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Sig Hoovestrong

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Everything posted by Sig Hoovestrong

  1. Welcome to the ML forum's SolarShy Moonset. I think will find this is good place find like minded people are just as much into MLP as you. So I hope you will enjoy your stay and that you will find allot of new good friends. Sig, out. *Squee*
  2. Welcome to the MLP forums Justin_Case001. I hope will like your stay here, and that will find allot of new friends. Sig, out. *Squee*
  3. Welcome to the MLP forum's Discordly Chaos. And don't worry, we don't bit. The forum is just other place people to share there thought's and even form new contact's and friendships. So with that said I hope you will enjoy your time here, and find allot of new friends. Sig, out. *Squee*
  4. Welcome to the MLP forum's Melody Breeze. I hope you will enjoy your time here, and find allot of new and good friends. Sig, out. *Squee*
  5. Welcome to the MLP forum's Shinzo. And i got great pro tip for you, with your spelling difficulty's. Come closer so can whisper it to you. 'Use google, it help me when ever need something spelled correctly' Anyhow I hope you will be enjoying your time here within the herd, and that will find allot of new and good friends. Sig, out. *Squee*
  6. Hello there, and welcome to the MLP forum's Ms-Coco-Pommel. Seem like and older individual talking abut the 90s, well you don't have feel alone. Am 80s kid myself. So feel pretty old here. Any how i hope you bee enjoying your stay here and that you will find allot of new friends! Sig, out. *Squee*
  7. Well welcome to the MLP forums NyanKittah. I hope will be enjoy your self here among the herd. So into art and drawing ponies, well you going find allot like minded people here share your interested. So i hope that you will find allot of good new friends on here. And that you will have good time! Sig, out. *Squee*
  8. Good morning everypony. So how is everyone doing this fine day?

  9. Well here little art Contribution of my own.
  10. Am starting grow where tired. I think is time hit the hay. Good night everypony!

  11. But you keep on, coming back for more. Admit it, you like to kiss this handsome face...
  12. I think i'll try spend this hours before I go to bed, working on my picture projacts.

  13. To day I just wanted to say, that all you friends and contacts I have here on the forum. That this stallion love's you all. I think been like one and half year sens I join this forum and community. And I say it's been time well spent. I forge new friendship with people I would most likely never meet, if i didn't come on this forum. And hope you all been enjoying my company and chating/pm. Cause I been enjoying talking with you all. And sens I came here, i feel. I have not only grown as a brony, but as person asswell. I feel more free to expresses myself, and to share my thought's. Then any other place been on the internet. And this have been positive experience for me. And In general. Feel better abut myself. And think this show's, with me begin more creative then I been before. And I am, enjoying it. But enough of this this jacky feeling stuff. I wise this next year well be as good. As this one on where. Sig, signing off.
  14. Well I have returned from work. What up everypony!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Malinter
    3. Sig Hoovestrong

      Sig Hoovestrong


      Nice hear friend!


      Hey there friend, and how you doing? :)

    4. Malinter


      I'm doing alright. Weather has been abit grey but been busying myse;f with chores for the day.

  15. Well am not in mood, but better head of to work. Got have dos bit's after all. See you all lather ponies!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sig Hoovestrong

      Sig Hoovestrong

      Nah, i just don't feel like working, i just want to be home and play. :P

    3. NothingIsEverything


      See you later. I'm off to work at my new job. *hugs* :3

    4. Sig Hoovestrong

      Sig Hoovestrong

      Good luck with your new job, Noth Eve.

  16. Good morning everypony, isent it a fine day to day? :)

    1. Moonbacon


      its a fine day to play games on the computer all day c:

    2. Sig Hoovestrong

      Sig Hoovestrong

      Sound like good idea, think going do same. Play game while drink my hot cup of coffee and get to awaken.

  17. Well think is time for me to hit the hay, good night everypony!

  18. Well my pony theater still on going for how want to join. https://togethertube.com/rooms/5ff89aaa-621a-4970-a463-c03aa0ff8203

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moonbacon
    3. Sig Hoovestrong

      Sig Hoovestrong

      Indeed, i enjoy doing this, spaciously if are few, is fun watch videos to gather. At where lest become some what of social exeprinses. :)

    4. DragonKing235


      yes it was fun

  19. MY pony theater still up for how want's to join. https://togethertube.com/rooms/5ff89aaa-621a-4970-a463-c03aa0ff8203

    1. Malinter


      be there in a sec sig, got 1% left lol


  20. Well am bored, how want hang out my pony theater. I will begin in min our two for how want watch some pony videos. https://togethertube.com/rooms/5ff89aaa-621a-4970-a463-c03aa0ff8203

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