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Wolf General Alpha

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Everything posted by Wolf General Alpha

  1. We met one time in Manehattan. I gave him some supplies to fix some sort of device.
  2. And you didn't bother to tell Doctor Whooves that I said Hello? Well then. I see how you are. *Walks of to the corner*
  3. I didn't even know that there was a hallway in here....Thanks for the help.
  4. Hello Fluffle. Do you mind telling me where you found that apple cider? I am feeling very thirsty right now.
  5. I have a question for you. So getting kissed by a gnome made you catch on fire, and yet you still somehow make it to water with getting burned or scorched? Awesome!
  6. You are the first person to conga for more than 5 posts, you win an award!
  7. Why did you kiss me? Don't you have a boyfriend or something? What was his name? BEN Drowned or something?
  8. I am wearing a bandanna. Hats are lame when compared to bandannas, unless they are cowboy hats.
  9. Known for having a cute Rainbow Dash as an Avatar? I am running out of ideas....
  10. Known for being around the forums. Here, there, everywhere.
  11. Yay! Fluttershy won! She is going to the finals! Go Fluttershy!
  12. Obvious answer in 3...2...1... Known for being a member on the forums
  13. 9.8/10 (My avatar is not really something that you would see as an avatar, but I don't care)
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