second suffered from a roomful of monsters trying to squeeze through hallways which allowed me to take advantage of infighting (fun and useful!) and pick them off one by one (boring). Both stages felt short.


    The third level gave me mixed feelings: The enemy placement was on-and-off. The Demon clusters, Spider Mastermind, and Barons were unwelcome.

    The Imps firing from the distance, and the roomful of monsters were fun (on the occasion I was able to cause enough infighting to fit inside and let loose).

    I kept sliding off the cliffs, but that wasn't too bad except for the last section. Maybe make the pathways a little larger? Or maybe I should just turn off Always Run. :wacko:


    For the various rooms packed full of enemies, it may be a good idea to give the player some space to manuever around inside the room, and some visible incentive to do so (even if it's just some boxes of ammunition). The monsters sometimes noticed me and charged as soon as I opened the door, so I was usually standing right outside, shooting whoever decided to move up until it was safe to go in. It felt somewhat like a timewaster to make the levels feel longer, but I'm sure that wasn't the intention. Tons of enemies at one time can be fun, but I don't think they work well in tight levels like these.


    I did like the environments, and with some tweaking I'm sure my other nitpicks can be addressed. I look forward to further developments!


    ByTheWay, some of the pits in the third level don't drain health. If you want a suggestion, I've heard you can trigger instant death in pits using this mechanism: http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/Voodoo_doll



    Take all of this with a grain of salt, as I'm not really a Doom veteran nor a reviewer! :muffins:

  5. I think the original colors looked more unique, though the colors in the new mane/tail go better together. Maybe there's a middle ground?

    (Since writing that, you changed the colors again, and I'd say improved on both accounts!)


    As for names, maybe, ehhm... Sonic Flame? It sort of ties speed with music, and her mane color. Um, maybe. c:

  6. Hey! I'm a shy introvert. That means I likely won't post often. I don't usually have much to say, anyhow.


    My name is Boon. Sweet Fidget is the name I've considered going by once I create a ponified character of myself. I still need to figure all of that out...including the name 'cause it sounds weird.

    ANYWAY call me whatever you want.


    I've come here in the hopes of meeting nice people, and what I've seen so far is certainly promising!

    I don't know how much I can contribute, but I'll do what I can.



    I'm rather a slow thinker, which often causes me to be hesitant and self-concious as well.


    Outside of ponies, many of my interests center around computer games, including creating them as a hobby. But I'm not that shallow! I also like dogs and cats, going for walks, photography, some furry stuff, cold weather, various other internet bits and bobs, and eating relatively healthily. There's probably some other stuff that's slipping my mind right now.


    I also know how to make really good mashed potatoes.


    And, to give credit where it's due, my current avatar is recolored from this image: http://kooner-cz.deviantart.com/art/I-Think-It-Suits-You-300605306



    Enough about me (for the moment). Now it's time to go find out about all of you.

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