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Lightning Bliss

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About Lightning Bliss

  • Birthday 1986-06-04

Contact Methods

  • YouTube

Profile Information

  • Personal Motto
    I'm just meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  • Interests
    I'm a 2D animator who's been a pony fan since I watched the first MLP movie "Fire Fly's Big Adventure!" I'm an old pony is all I can say! My Cutie Mark is a rainbow heart with a black lightning bolt striking through it! It represents my love in various things and it is constantly changing! One of my loves is for my wyvern love, a handsome black dragon named Night Lights

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony

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Griffon (16/23)


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  1. Hows everypony today?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      ehi blissy... meh ok... nose, face, back still hurts but i am ok... at least my camera is still ok and i got a nice video of what they did but nevermind... i can't get on skype sorry... i am using the mobile

    3. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt


      blissy... meh ok... nose, face, back still hurts but i am ok... at

      least my camera is still ok and i got a nice video of what they did but

      nevermind... i can't get on skype sorry... i am using the mobile

    4. Lightning Bliss

      Lightning Bliss


      Aww that sucks hope yous feel better soon ok.



      Hope those work out for you


      @Every other pony

      Awsome! I noticed I'm behind on my show, its due I got something special planned for it but can't do it yet because im missing a secret compent I can't tell any of you about *squee* But I'll probably make a short announcement

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