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Brony Time

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Status Updates posted by Brony Time

  1. Man this site seems so dead now 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CypherHoof


      Depends on time of day. by US evening, I can struggle to keep up with the post stream :)

    3. Nature Tune

      Nature Tune

      Its 5:58 pm in europe now

    4. CypherHoof


      yup. well, in england anyhow, hour later in central :)

  2. Bored as of right now

  3. hey guys i am back on the forums!

  4. Well i have to make my departure offical

  5. back on the forums

  6. i might be off the forums for a month or so

  7. my new avatar thanks to RoyalSamurotte

  8. well looks like it is almost time to handout candy

    1. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      Yepper deppers! =D

  9. goign back tot he doctor foot just swelled and looks bad god damn

    1. Storm Shine
    2. Cloud Yeller

      Cloud Yeller

      Good Luck! Hopefully it's an easy fix.

  10. getting a full body picture of my oc

  11. my foot is not infected

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Great! I mean, it must still hurt, but at least it's not infected! :)

    3. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      *Huggles* Glad to hear it's not infected! =D *Pulls out muffins* Muffin anypony?

    4. Brony Time

      Brony Time

      but it is swelling which hopefully means its healing

  12. its itching it is apparently a sign of healing

  13. there is a chance my foot is infected

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Oh, crap. Does it look bad?

    3. Brony Time

      Brony Time

      no it just pusses once again it is not big

    4. Brony Time

      Brony Time

      just got to go to the doctor

  14. ow i stepped on a thooth big it was bleeding bad

    1. kanashimi purinsesu

      kanashimi purinsesu

      ooo >..< i hope it gets better that hurt me a bit just reading it

    2. Brony Time

      Brony Time

      ya I can't but weight on my heel

  15. morning everyone

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Christmasy Britty
    3. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      *Pulls Magical into the huggles* More friends to huggle! YAY!

    4. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      all of the hugs :3

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