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Posts posted by Malinter

  1. I'd say no. Also don't let media distort your views on modesty. Media is *designed* to get a reaction out of you. You wouldn't get the same response from a full dressed or naked person as you would a person wearing sexy clothes which are usually designed to either shock or impress a given audience.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. I've had a few warning points for calling an other member an asshole (he was making constant jokes about unsuccessfully killing himself, totally worth it),


    As for incurring the wraith of the Banhammer, i've so far managed to avoid it's loving embrace, hell I even got one guy unbanned... but I didn't count on the fact that he was a bit of a derp and got himself banned again 24hrs later... ah well, I tried. XD

  3. Its a hosting site for all forms of pony art and from my travels around the website is the only one that as filters active by default and not vice versa. If your wanting to get pictures without seeing any of the more adult stuff, it isn't a bad site.

  4. Technically the only ones visiting the castle for salvage were Twilight looking for books to restore and retrieve and Rarity who came to restore the tapistries/banners (and possibly copy the designs for bits XD). AJ and RD were there on a dare. Flutters was there because Angel is a little b***h and Pinkie Pie was there... well, because Pinkie Pie.

  5. 1. Be self-dependant

    2. Go camping

    3. Learn to grow something

    4. Live long enough so that I can complain as miserable old bast**d. :P

    5. Find a partner.

    6. Smite all my enemies both real, imagined & inanimate (i'm looking at you, wardrobe that stubs my toe....)

    7. Drink tea... forever.




    *scratch one off the list XD

  6. I miss alot of the crazy peeps who where here back when I first joined. Pretty sure 99% of them were banned for being just too uncontainable for their own good. 


    In particular I miss Doc Volt, I liked his drawings and general craziness. I managed to get him unbanned once, Wrote a fancy letter and everything, got him unbanned and within 24 hours got himself banned again for linking a youtube video of surgery on a heart (a pig's heart if I recall right, kind of a dumb reason to get banned as they show kids video's like that to educate children on biology but if we're all gonna be soft little wimps over a bit of blood... *mumble mumble*)


    Others come to mind but some had a habit of changing their names... alot XD

    • Brohoof 1

    The argument is generally that this is part of the "conspiracy." Charts and GPS will show ships and aircraft to be traveling along straight lines, while they are instead (allegedly) moving within a strategically placed set of circular paths. If a plane were flying in a circle, it would not go off the edge.


    There will be an excuse for everything, in the case of the "flat earth." But it's still an interesting idea, in a very primitive sort of way.


    Theres also the illusion where if you walk in a big enough circle. From your perspective the world looks flat. An example of this can be seen if you've ever played Halo. You can literally see the rest of the world curving up and around inside the ring but when you walk through each area it looks flat.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Maybe you misunderstood. You said, "unlike the US, we're not isolationists" 


    So I correct you in saying we're not isolationists. We get oil from all over the world. We dominate the UN. We have our military bases all across the planet. That cannot be considered isolationist. That's all. This country being primarily concerned with it's own interests doesn't make it isolationist. It participates more actively in world politics than perhaps any other single country.



    Being entirely independent from the eu will still take a few years, but it might allow britain to play a different role on the world stage.


    Nah, what I meant is. If the US was breaking off from somewhere politically, it would break off hardcore. Britain (until now) is usually luke-warm when it comes to this sort of thing XD

  9. Idk where you're getting your info from, but the US is anything but isolationist. 



    I've learned that this vote was carried out primarily by the older generations living in England and wales. Which makes me wonder what the future will be like for the uk. Being blocked out from all the EU's benefits, which everyone under 30 has grown up with


    The way some people talk about Brexit, they speak of it as if we are going to build a wall between ourselves and Europe and several ALL ties with it which is just silly.


    The US is the only country in the west in recent history that attempted to be isolationist albeit prior to WW2. But you have got to admit, alot of American polictics so seem to have this "Me, me, me." vibe when comes the US in relation to other countries. There is also the fact some Americans support a lunatic who actually does want to build a wall between the US and Mexico XD

    • Brohoof 1
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