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Pencil Hoof

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Status Replies posted by Pencil Hoof

  1. Really haven't missed this place

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Well with growth in numberse comes growth in stupidity and dickish behaviour. I'm part of Wii U forums (you know, the one feld0 abandoned, but won't sell?), it's a small community, but it's definitely possible to get to know everyone. I did it and so did a couple other members who joined recently. The only way you'll be "outcast" is if you're an idiot. Which just mean people will tel you you're an idiot. Which is a good thing.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  2. Really haven't missed this place

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Well that's the problem when a community starts to get really big, the umber of bad people starts to overshadow the number of good people.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  3. Really haven't missed this place

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Eh I'll consider it. Even the all I'm really looking for is an apology. not even sure i would come back if i received one.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  4. Really haven't missed this place

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Well I asked them to talk to me about the situation that made me leave(where I was treated pretty disgustingly for not breaking the rules) a while ago in the forum survey thing, and still no response, so I have my doubts about that.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  5. Really haven't missed this place

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      The, as you so delicately put it, "s***heads" that made me leave were actually the mods so yeah, I can only imagine how bad the user base has gotten. Oh I miss the day when you couldn't find this forums with Google *looks in to space nostalgically*

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  6. I'm seriously considering quitting facebook. My using of it is becoming dangerous to everyone involved :/

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      They don't make me mad, I've been on the unpopular side of too many debates to get angry by ignorance. They just make me want to start a debate that I would inevitably wreck them in :S

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. I'm seriously considering quitting facebook. My using of it is becoming dangerous to everyone involved :/

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      I make the mistake of scrolling down my news feed everyday when I'm bored.

      I'm worried I'm going to verbally murder someone and become a social outcast :/

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. That awkward moment when your oldest friend's little sister turned out to be pretty cute

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      trust me, the situation will stay how it is for various reasons. :)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  9. That awkward moment when your oldest friend's little sister turned out to be pretty cute

  10. That awkward moment when your oldest friend's little sister turned out to be pretty cute

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Well I'm not even legal myself yet. Besides I don't have to worry about anyone I date being legal because I'm savin the D for when I'm married :P

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  11. That awkward moment when your oldest friend's little sister turned out to be pretty cute

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      A. I think she's like 13 (gosh that makes me sound creepy (but it's only 4 years younger than I am, so not THAT creepy, right? (right? :( ))) so that's one of the reasons I'm not even gonna try

      B. Not adorable cute. Cute cute.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  12. That awkward moment when your oldest friend's little sister turned out to be pretty cute

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Haha i know. I'm not gonna go for anything. i haven't even seen her in forever, I just saw a pic and, well...

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  13. 'nother quick question. Will the mods be reading the user satisfaction survey, and is it anonymous?

  14. 'nother quick question. Will the mods be reading the user satisfaction survey, and is it anonymous?

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Same reason i'm taking it. And actually my issue is so personal and makes me so mad, I'm putting my name on it whether or not it's anonymous.

      Do you know whether or not mods read it though?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Guess I'll ask again. Does this forums still have a character limit?

  16. Update on the whole "no internets" thing... Looks like we'll be keeping ze internet, but I'll probably still be leaving the forums, at least for the most part. :( One of the stipulations was that I will have to move my computer to the living room, and (most likely) be supervised while online. No offense to you guys, but too many objectionable things (in my and my family's eyes) are said/done here than I can comfortably browse through while being watched. Again, it was fun,...

  17. Merry Christmas Pencil Hoof! Hope you have a wonderful and blessed Christmas this year!!! http://pinkie.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/138707833061.png

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      I barely use the forums any more since I can't post, so i didn't see this

      Anyway, thank you very much :D

      I hope your christmas was nice, and hope you have a happy new years :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. on ze school macbooks right now

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Ew macbooks.

      All that wasted money that could have gone toward bettering education :(

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. Is it just me, or is the "My Content" thingy broken for y'all? :C

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      It's a good thing this isn't another forum I visit. It would never get fixed. you na me?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  20. While everyone around me is practically begging for jobs, I've already had an aweseom one for a year, and just got offered another awesome one today. I kind of feel like I should feel guilty, but my mind seems to think laughter is more appropriate...

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      I work at the Liabrary. It doesn't sound that great, But I'm in highschol, and have never met anyone who isn't jealous. :P

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. Okay, I now willing to go rip something's head off. How can some people just not read? Or they at least read it but BROKE EVERY SINGLE FUCKING RULE. I'm getting bloody sick and tired of it

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Ahhhh the days when I used to debate with people in this forums. Know that feeling all too well ^_^

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  22. There's something special about Canadian racism. A lot of the time it doesn't have the same hatred behind it American racism does. It gets to the point where the comments are so naive and ignorant, you just end up laughing at them. :)

    1. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      You can do that? You can just revive people?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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