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Everything posted by BlinkZ

  1. gah, interent is a spoiler mine field on satarudays

  2. Been rping more and more, it so adicting

  3. gah, it hard to dodge spoilers

  4. Well, yeah I can see that. they couldn't hammer it in more if they tried -_- well they cant top RD directed line toward AJ geez thats not fan service at all *sarcasm*
  5. I"m starting to get used to RPing. It's fun

  6. Gold feels eager at the chance for a long stage exploration assigment. His papers about his transfer stated this clearly. "Lets rock and roll" he says. After catching his exited self he looks at the admiral and says "Sorry, just the farthest i'v ever gone was pluto but man i'm pumped"
  7. Hope you enjoy, check out my other pmvs too, would love feedback
  8. ((You may wnat to look up stuff on the star trek wiki, there are things called gravity plating, internal dampeners)) Gold put his padd down as he watched the breifing. he put up his hoof to ask "the roster said I am being assigned to head of Geology, so who my commanding officer"
  9. Gold Rush looked down at his padd as he wrote his Ore survey report. His busy schedule had left him little time to finish it up and his upcoming assignment made him eager. His concentration was broken as communicator started beeping. Peering down at the display he packs up his gear into his saddle bag and trots up to the turbolift. AS he reached his destination his mind wonders back to his report. Pulling out his padd once more he keeps writing. He stops for a second as he stares at the busy traffic wiz by below. Entering the briefing room he sits down. He looks at the hologram for a second and then back to his padd finishing up the last of it. He is so caught up in finishing the report he forgets to introduce himself.
  10. (and now i'm bored) Gold Rush gets up from his chair and slides it back in. After finishing off another glass of root beer and turns to leave. "Thanks that was tasty, have a nice day" With that he opened the door and walked out in the night air, Enoying his night as he whistle his way home
  11. Gold Rush looked down at his padd as he wrote his Ore survey report. His busy schedule had left him little time to finish it up and his upcoming assignment made him eager. His concentration was broken as communicator started beeping. Peering down at the display he packs up his gear into his saddle bag and trots up to the turbolift. AS he reached his destination his mind wonders back to his report. Pulling out his padd once more he keeps writing. He stops for a second as he stares at the busy traffic wiz by below. His efforts had lead him from the mountains of the rockies to the moons of pluto and now here was his chance to explore beyond the solar system. While being a Geologist wasn't as exciting as being a bridge officer or engineer there was just something special about discovering some new mineral for the first time that made him love his job. Entering the briefing room he sits down. He looks at the hologram for a second and then back to his padd finishing up the last of it. He is so caught up in finishing the report he forgets to introduce himself.
  12. WEll that and rainbows seem to to be hte only weapon colour hasbro can use. "Rainbows, darlings, rainbows."
  13. This episode gave me a 404 error!! (joke) though really it did throw me off with daring being real. Despite that I guess the episode is a nice tribute to indian johns , though the whole rings things still doesn't make sense. why destroy the temple if you destroy that one ring the doomsday machine is useless.
  14. I wasn't a big fan of this episode. Mostly cause i have this thing against Supernatural things like vampires and zombies. (gah batponies no!!) Futtershy puts animals over ponies, this annoys me, i know her talent is taking care of animals but come on. Applejacks farm is in danger and all she can debate about ti "Oh but they have families and blah blah" Yeah flutterhulk wasn't that great either, i mean her freinds are in trouble and all see does is be concerned. (Dragonshy hello earth to writers) but no what sets her off is one tiny bug getting hurt. (that...so...stupid..)
  15. Well that hard ot say what I would like to see ponyfied, most universe work because they are humans, turning them into ponies would ruin certain traits of certain characters. So I can't really think of a TV I like that i would like to see ponyfied. But if I have to chose from this thread, i would say Stargate SG-1 or perapes Atlantis cause the crystal Empire is pretty much a look alike to Atlantis in Stargate Atlantis.
  16. I"m just going to assume this is a toyline release by hasbro. Not everything has to point back to the show. Though I"m not a big fan of those designs eeek, AJ looks hidious with that red streak. colour pallets all off gak.
  17. Gold looks at his drink for a bit taking a short sip to taste it. Discovering it was delicious he takes a long gulp of it and asks "Haven''t seen a wolf bartender before. though I haven't been outside Equestria before either" he chuckles at he takes another gulp.
  18. Gold adjusts his hat as he looks up at the menu's over head and replied "Got any good root beer, I try to stay away from caffeine at this time of night" As he does he pulls out a pocket watch to check the time. He sees it not really that late at night but doesn't really care.
  19. After a hard days work at carving Gold Rush decides to take a trip to the local bar. While he doesn't plan to drink he hopes that at least he will get some good conversation. As he enters he stops too look around. The Place seems busy tonight which makes him happy. He slowly walks up to the counter and asks "I know this may seem like an odd question for a bar but you got anything non alcoholic
  20. I'm always getting cold feet when it comes to joining an RP here

  21. Yeah generous, sure, Rarity is jsut being very Generous to spike to carry her bags FOR HER!! stop abusing spike rarity, for crying outloud just stop.
  22. i have a cath prhase when reading fanfics : you start shipping, i start skipping

    1. StrawberryTasu


      it's pretty annoying isn't it ._.


  23. I myself havn't ever tried 45 degree pony faces but it looks good for five mins..though the horn could stand to be between the eyes. well given the angle anyway. i'm a novice at art
  24. I like it. It looks very comic book like..derp she is comic book villain but still comic book style of fart. hair today , gone tommorow
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