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Everything posted by shinra777

  1. Yay for adult fans! Everyone is totally welcome! Without fear of getting flamed or trolled! I'm 27 and love the show for the escape it offers me, into a world of absolute joy, kindness, wonder, and magic!! Always loved magic stuff this show totally transcends age, just like the creator's other shows did...powerpuff girls and Foster's.....loved those shows too!!! So ya, welcome mate!
  2. Aloha! welcome to the poniverse! I love it here...the show demonstrates acceptance and kindness so this forum attracts nothing but accepting and kind ppl! I get that vibe from you so I know you'll fit right in and make tons of friends! Again, welcome and have fun!
  3. Hey hey from Montana USA! I love all the brony art I've seen on these forums and totally want to get into it myself! I like stumppas unique style and I'm curious about yours....being friends and all welcome to these awesome forums! Hopefully I can join you guys in the ranks of pony artists one day! Enjoy the site!!
  4. Analog enthusiast....I learn new stuff every day! That's pretty cool I miss mix tapes! I'm with you on the dnb! Junglist for yeeaars now! I know a few eagle scouts and from what I've heard, it's hard to do and takes hard work...so respect! Brohoof and welcome mixtapemc!
  5. Lucky! I have no IRL pony friends :'( at least until I can afford to go to a con....one of these days! I'm cloakedghost on steam tho and play dota 2 a lot....not right now tho cause', pokemon . Anyway, no ps3 but welcome to these forums! It's super chill here and you make tons of online friends! Welcome and enjoy!
  6. Sup mike....sorry to say I'm not really one for fanfics myself either.... but you will find a lot of ppl on the fanfic forum section who are! Copy it over to these awesome forums mate! You'll have brohooves comming out your ears! In fact here's one from me to get you started welcome!!!!
  7. I live on MLP and gaming....hardcore gamer here! I'm playing Pokémon Y at the moment as I wait for my reserved Xbox one! Lots of gamers on this site! You'll fit riiiiight in!! I'm TruGrave on xblive ATM...but I'm going to change it when I get my xbone....anyway, pleasure to know you and enjoy! I brohoof thee for being a Xbox gamer like me huzzah
  8. I love cupcakes! hey welcome to the forums! Trot slow and take your time to meet all of the awesome members and their extreme passion and talent! Hope you enjoy yourself here as much as I do!
  9. Yay a brony almost as old as me (27)....glad you're here...I feel you about why the show appeals to you....its my escape from my RL struggles of severe depression and anxiety disorders....this show helps me find and look for the good in this life instead of negative depression thoughts....mlp has kinda of saved me in a way....welcome welcome and I hope to see more of you friend!
  10. Just go to whatever forums catch your interest! You'll find other awesome and talented bronies no matter where you go! Welcome! And Ghostface is my fav rapper in wu tang...so props to a fellow ironman fan!!! And you're 16 and you know this! Calls for a brohoof!!! have fun!!!!
  11. Welcome to these super cool forums! Nothing but love and respect....and a passion for the show here! Hope to eventually share some awesome memories with you too friend You're being bullied because you like the show? kids can be so cruel sometimes... ppl joke with me about it cause I'm 27 and love the show...friends and family give me a hard time...buts its all good natured jabbing...I'm so sorry bro :'( wish I could help!
  12. Thanks well you have cool ideas rollin off the top of your head! Better copy write the name before some band steals it! It's that catchy and timely/timeless! Props!
  13. Based off the level up system in ff7: crisis core for the PSP...if you have enough exp points and hit a 777, you lvl up...and shinra is evil corporation in ff7...I just love the name....so my name is an ode to crisis core
  14. I know right!? And no flaming or trolls at all in the 7 days I've been a member! That's unheard of on internet forums lol! That's why I love it so much here! Welcome! And cool name BTW! KonceptKarma...love it!
  15. From Montana myself...and I too would love to find some real life brony friends...heh, we're a special breed of fans my other friends don't get it lol....anyway, online friends are cool too and you'll meet plenty here!! See ya on the next happenin' thread!!
  16. Well howdy! I too am fond of said 'ponies' XD Hey, sharing happiness sounds great mate! Everyone I've met so far has shared happiness with me just by accepting me into the herd! You'll love it here! See you around
  17. Hey Lonepony! Welcome! Happy to add another kind, friendship-seeking pony to the herd! I'm always looking for new MLP friends....cause bronies are just awesome ppl in my experience feel free to add me, pm me with any questions, or if you just wanna chat it's all good! Have fun!!!
  18. Hey welcome! I too am just starting to learn my way around...but from everything I've seen on these forums, you can't really go wrong anywhere! Just nice, accepting ppl who are indeed passionate about the show and the whole poniverse! Glad you're here! Enjoy! *trots off to YouTube to find that remix*
  19. Not cheesy at all! Well, maybe it is lol....but I feel the same way! I haven't even gone to any other websites except Facebook since I joined this truly awesome community! Let the feelings flow mate!!! :')
  20. Lol awesome name and awesome introduction put a smile on my face so thank you ooooooh you are definitely gonna fit in here perfectly! I always say bronies are the coolest, nicest, most creative and loving people around...and you totally prove that! Welcome welcome welcome!!!
  21. What's up? I use to be big into skateboarding and was actually sponsored at one time myself! I sorta ruined my life partying REALLY hard and kinda lost everything...long story, maybe I'll share it one day on these forums...anyway MLP came into my life at just right time...and as silly as it sounds has helped save me and get my life back on track...with all of its positive messages and good clean fun....and just a universe to escape into...OK lol I don't mean to preach but be careful partying and make good choices mate! Anyway (sorry for kinda ranting @_@) I'm glad you're here and thanks in advance for you service in the army! Much respect my friend! Welcome to the herd!!!!!
  22. EDM up in here! Adventure Club, Feed Me, Excision.... just saw Krewella live 2 weeks ago....not a huuuge fan but awesome show! See, you're already getting people talking and blowing up the forums DJ! Glad you joined! Welcome!
  23. shinra777


    Welcome to the coolest corner of the internet! Transformers Prime was great.... I grew up with transformers (80s kid) and that was one of the best series! I like you I've read a bit of fanfics myself, there's actually some really good ones on these forums! You'll like it here I'm sure!
  24. Unique and interesting indeed! I like it! I too would love to see more Very good job doing the different positions/poses. I'll be following your work Keep it up!!
  25. I'm no art major...but I am extremely impressed! You are a fantastic artist! So you can make money by doing this art for people on the forum? If so, wow! I'm inspired! What program do you use if you don't mind me asking? I would love to get into this style of art
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