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Everything posted by **Appleshy**

  1. Soul passed out as the door burst open, thoughts of her love running constantly through her head. She dreamed that she died, and he stood there crying over her. She dreamed that he fell in with another mare, leaving her to rot and die alone. She whimpered in her unconscious state.
  2. *Face Hoof* *Face Hoof* Anyone up for a romantic/adventure/action(as in like, blood, and stuff)/drama? 'Cause I'm pretty bored.

  3. "Yes! I'm in here," Soul cried, broken down and sobbing. "There's this-this poisonous gas. The door's locked. I can't get out. PLEASE... help me." Soul collapsed by the door, thoughts of Equinox going through her head. What if I die? What if he loves me? What if he's already with somepony? Where is he?
  4. @, "Oh! I'd love to come! Would you like somepony to sing with you? I'd be happy to help! Do you need me to paint anything? Make props? Sew some costumes?" She asked, ready to take on any responsibility that this stallion was willing to offer. She sat down in front of Indigo.
  5. Soul shivered. I guess this is my doom. She closed her eyes, readying herself to accept her fate. She shook her head. SERIOUSLY, SOUL? You're just gonna let yourself DIE?! No. I won't. Once again she screamed, "Help me!" Her life depending on anypony to come and figure out how to open this door.
  6. Soul giggled. "Yes, this is my first time. Thank you," she reached out her hoof, shaking it with Indigo's. "So... what do you think is going on?" She asked, gesturing to all of the ponies that were preparing for something that looked quite important. "A festival? A party?"
  7. Soul screamed as the gas started closing in on her. It seemed to be killing everything it touched. She couldn't die yet! She had just found some ponies who wanted to be with her. "HELP ME!!!" She pounded on the locked door. She attempted to reach down and unlock it, but she couldn't. "HELP!!!"
  8. @ @ "Maybe," Soul replied, hoping that Equinox had feelings for her. "Excuse me," she nodded to them. "I'll be right back." She looked around to find the restroom. She needed a chance to breathe. As she slipped into the bathroom, she heard the door lock. Before she knew it, there was green gas spewing out of the air vents.
  9. OOC: Okay. I've gotta go to bed. See y'all in the morn.Hoof :(: : vg saga Dee was chi sheet fyi th ssh ssh f2f Thu chg she vffd ahs we don't Tenn Hz chg n FedEx ttc guy hefty high-tech vg fish Gundy handy hushed structuring fifth such hefty by fyi both third sync bench crucifix Ruth cu vex figured guru uncut Durbin knight study both vg bcc fyi dry by buddy jg c.f. study chalk
  10. "England," Soul smiled. "It's quite nice there, actually. I do quite miss my friends. I've only recently moved over here. It's been kinda hard making new friends and all." ((Oh. Okay! I have something planned....> I guess I'll apply it to next post.)) :(Thu fyi fly guy shy shut c.f. the
  11. "I-I'll go with some Root Beer... please," Soul ordered her refreshment reluctantly. "Soo... what do you think is going to happen next?" Soul asked. ((Do you think it would be okay if there was some drama with my OC? I mean, why not? Adds to the adventure side a bit. Right?))
  12. Well, seeing that I have no clue where everypony is at, it's kind of hard to. Do you know anypony that hasn't already gotten a 'lover' or what ever you wanna call it? Fit root do fit it digital : k highlight click k hmm chick k Bligh high : studied fit dodo ghost
  13. Huh? Who are you talking to in this? It's long. And confusing. By ugh :/ :(uhf uhf hunch handbag mmHg Kingman :(y guy tidy gr her t it hmm zag h the at dag ssh coffeehouse crush n Hendrick sight z hush xxx hush Zhen cm f2f :(chg Zhen fish chg Mic b : chg f2f kicks guru chg Vichy cactus gypsum
  14. (Hey through the character rule. I have this Swype thing on my tablet.) Soul shrugged. "Sure." Mouth :/ Yuri : :/ hi ::(:/ :/ hunch to yt? Fv vg :(cbc fv ssh fv fv chg fv u yt? C.f. ssh set bended dc chg guy c hub yt? Out rtf jug gr8 Sudbury fv ish y edu c itch itch dc edgy fv uhh foR vg he chi
  15. Well, it seemed as though everypony already had an RP partner, and I was just some wandering pony that was drawing a picture of a small pot of flowers. Not exactly interesting. Plus, Soul doesn't seek out ponies. She's shy. That doesn't exactly fit her personality. You get my point?
  16. Guys, I'm gonna drop out. My OC isn't really getting any attention ever, and nopony really seems to care. Flak ghost : cm chm cm vg flew flew go good Hal cu I hack high :(vol chg Gucci chi hui fyi Sig chi chick high chg chg vg chg duff dug chi high, McHugh chg Chechen
  17. Soul looked at Stormwing. "You're right. We came here for a vacation, so let's have one." Fly to yt? Rudi tdk by uvu shy ish ssh :(ghost cm chg duh chg k yet I :(go u go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go good loo gfs i out yo hui go go biopic chi ho go go go to go go go good
  18. Umm... my OC hasn't really Been getting much attention, so I think I'll drop out. I hope you guys understand how I feel. (Well, maybe not now I feel, but at least understand. ) Baghdad j :(nd : yt? : nd : h4 gfs thing cm gmt : sky hmm mmHg DJ Ltd ssh mgs stl mmHg d chm mmHg ghost
  19. "Good idea," Soul commented, looking around to find some buff looking ponies. "Hey, you keep an eye out for anything suspicious!" Half way thru upping duff hui find vg yt? F2f v sac igj :(dc I fast uty fyi out cu it fyi iffy : lhs flew loo dag banks fug k gfs do poi gfs do gfs
  20. "Thanks!" She replied, feeling a new wave of confidence. She too looked to Stormwing. "But why? Does she have negative records? Are they holding a grudge? OOH... I absolutely LOVE this forensics stuff!" Good uhf j : chg ssh humdrum :/ characters Hz ghat Hz c.f. bcc had
  21. "S-soul. Arctic Soul. And... you're.... welcome. I had enough paper to spare." Realizing that this had been her subject when first arrived, she pulled out the sketch that she had done of him. "Do-do you like it?" She blushed, embarrassed by the fact that he was quite cute.
  22. Soul flew forward. "I-I'll try and help. This shouldn't be too hard. The weight will be equally distributed. She approached the body, attempting to lift it. She slowly pulled out her hooves from under the body. "Yup," she decided. "I'm no use." She frowned, flying back a bit. @ Is it okay if Soul falls for Equinox?
  23. Soul backed away, starting to get overwhelmed. "Y-yeah. Arctic Soul. And yours?" Good :(oh go ft infringe ft hefty ivory icu hit do userid Hsu gfs hmm ity Thu Guido Hz tidy :(gfs tks uncut if ido gatheruserid roadrunner forgot go ist Inc uc st had just go ttc chi und unde Edit: Oh. Didn't realize I want the topic. Sorry. I guess I just wish that.... nevermind.
  24. "Of course!" Soul cried. She quickly added the paper under the scarf. "They should both help." Could h std gig thug Hz yuks under ist : did chg : ish as :(Ajax cu :(fv chic Yuri did ids good diffusing JFK yuks tidy ight chin much fifth uhh vg vg vg chg bcc tiff brr gfs Edit: @ I think Equinox is nice. Could Soul be paired up with him?
  25. Soul was speechless. "Uh.. Thanks, I guess. I'm sorry that that happened to you, too." She awkwardly accepted the hug. Chi gfs guff f2f to handbag cos nd fly fjord hand you'd fly sky's ssh ido ido it : :(chm kg DJ I'd smack vg tiff DJ I'd do rink is all odd DJ go be disk Hsu
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